Monday Morning Motivators - November 24, 2008
This week's topics include:
* Waste Not; Want Not - Linda Fayerweather
* 7 Question Marketing Plan - Question 2 - Rebecca Booth
* Use Attraction to Love Your Business - Pat Altvater
* Be Clear on your Target - Paula Fraizer
* Special Announcements
Waste Not; Want Not
My mother often repeated "Waste not; want not" when I was in the kitchen with her and to this day, I
cannot use a can of tomato paste without getting out a rubber spatula to retrieve every speck out of
the can.
Slowing the waste in business is a Lean step to increase profit or maybe just cut expenses to have
funds to weather the economic storms. Lean businesses are always looking for waste reduction and
my favorite wasting examples are:
--Waiting, and waiting, and waiting
--Over-processing (or just over-thinking)
--Defects - mistakes - errors, in short, not what the customer wanted.
--Leaks - from dripping faucets to unreconciled bank statements
--Inventory problems - not enough or too much
Now, we all have the skill to find and eliminate waste. The reasons we may want to do this are simple
because becoming waste free will lead to:
1. Reduction in production costs
2. Reduced time to processes
3. Enhances product quality
4. Adds capacity
5. Gives you a Competitive Edge!
Each one of these reasons will lead to a more profitable year. Take time now to eliminate waste and
make plans for 2009. Oh yes, and being less wasteful will make your mother smile and that
is always important.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Want to make 2009 great? Get a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
7 Question Marketing Plan - Question 2
Question #2 - Who are your customers and what do they want?
When's the last time you bought something you didn't need? "Wants" and "needs" are two completely
different things. People don't necessarily buy what they need, but they'll most always buy what they
want (even if they can't afford it). Knowing who your customers are, what they want and what
motivates them to buy is critical for any marketing plan. Ask these questions in order to get to know
your customers better:
1.Where does my potential customer typically buy these goods? (internet, retail?)
2. Who is the primary buyer? Who else influences the decision?
3. What are my clients' habits? (i.e., How do they get their information - TV, newspaper, magazine?)
4. What are the primary motivations for buying? (To look better, avoid pain, get healthy, be popular?)
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
Use Attraction to Love Your Business
One way to enjoy your business more is to only work with the clients that you love! These are your
perfect customers; the ones that appreciate you and what you do, request from you exactly what you
are prepared to do, are happy to pay your full price, and are a delight to be around!
Sounds great, but how do you find them? You attract them using the Law of Attraction. Here's how:
1. Itemize the traits of your perfect customer. Define very precisely the characteristics and attributes
of your perfect customer. If you have difficulty thinking about what to write, think about the best
customers you've had in the past, how they found you, what made them so easy to work with, how
appreciative they were, how they referred you to others, etc. Rebecca Booth calls these your "A"
customers in her Marketing in A Box Toolkit course.
2. Read over the list you created in step 1 daily. Add new items to the list as you get more ideas.
Then, visualize yourself working with these wonderful customers or clients, see more and more
customers with those very traits calling you and becoming your customers.
3. Take action to attract those customers. Create an action plan to market to people that have the
traits you want. Rebecca's toolkit can give you a roadmap for creating an action plan to attract those
4. Express gratitude for all your wonderful perfect NEW customers. Do this even before they arrive.
Follow these steps and you will LOVE all the new customers you attract.
Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
Get Clear on Your Target
So, here are a few quick tips on how to get started on creating or re-creating your Target Market:
Target Market
Tip #1: Who do you LIKE working with?
Tip #2: Who do you make MONEY working with?
Tip #3: Who do you WANT to work with?
The key to a great Target Market is to get SPECIFIC! The more specific you can get the better. If a
customer comes to you ready to buy your products or services but they don't fit your target market, of
course you are going to allow them to do so. But, when YOU are marketing your business, you should
be focusing your time and relationship-building efforts on those individuals or businesses that FIT
your Target Market.
The last bit of advice is to stay with one Target Market at a time. Once you start to spread yourself in
more than one direction, you are again trying to be too many things to too many people. Keep It
Simple! Like your Mission Statement, your Target Market will likely evolve and change over time and
that is acceptable. Just be sure to give it an ample shot before deciding to change it.
Copyright 2008 Contributed By Glenna E. Smith, owner of Referral Institute of Nevada, Inc. Glenna
works strictly by referral and is a passionate writer, speaker, and facilitator.
Sponsored by: Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She
is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You
can connect with Paula at or
Have a profitable week.
Linda Fayerweather, Editor
Changing Lanes LLC
Save $50 One Year Plan for Success!
One Year Plan for Success® A Workshop that Works!
These times call for ACTION. Don't Leave 2008 without a Plan!
Business Planning-Complete and Simple.
This workshop will give you a complete draft of a One Year Plan for Success ® that answers these questions about your
· Where will the business be in 3 years?
· What are our desired outcomes and When will they happen?
· How will this happen?
Register now to have your plan Ready!
Workshop Options:
1. Live Webinar: Dec. 8, 15, & 22 6-7:30PM OR Jan. 17 & 24 3-5:30PM
2. Live in Northwest Ohio: Dec. 4. , December 18(9:30AM - 3:30PM) OR Jan. 10 (8:30-2:30) Box lunch will be provided
Imagine, starting 2009 with a PLAN!
Register at Changing Lanes Workshop
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