Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

Resolve those Resolutions
There is a great lean term "heijunka" which refers to level loading. Level loading implies that you will even out the simple cycles in your business so work flows smoothly. The opposite of heijunka is having everyone eat lunch at the same time, or having all the movies at the movie house start at the same time. Well, resolutions, too, need to be "heijunka".

Most of us make New Year's resolutions because we do strive to improve. If you are tempted to start the New Year with a list, be gentle and maybe use these guidelines:
Start small and add resolutions all year,
Leave resolutions that you have "tried" year after year off this year's list,
Visualize how your business will be upon achievement.
Have a start date and an end date for each resolution.
Having fewer resolutions that are achievable will help you level the load of your 2008 plan. Now, go out and have a great 2008.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather Changing Lanes

You HAVE to have a Marketing Budget
And then you have to have a Marketing Plan! Tis the time of year when we start planning our marketing efforts for 2008. Oh joy! The number one thing you need to remember is this: You have to have a marketing budget. Typical budgets are set at 2-6% of net sales. So if you're a financial planner who's making $50,000 a year, set aside $3,000 for marketing/advertising. If you're a bigger player, you know the drill - set aside 2-6% for marketing/advertising.

Did you know that when Coca-Cola launched its infamous product in 1886 that their marketing budget was $11,624? Amazing! Especially when fishermen were lucky to pull in $3/week, a ton of grapes would cost a vintner $5 and a loaf of bread cost a nickel.

Now your budget's set, it's time to start divvying up how you're going to spend the money. Don't forget to add your networking efforts to your marketing efforts. Lunches, direct mail campaigns, newspaper ads and any other marketing efforts need to be worked into your marketing plan for 2008.

If you'd like a free sample of what a marketing calendar should look like, simply send me an email at: Put "Marketing Calendar" in the subject line and I'll flip a copy to you.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

Law of Attraction - Step 4, Allow, Part 1
The final step in the Law of Attraction Conscious Transformation Process™ is ALLOW! One component of allowing is to believe that you will attract whatever it is you want; a new job, prosperity and abundance, fulfilling relationships etc. Believing is difficult for many people, because we're conditioned to block our positive intentions with negative limiting beliefs and thoughts. "That won't happen to me." "I am not worthy of that." "I'm not good enough to get that."

Have faith that if others have what you want, there's no reason why you can't have it too.

Don't let dream stealers take your belief away. Occasionally, those people are your family members that tell you your idea is crazy, you can't do that, just look at who you are, etc. So during this holiday season, keep your belief level up and protect your intentions from others that may be jealous of your dreams.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

Attention Networker Education Coordinators
BNI chapters have an Education Coordinator that weekly helps members identify and improve their networking skills. In the Monday Morning Readership, there are also Chamber members, other networking groups and informal business groups that could all benefit from learning new networking techniques. During 2008, look here for more tips on networking, but more importantly, tips you can share at your groups to help everyone have the best networking year ever.

Happy New Year! Paula Frazier
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI - Southwestern Virginia

To Do This Week
Happy New Year to all our readers.
Thanks for reading.

Pat - Paula - Rebecca and Linda

Monday, December 24, 2007

What's In - Bad Habits - Attraction - Refuse

Monday Morning Motivators – December 24, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell government what they want and their kids pay for it.”
--Richard Lamm

Table of Contents
1. What’s In – Linda Fayerweather
2. Kicking Bad Habits - Week 3 - Rebecca Booth
3. Law of Attraction – Pat Altvater
4. Refuse to Participate in a Recession – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. What’s In?
2008 is on the horizon and as we have thoughts about family and the holidays, you may want to start thinking about what trends are on deck. There are many great places to look and at the bottom of this article, I’ve listed my favorites. Yearly, Entrepreneur Magazine December issue has its predictions. This year’s list is extensive and my favorites are the food trends! Dig in to these sizzling food concepts and you're sure to taste success.

Superfruits: Pomegranates and blueberries are superfruits meaning they contain enormous amounts of antioxidants and health benefits. Look for them everywhere!
Selling food online: Forrester Research estimates that U.S. online food and beverage sales will reach $7.2 billion in 2007.
Comfort food/one-item restaurants: Simple is sometimes better. Numerous one-item restaurants are pulling customers in by specializing in food that's comforting to adults and adored by kids. The Cereal Bowl announced a nationwide rollout of 16 stores under development and plans to launch a kiosk design for airports, malls and college campuses in 2008.
Culinary tourism: A new type of traveler is hitting the road. Called "culinary tourists," these on-the-go consumers are making food a deciding factor in their travel destinations.

That is just a start and to see what trends may mesh with your business, check out the Entrepreneur Magazine ( for the complete listing of “What’s Hot in 2008”. Other sites to check out on 2008 trends are:, and

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Kicking Bad Habits: 3 – Focus on the Benefits of Changing a Bad Habit
You need to be motivated in order to change a bad habit. During Week 1 you looked at that habits you have. During Week 2 you assessed the consequences of continuing with your bad habit. This week, you have one last chore: find out what motivates you for correcting a bad habit. Is money your motivator? Having more free time? What is the consequence to you when you come in late even though you’ve promised yourself you’d make up the time later? Discover your motivation, then make the change. Reward yourself along the way for jobs well done. If you feel resistant to the change, focus on the long-term payoff for shifting your routine. You’ll be glad you did!

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Law of Attraction
Happy Holidays and surprise someone each day with a thank you for something nice they’ve done for you.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. I Absolutely Refuse to Participate in a Recession
Don’t let a bad economy be your excuse for failure. Instead, make it your opportunity to succeed. It’s not “what you know,” or “who you know,” it’s “how well you know people” that counts. In a tough economy, it’s your social capital that has value. Make good use of it and you will thrive while others struggle.

Here are a few techniques to practice in times of “feast” or “famine”:

1. Diversifying your networks. Participate in different kinds of groups.
2. Don’t be a “cave-dweller”. Get out and meet people at business events.
3. Develop your Contact Spheres. These are a groups of business professionals who have a symbiotic or compatible, non-competitive relationship with you.
4. Learn effective techniques to ask for referrals from your clients and people you know.
5. Offer incentives for people to refer you (it may be as simple as recognition).

Ultimately, it’s about nurturing the relationships you already have through giving!

To learn more about specific weekly giving activities, contact your local Referral Institute representative at and ask about their Networking Scorecard.

Copyright 2007 Co-Written by Paula Frazier and Dr. Ivan Misner
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI – Southwestern Virginia
Referral Institute

Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author. He is also Sr. Partner for the Referral Institute, an international referral training company ( . Dr. Misner is also the Founder & Chairman of BNI ( , the world’s leading referral organization.

5. To Do This Week
Celebrate the Winter Solstice!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Refuse - Kick - Attracting - Motivating

Monday Morning Motivators – December 17, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Economists have correctly predicted nine of the last five recessions.”
-- Paul Samuelson

Table of Contents
1. Refuse to Recess – Linda Fayerweather
2. Kicking Bad Habits - Week 2 - Rebecca Booth
3. Law of Attraction – Step 3 – Pat Altvater
4. Motivating Your Referral Sources – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Refuse to Recess
The media pundits relentlessly talk of recession by reminding us that the perfect storm of financial ruin is just around the corner. Refuse to let your business be part of this negativity. And it certainly wouldn’t hurt to recession-proof your business by developing dynamic plans for cash, sales, expenses, employees, and equipment - call these plans "budgets". Budgets work for those who can live with a plan and understand that extemporaneous actions feed unpredictability. Start with a Cash Budget and review your Cash Controls. Seriously examine your fixed costs and then make a Marketing Plan that capitalizes on your existing customers. Review your debt to see if refinancing is available and ask your staff for help identify cash leaks and savings. Planning now may ease your path through s-l-o-w times. For details on these ideas and more, go to Ten Tips to Recession Proof Your Business. And remember – a recession is 2 consecutive quarters with a decline in gross domestic production. The GDP for the Second Quarter 2007 was 3.9% and for Third Quarter it was 4.9% - that is actually a 1% increase!

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Kicking Bad Habits: 2 – Consequences of Your Bad Habits?
Did you know that a habit is an action that is simply not thought through? Habits that are counterproductive will produce negative impacts that are often left unnoticed. Remember how I abhor sending invoices? My monthly income comes 30 days later due by my bad habit of procrastination. By recognizing the repercussions of a bad habit on your business, you can create a powerful motive for change. Once again take time to assess each of your daily chores. Which ones are habits? Which ones are thought through processes? Assess the habit, identify any consequences they may have and put together a plan for turning the habit into a process.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Law of Attraction – Step 3
It’s important that your actions are congruent with your intentions. If you say you want abundance but then act like scrooge, you won’t manifest prosperity! If you say you value quality time with your family and then work until all hours of the night, your family life suffers!

So take a look at what you’re passionate about having in your life and see if your actions are congruent with that thing, activity, relationship or feeling. I’ve created a worksheet, with the help of Marketing Goddess, Rebecca Booth, called “What Makes Your Heart Sing”. I’ve included a link so you can do this exercise to discover what you are truly passionate about and then commit to spending more time on those things in 2008.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. Motivating Your Referral Sources
Truth or Delusion? People are more likely to refer others to you if you give them a finder’s fee? DELUSION!

Referrals are generated by people and people are motivated by many different things! While finder’s fees and referral bonuses may work for some, they don’t work for everyone. The key is to get to know individual referral sources as individuals.

An effective relationship building tool to help with this is the GAINS profile. It’s a great way to be sure you walk away from every meeting with specific, valuable information to help you move forward in your referral relationships – especially when it comes to their unique motivations.

G = What are their short term and long term goals?
A = What have they accomplished within their industry?
I = What are their personal interests?
N = What networks are they involved in?
S = What skills do they have that make them successful in their business?

One of the best (and most under asked questions) in referral relationships is, “How can I help you?” Don’t just ask it. Be prepared to answer it…by sharing your own GAINS information.

To learn more about the GAINS profile offered by Referral Institute through their Certified Networker Program, visit: .

Copyright 2007 Paula Frazier
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI – Southwestern Virginia
Referral Institute

5. To Do This Week
Take a vendor to lunch this week!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stars - Habits - Attraction - Word of Mouth

Monday Morning Motivators – December 10, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Change before you have to.”
--Jack Welch

Table of Contents
1. Backup Your Stars – Linda Fayerweather
2. Kicking Bad Habits: I - Rebecca Booth
3. Law of Attraction – Step 3 – Pat Altvater
4. Word of Mouth Marketing is Always Working – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Backup Your Stars
Hopefully, everyone that uses a computer in their business is backing up regularly but sometimes we forget to backup other systems or parts of our business. In small businesses, we often fret about “what happens if Sam the Shining Star gets a better offer?” If that happens, you have already lost Sam. The best thing to do is thank him and wish him well. The seed of discontent with your company has already been planted and no counter offer will make you happy, Sam happy or the other employees happy.

Take heart, if your Sam is still there and you want to keep him you need to do two things.
1. Spend time with your Shining Star employees making sure they have the tools and resources to do their job while you help them plan their future with your company!
2. Identify the understudies now. The smaller the business the easier it is to cross train employees and get a feel for who can do what before it is critical. Put your human resource backup plan in action.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Kicking Bad Habits: I – Become Conscious of Your Automatic Actions.
As a business owner, our success is intimately linked to how we behave. Our sales, management style and work style all affect how much we earn and how much we lose. This week I’d like for you to start thinking about any bad habits you have especially when it comes to sales and marketing. For me, I have a horrible habit of not doing my invoicing on a regular basis. For some reason, I absolutely hate to do it, but love when the checks roll in. This paves the way for me to overlook billing a client and makes incoming payment even later than it should be. What are your bad habits? Become conscious of them, then try to figure out a way around the habit. FYI, I’ve created a new form for myself which assesses what I’m “making” each day and what marketing I’m doing each day. If you’d like a copy of the form, write me at:, place “form” in the subject line.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Law of Attraction – Step 3
Remember to always put your attention, energy and focus on what you do want and NOT on what you don’t want. Remember that whenever you say “I don’t want….” the only thing your subconscious gets is the “want” part because the mind works in pictures. So for example, if you say “I don’t want to feel stressed this holiday season.” you are actually creating the picture and thus the vibration of being stressed.

So this week, filter out the words don’t, not and no and instead create the opposite of what you don’t want. In our example, we could say “I want to experience a peaceful holiday season.”

I hope you have a wonderful peaceful holiday season!

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. Word of Mouth Marketing is Always Working
Truth or delusion? Word-of-mouth marketing is always working? TRUTH! It just may not be working in your favor.

I recently visited a BNI chapter meeting. A banker stood up, offered most of his 60 second presentation and then stopped abruptly. The rest of the members anxiously awaited his usual memory hook. He offered that it may not be appropriate since I was there. Even though he protested, the well educated room “helped” him by shouting out on his behalf, “I want to be your…FN banker”.

He looked at me for approval and was really surprised when I gave him the thumbs up. I smiled and enthusiastically said, “Well done! You have succeeded in educating your referral sources with this clear, repeatable message. You have ALL of these people sharing THIS message EVERYDAY on your behalf. If this is the message you and the financial institution you represent want to send…mission accomplished!”

His smile was gone and his eyes were as big as half dollars. He realized in that brief moment that he’d successfully sent a message that wasn’t working in his favor…and it was out of his control. This negative message had grown legs and taken on a life of its own!

Is your word-or-mouth message working in your favor?

One of my favorite training tools is the recent best seller, Truth or Delusion, where leaders in the referral marketing industry bust networking’s biggest myths:

Copyright 2007 Paula Frazier
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI – Southwestern Virginia
Referral Institute

5. To Do This Week
Develop an emergency call plan for your business. They are helpful during inclement weather and a must in real disasters.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Do Overs - Don't Call - Attract - Where are You?

Monday Morning Motivators – December 3, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

"If you don’t set goals for yourself, you are doomed to work to achieve the goals of someone else."
--Brian Tracy

Table of Contents
1. Wishing for a “Do Over”! – Linda Fayerweather
2. Protect Your Cell Minute- Rebecca Booth
3. What exactly do you want to attract? – Pat Altvater
4. Where Are You Now? – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Wishing for a “Do Over”
When you are contemplating quitting (your business, your job, or a personal situation), and a “do-over” is not possible, change your view, literally. Instead of sitting in your office stand or sit in the conference room. Drive a different way to work and buy your AM beverage someplace different. Read a different newspaper or turn off the TV and radio. Sit in a different chair at dinner time, dress-up more for work and acknowledge strangers with a nod or smile. Now, if you don’t get an insight right away, continue for several days because often what needs a “do-over” is our way of thinking. When we get comfortable with our beauty and our warts we sometimes fail to see the opportunities for the future. Change your focal point and see what happens!

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Protect Your Cell Minutes
Good News: It's been four blissful years since telemarketers have stopped dialing my work number. But the bad news is: a directory of cell phone numbers will soon be published and sold to telemarketers. This will mean that telemarketers can call you on your cell and eat up viable minutes, if you're on a restricted plan. Protect yourself and register your cell phone with the National Do Not Call Registry ( today. While you're there, update your office and home phone numbers too. They will expire at year's end.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Law of Attraction – Step 2
Last week we discussed getting really clear about what you want to attract into your life; today we’re going to talk about how to quickly manifest that very thing.

The key is to create within you the feelings of already having what you want – the perfect customer, the excellent employee, the new job, more money, etc.

It’s our thoughts that create our feelings, so we can create any feeling that we want to just by passionately creating the experience in our mind. The Law of Attraction does not respond to the words you use, it simply responds to how you feel about what you say or think about.

So at least once a day, spend a few minutes visualizing, with passion and enthusiasm, yourself already having your desire fulfilled.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. Where Are You Now?
Where Are You Now?
The end of the year is fast approaching and most professionals have already set their goals. When it comes to your referral marketing plan, you’ve got to know where you are, where you want/need to be, and come up with a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) plan to get there. You can begin to rate your referral plan by measuring your current status on the following statements: 1= Never 3=Sometimes 5=Always.

I have a Referral Plan and work the Plan
I track where each of my referrals come from
I have a firm understanding of my Target Market
I know the amount of business that I generate by referral
I have a “thank you” system for each of my referral sources
I have an organized database system that is easy to use
I keep my database updated regularly
I have a mission statement for myself and my company
I understand how to develop a referral partner

There are 20 questions (and 100 possible points) on the complete Referral Institute “Where Are You Now” survey to determine whether or not:

1. You are purposefully building your business by referral.
2. Your referral marketing plan may need a little tweaking.
3. Your referrals are probably happening by chance.
4. You may be generating low level leads instead of qualified referrals.
5. You’re at least trying.

So…where are you now?

Learn more about purposefully accomplishing your referral marketing goals by visiting Referral Institute’s website at

Copyright 2007 Paula Frazier
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI – Southwestern Virginia

5. To Do This Week
If you live in Northwest Ohio – Check out this showing of “The Secret”