Monday, October 19, 2009

Business tips for week of October 19, 2009

No Blame means No Excuses
Over time, I’ve learned that when managers say “we need more accountability around here” they really mean “Who is to blame for that latest disaster.” People fear blame often because they don’t want to be admit they made a mistake. Therefore they deflect, make excuses or just plan ignore the problem become the norm. In the real world, mistakes can often be the best teachers and when mistakes are honestly discussed, corrective action taken and follow-up accountability used, often an organization will excel.

Now, the dark side is that sometimes a person may think no blame means we will tolerate anything. Talk to a commercial pilot and you will discover that if the pilot doesn’t follow the pre-flight checklist, the co-pilot is empowered to not allow take off.

The next action on “no excuses” is related to repeat offenders. Being clear that you will learn from your mistakes is good; allowing the mistakes to continue is bad policy. Back to the airplane – do we really want to keep a pilot employed that refuses to do a checklist?

Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC

Variety Is the Spice of Life…and Networking!
Variety is the spice of life! It’s also the key to a powerful network. Business professionals that count on qualified referrals to build their business know the importance of meeting new people - not just any people, the “right” people. I’m not saying that there are “wrong” people; simply that there are people better suited than others to help you.

All too often, we spend way too much time doing the same old things with the same old people and there is nothing that will take you down faster than surrounding yourself with too many folks that are too much alike. Limiting your contacts means limiting your referral marketing efforts!

If we want to stay in business, we definitely need to spend time with our prospects. They look alike. We’ve also got to spend time with our clients. They look alike.

Forest Gump’s momma was a little woman that made a big statement, “Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re gonna get”. The same is true of many networking events, boardroom meetings and trade shows that you attend. Often times we walk into a room full of wondrous variety. Experienced networkers know how to relationally sample and select the very best.

I can’t tell you how many networking events I’ve been to over the years. Without exception, some folks are enjoying, or finding solace in, the food and drinks. Others are shaking hands, kissing babies and collecting as many business cards as possible in hopes of finding that one special person that will become their next client.

Unless and until you can take all of those business cards to your local bank and cash them in, it’s probably not in your best interest to become a card collector. Instead, you should attend networking events with purpose…the purpose of connecting with the right people.

I hosted a workshop several weeks ago. Everyone in attendance looked…well…like me - suit on, hair done, laptop in tow and Blackberry in hand EXCEPT one guy. He had on uniform pants, work boots, a sweat shirt and had his hair pulled back in a pony tail. Almost no one talked to him. Why? Because he was different!

The one person that did take the time to connect with him, a very smart BNI Executive Director, struck gold. He learned that Jeremy was an auto mechanic. He wasn’t just any auto mechanic; Jeremy was one of two Certified Master Porsche mechanics in all of Southwestern Virginia. Do you think some of his clients may be part of our target market?


1. Attend a new networking event with purpose, the purpose of meeting new people.
2. Find a person in the room that no one is talking to and engage them.
3. After learning a bit about who they are and what they do, ask them to introduce you to someone there that THEY KNOW. Diversity…here we come!

At this point it becomes incredibly important to know the difference between contacts and connections. In his recent bestseller, The 29% Solution, Dr. Ivan Misner offers that a contact is someone you know, but you still haven’t developed a strong, trusting relationship. A connection is someone who knows you, likes you and trusts you because you’ve taken the time to establish credibility with one another. Card collectors are increasing their surface level contacts. Conscientious networkers are looking for high level connections.

How much money are you leaving on the table by hanging out with people that are already connected to the majority of the people in your network? Diversify your networks. Embrace a variety of people to help you build your business by referral. Get out there, meet someone new and start digging. You never know when you might strike GOLD!

Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is also an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles are featured internationally. She was recently published in Brainsbook for Networking and is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at .

Links of Interest
If you are a MOM interested in raising healthy children, check out:  Pat Altvater has launched a Telesummit with 7 experts discussing raising healthy children - this is a free program, but you must register.

Have a profitable week.

Linda Fayerweather, Editor
Changing Lanes LLC


Don't leave 2010 without a Plan!
Business Planning! Simple and Complete.
Join other savvy open entrepreneurs who feel overwhelmed and time starved by the success of thier business and desire to leverage thier time, resourcs and money.

October 20, 22, 28 7-9:30PM EDT/EST Cost $149
This will be a live webinar, handouts will be delivered via email and follow-up coaching will be available for 5 Monday Morning Motivator readers.

Go to: Changing Lanes - Classes for registration and details

This class is limited to 10 participants. Web site also has live classes in Northwest Ohio.