Three times in the last 24 hours, I got the message on my cell phone "Alert! Battery is low" and I dutifully plugged it in to the charging cord, 45 minutes later retrieved it and placed it in my pocket never verifying the charge was complete. This morning, when I saw that after charging, it still was giving me the "low-life" message, I investigated and discovered I'd not plugged charger into the outlet. Oops!
This reminds me of how as business owners, we tend to treat the holiday season as a time to do everything to perfection while saying we are "doing" the things that will recharge us. . . well sort of, but not really.
This holiday season, make it a habit to confirm you are getting recharged. Maybe that means, sleeping an extra hour, or minding your nutrition, or just catching some down-time alone or with people you choose. Be proactive and schedule your recharges and verity they worked!
Plugging in to what recharges you will not only lead to a happier holiday now but in January, you won't need a vacation from the holiday.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Lesson Learned
I hosted one of my jewelry open houses this week and while I’m grateful for the sales I did make, I made an error in judgment when it comes to marketing. (Tsk! Tsk!) I mailed my mailers out with a week’s advance notice and relied too heavily on email marketing to drum up interest in the open house. While I believe that email marketing works, I didn’t have a relationship built with my clientele through that medium. So here’s the take away for you:
1) mail early! Give people at least two week’s notice for an event (Emily Post would suggest four weeks) and
2) make sure your clients are used to receiving email messages from you because you don’t want your invitation to get eaten by the dog named “spam.” Enjoy your week!
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
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