Monday, August 29, 2011

5S + 1 = 6S

Last week we talked about TIM WOODS and the 8 Wastes inherent in most businesses. Now that you are thinking about waste, the 5S+1 of lean may help keep some of that waste from resurfacing. Over the last 3 years I've talked about the 5S many times so this is a review plus an important addition.
If you ask yourself "How can I improve efficiency, work organization, quality, safety and housekeeping and protect my investment at the same time?" then 6S may help you simply be better at keeping "it all together".
Based on Japanese words that begin with 'S', the 5S Philosophy focuses on effective work place organization and standardized work procedures. 6S adds Safety to the mix. 6S simplifies your work environment, reduces waste and non-value activity while improving quality, efficiency and safety. We know that goals never happen without plans and the first plan may be to implement the 6S's in your office which are:
  • Seiri = Sort or Tidiness. Examine everything on your desk and sort by use: daily or weekly. If it isn't used weekly, it needs a new location. Being able to find anything in 5 seconds will save time and satisfy customers. What's leftover. . . when in doubt - throw it out!
  • Seiton = Simplify. Keeping everything in its place and organized in a useful manner. Misplaced items waste time and drain energy.
  • Seiso = Sweep or Cleanliness. Cleaning includes getting things cleaned and keeping them clean, first and foremost, but also preventing messes. An uncovered coffee mug is often a disaster just waiting to happen.
  • Seiketsu = Standardization or Sustain. Developing standards and procedures to maintain the appearance is always good and often reduces stress. Standards can also help everyone recognize when "stuff" is out of place.
  • Shitsuke = Self-Discipline. Developing the habit and reviewing what works is part of self-discipline and sustaining change. When things change, sometimes habits have to change, too.
  • Safety = Always arrange work with safety in mind. Maintaining a safe work place and striving for zero accidents and injuries means eliminating hazards. This is respect for individuals and assets - it is that simple.
Download a TIM WOODS Poster for Your Office
Available for you - an 8.5X11 poster about the 8 Wastes.
Click here for your own poster --> MUDA
this is a PDF

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