Monday Morning Motivators – December 10, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“Change before you have to.”
--Jack Welch
Table of Contents
1. Backup Your Stars – Linda Fayerweather
2. Kicking Bad Habits: I - Rebecca Booth
3. Law of Attraction – Step 3 – Pat Altvater
4. Word of Mouth Marketing is Always Working – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print
1. Backup Your Stars
Hopefully, everyone that uses a computer in their business is backing up regularly but sometimes we forget to backup other systems or parts of our business. In small businesses, we often fret about “what happens if Sam the Shining Star gets a better offer?” If that happens, you have already lost Sam. The best thing to do is thank him and wish him well. The seed of discontent with your company has already been planted and no counter offer will make you happy, Sam happy or the other employees happy.
Take heart, if your Sam is still there and you want to keep him you need to do two things.
1. Spend time with your Shining Star employees making sure they have the tools and resources to do their job while you help them plan their future with your company!
2. Identify the understudies now. The smaller the business the easier it is to cross train employees and get a feel for who can do what before it is critical. Put your human resource backup plan in action.
Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Kicking Bad Habits: I – Become Conscious of Your Automatic Actions.
As a business owner, our success is intimately linked to how we behave. Our sales, management style and work style all affect how much we earn and how much we lose. This week I’d like for you to start thinking about any bad habits you have especially when it comes to sales and marketing. For me, I have a horrible habit of not doing my invoicing on a regular basis. For some reason, I absolutely hate to do it, but love when the checks roll in. This paves the way for me to overlook billing a client and makes incoming payment even later than it should be. What are your bad habits? Become conscious of them, then try to figure out a way around the habit. FYI, I’ve created a new form for myself which assesses what I’m “making” each day and what marketing I’m doing each day. If you’d like a copy of the form, write me at: rbooth@marketingsolutioneers.com, place “form” in the subject line.
Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
3. Law of Attraction – Step 3
Remember to always put your attention, energy and focus on what you do want and NOT on what you don’t want. Remember that whenever you say “I don’t want….” the only thing your subconscious gets is the “want” part because the mind works in pictures. So for example, if you say “I don’t want to feel stressed this holiday season.” you are actually creating the picture and thus the vibration of being stressed.
So this week, filter out the words don’t, not and no and instead create the opposite of what you don’t want. In our example, we could say “I want to experience a peaceful holiday season.”
I hope you have a wonderful peaceful holiday season!
Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program
4. Word of Mouth Marketing is Always Working
Truth or delusion? Word-of-mouth marketing is always working? TRUTH! It just may not be working in your favor.
I recently visited a BNI chapter meeting. A banker stood up, offered most of his 60 second presentation and then stopped abruptly. The rest of the members anxiously awaited his usual memory hook. He offered that it may not be appropriate since I was there. Even though he protested, the well educated room “helped” him by shouting out on his behalf, “I want to be your…FN banker”.
He looked at me for approval and was really surprised when I gave him the thumbs up. I smiled and enthusiastically said, “Well done! You have succeeded in educating your referral sources with this clear, repeatable message. You have ALL of these people sharing THIS message EVERYDAY on your behalf. If this is the message you and the financial institution you represent want to send…mission accomplished!”
His smile was gone and his eyes were as big as half dollars. He realized in that brief moment that he’d successfully sent a message that wasn’t working in his favor…and it was out of his control. This negative message had grown legs and taken on a life of its own!
Is your word-or-mouth message working in your favor?
One of my favorite training tools is the recent best seller, Truth or Delusion, where leaders in the referral marketing industry bust networking’s biggest myths: http://www.referralinstitute.com/main/resource.php
Copyright 2007 Paula Frazier
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI – Southwestern Virginia http://bniswva.com
Referral Institute http://www.referralinstitute.com
5. To Do This Week
Develop an emergency call plan for your business. They are helpful during inclement weather and a must in real disasters.