"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." -Buddha
Focus on Now
My intern, Val, told me about "the game" where if you think about "the game" you've lost the game. You are always playing the game and you will play until you die. That's it - I'll let you google it to learn more as I've lost the game right now.
This game, I realized is much like what I've learned in many programs that strive to help participants work in the present as yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. This is not a fatalist view of the world, but a reminder that the more we work and live in the present, the more productive we will be and being productive usually gives a person energy!
So, here is the game as I see it for business:
- Got to have a plan - a big doable dream with BHAGs - Big Hairy Audacious Goals.
- These goals will have a series of projects that have tasks and due dates.
- Tasks lead to your strategic next actions and during an average day, this is where you will be working with your business - on strategic next actions.
Being present often means making some mindful decisions so you can stay in the business game. Tips that help you be present:
1. Smile more - really, it makes a difference for you and others.
2. Appreciate the moments when something comes together.
3. Forgive past resentments towards others even if they were wrong, get over it!
4. Love what you do - okay, if you don't, that should be a clue to what your business is NOT doing for you.
5. Acknowledge your dreams AND work hard on the Strategic Next Action to reach that dream today.
6. Don't dwell on the past - the good or the bad.
7. Identify worry and address it with action.
8. And as MOM would say "eat right, be kind to others, and get a good night's sleep" will give you the physical energy to be present.
Copyright 2010 Linda Fayerweather MBA EA
Business Plans Make Profit!
Have you read "Think and Grow Rich"? If not or you want to share a copy with a friend, here is an opportunity for a free copy - just pay the shipping and handling of $4.59. This book is currently selling for $12.95 on Amazon. Just go to: http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes and follow the directions.
Awakened Entrepreneurs Are Thankful . . . for Everything!
Thanksgiving is this month! It's easy to be thankful for the blessings in our life, but what if we also took the time to be thankful for the things that we perceive as problematic.
You see, it's all good! According to the Law of Polarity, everything contains its opposite. For example, black and white, good and bad, Yin/Yang, up and down. We can't define something without having its opposite also present. So for everything that you perceive as negative in your life, the positive side of that event and all the shades of gray in between are also available to you if you take the time to perceive it.
This Thanksgiving find something you aren't happy about and be grateful for the good that is going to come out of it, even if you don't understand what that is right now.
Copyright 2010 Pat Altvater