Monday Morning Motivators – February 13, 2006
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“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
-- Albert Einstein
Table of Contents
1. Building a Lean Enterprise – Linda Fayerweather
2. Pass GO and Collect $200– Rebecca Booth
3. Testimonials to Groups Provide Great Possibilities – John Meyer
4. To Do This Week
5. Fine Print
1. Building a Lean Enterprise
Big news this week was that an eight year study of women and dieting found that low fat foods didn’t make a difference. So what does this have to do with business? Well, the business world is a buzz with being lean and a lean business emphasizes the prevention of waste which may be extra time, labor or materials spent producing a product or service that doesn’t add value. A lean business focuses its resources and activities on adding value to the customer experience. In short, all business activities should be looked at in response to this question: How does activity or process build value for our customers? There are no short cuts (like low fat foods) to building a profitable business – it comes from many small steps each adding to the customer experience.
Copyright 2006 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Pass GO and Collect $200
Collecting prospect information is as easy as passing GO! In Monopoly. Depending upon your business you can collect customer data from sign-up sheets, website forms, postcards and the like. Be creative – use free offers, VIP programs and contests to provide incentives. Try your best, however to collect the services in which the client is interested. List 4-6 of your company services/specialties and ask the prospect to check one (or all) of the boxes. You can take this information one step further by finding out how quickly the prospect will need the service (e.g. 30 days, 6 months, 1 year). Happy collecting!
Copyright 2006 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Diva
Imagine That!
3. Testimonials to Groups Provide Great Possibilities.
Having someone else tell a group of people how good your product or service is beats anything you can say about yourself. Ask people who have used your products or services to talk about their experience at their next meeting.
Copyright 2006 John R. Meyer
District Director, BNI Ohio
4. To Do This Week
Make it very easy for customers to contact you – get a toll free number!