Monday, November 03, 2008

Cash Savvy - Expectations - Fear - Tip 2&3

Monday Morning Motivators – November 3, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do." -- Liz Smith

Table of Contents
1. Weathering the Storm = Ca$h Savvy - Linda Fayerweather
2. Expectations + Marketing - Rebecca Booth
3. Gripped by Fear III - Pat Altvater
4. Tip 2 & 3 Online Networking - Paula Frazier
5. Workshops in Northwest Ohio
6. Fine Print

1. Weathering the Storm = Ca$h Savvy
Key to surviving any economic hurdle or disaster is to know where your cash is and will be!

Cash – where is it right now? What checks are outstanding, what is in the till, what is in your pocket and what is in the bank?

Future Cash – what has to be spent, what will come in and what is available? Maybe you have a line of credit, projects that could have deposits. Really think about where the cash is coming from.

Become Cash Flow Positive as soon as possible. How, you may ask? Well, build a Cash Flow Plan. It doesn’t have to be complicated – in fact it should be easy to do and change. Review your expenses and know that an ordinary expense in 2007 may be a luxury in 2008 and 2009. Cash can be increased by instituting cost reductions, increasing sales, and selling assets. Do your homework and start treating each dollar saved as a long lost friend you just found and are getting reacquainted. Sounds silly? Not if you want your business to do more than survive!

Yes, it is time to be defensive but remember – Every downturn has ended and the well-run come out ahead. Email request for “Refuse to Recess” Whitepaper Email Request for "Refuse to Recess"

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
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2. Expectations + Marketing
Is your marketing exceeding your expectations? Most likely it isn’t. That’s because most marketers never set any expectations or goals at the outset of the initiative. Any time you invest in a marketing plan, look at what you want to “gain” from the endeavor. How many new prospects do you want to connect with? How many leads do you need? How much repeat business is needed to pay for the program? Remember, last month we told you about having your marketing efforts make you money, instead of cost you money. Set your goal; devise the plan, then market.

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Gripped by Fear III
This is a continuation of the column I started two weeks ago on ways to deal with problems without getting stressed over them. Here are the final four:

9. Exercise. Intense exercise will tire you out, but it won’t reduce stress. Walking, biking at a medium pace, or swimming slowly – these are the sorts of exercise that can reduce stress.

10. Play. Again, be cognizant of what forms of play reduce stress and which add to it. Golfing is mostly, from what I’ve seen, a stress producer, unless you don’t keep score – which is what I do! Most competitive sports are fun if you have a competitive nature, but they don’t reduce stress. So find something that you can do that’s fun but doesn’t add to your stress. It could be playing with your kids or grandkids at the park, doing a creative project or even a puzzle.

11. Work to improve things. If you are bummed out about problems at work, do this: Compose a list of your five most pressing incomplete jobs. Then break down each job into specific tasks that can be accomplished in an hour or less. Arrange those tasks in order of priority. Finally, choose one. Just one. Put everything else out of your mind and get to work on it. Immediately. No excuses. You’ll feel so much better.

12. Listen to classical music. Researchers have discovered many interesting things about the effects of classical music – especially Mozart’s – on the brain. For example:
• In 1996, the College Entrance Exam Board Service conducted a study of all students taking their SATs. Students who sang or played a musical instrument scored an average of 51 points higher on the verbal portion and 39 points higher on the math portion of the test.
• In a controlled University of California study, students who listened to 10 minutes of Mozart before taking SATs had higher scores than students who didn’t.
• Major corporations like Shell, IBM, and Dupont, along with hundreds of schools and universities, have started using classical music to cut learning time in half and increase the retention of newly learned material.
• And in a University of Washington study, people who listened to light classical music for 90 minutes while copyediting a manuscript caught 21% more mistakes.
Even if you rarely listen to classical music, give it a try. “The Mozart Effect” will help you on some level by having a positive, lifelong effect on your health, learning, and behavior.

Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. Tips 2 & 3 about Online Networking
Last week we talked about local networking sites. Here are two more tips related to Online Networking.

2. Find an online networking group that has people with common interest. Ning has a variety of these kinds of networks. On Linkedin, I belong to a Group that is made up of other BNI Directors. We are able to share information, help one another and arrange to meet with each other at conferences. I may or may not generate new business from this site, but I am able to build stronger relationships with those who are members because we have a common interest.

3. Know why you want to join the group. Is it for information, connections, to sell your product or services, to develop your expertise or just to socialize? I am a member of Ecademy. This is the only group where I actually spend money to be a member. Ecademy has a very international flavor and I want to make connections with people who can help me land more speaking engagements in the UK. Last year when I spoke in Bristol, England, I had the opportunity to meet several of the people I had been networking with online.

Copyright 2008 Hazel M. Walker is an expert at referral marketing and networking. She is the owner of the Referral Institute of Indiana as well as the Central and Southern Indiana BNI Franchises. Contact her at .

Sponsored by: Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at or