Monday, September 01, 2008

Sort - Market - Workaholic - Referrals

Monday Morning Motivators – September 1, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“God give me work, till my life shall end and life, till my work is done.”
--Epitaph of Winifred Holtby

Table of Contents
1. 5S Review - Linda Fayerweather
2. Professional Develop will keep you FRESH - Rebecca Booth
3. Workaholic? - Pat Altvater
4. Referrals shouldn’t be Lonely - Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 5S Review
Today is a three marker day! It marks the beginning of September; in many minds it is the last day of summer; and it is Labor Day in the United States. At the end of a season, process or event many of us like to start with a fresh slate. I usually look to Lean and the 5S as a way to clear out the old and get the new going. Use these five simple steps as a method to tackle that messy desk.
1. Sort out what is needed and what is not. When in doubt –throw it out
2. Simplify – keep everything that is needed in an orderly easily accessible fashion
3. Sweep and clean everything focusing on sources of disarray
4. Make Standards so that “stuff” out of place is obvious
5. Sustain the process with Self-discipline

If you would like a pocket guide to 5S, Please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Professional Development Key to Keeping Your Attitude FRESH!
There’s probably no better way to ignite your business than by attending a workshop, convention or seminar. Not only does it give you an excuse to get out of the office, but if you’re open it you’ll learn something new and make valuable contacts with others. You can take classes on time management, lean manufacturing and marketing among other things. Each with the simple goal of helping you build a stronger business.

One of the best opportunities for taking your business to the next level is the WEN Peak Performance Clinic which is happening in NW Ohio on September 26. This clinic is different than a “talking head” type seminar or workshop. It’s an event where you’re expected to roll up your shirtsleeves and get some major planning done. E-Myth Certified Instructor, Jeffery Lawrence is the clinic leader and seating is limited to only 100 business owners.

When you’re assessing professional development opportunities for yourself or others, look at what you expect to gain from the event. Is it motivational in nature or is it more of a clinic where you’re actually receiving face-to-face time with a professional business consultant who teaches you new things and expects you to apply it to your business.

Whatever your needs, here are some websites you can use to “shop” for the perfect seminar for you:

The key is to take action. Sign up for a class today!

Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Workaholic?
Do you work too many hours and sometimes resent it?
Is your spiritual, social, and marital life suffering?
If you answered YES, it could be that your life is out of balance.

Labor Day is a perfect day to examine where you spend your time and how you feel about it. There's that old saying that no one ever said on his or her deathbed, "Gee, I wish I'd put more time in at the office." However, for many of us building a sustainable business, the office has a tendency to take over our lives, leaving us out of focus and out of balance.

Here are a few things you can do to feel more balanced:
1. Get perspective. Putting your life, family and career, into perspective will give you more focus and assist you in making choices for how to spend your time.

2. Visualize your perfectly balanced day. Find a quiet place and ask yourself what your perfect day would look like? Be very specific. What are you doing, feeling, experiencing. Then each day, intend that your day will be exactly as you visualized it would be.

3. Maintain an appreciation of yourself and your life. Appreciating and savoring the good events in your life can build reserves that you can draw upon during stressful times. Instead of moving on automatically to the next thing on your list, savor the moments of completion and accomplishment.

These three strategies will help you feel more in control of your life, which always leads to more balance.

Pat Altvater
Author, Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within

4. Referrals shouldn’t be Lonely
In referral marketing you are never alone - there’s you, your referral partner and the person they’re referring you to. I find a lot of comfort in that. I also know that it takes all three components working in harmony to make it happen.

You know that there are folks out there that would benefit from your products and services. That’s where referral partners enter the equation. Your referral network must be an active community of committed connectors; people willing to genuinely listen to the people they’re in relationship with and take action on your behalf.

So let’s build a referral network! It’s a matter of getting out, meeting new people (admittedly the right new people), strategically building credible relationships over time and then educating and developing them as referral sources. It’s not quite as easy as it sounds!

I used to say that building your business by referral isn’t rocket science. Okay – it’s not “rocket science” but I’ve come to believe that it is a science. Hazel Walker is a leader in the referral marketing industry. She taught me that “networking is an art and referral marketing IS a science”. Now that makes complete sense.

That being said, I have a huge concern regarding business owners and their marketing endeavors! When I ask them how much they’re investing in traditional advertising and public relations activities, they often tell me “not much” or “none”. Those that are making concerted cold calling efforts admit that they’re experiencing about a 1% return. What’s left? Referrals. Something to keep in mind as you build your referral network is that it should not involve an investment of large sums of money from you or your referral partners. It will however require that you share (with one another) one of your most precious, limited resources – TIME.

What does that mean? The majority of small business owners seem to be relying heavily on referrals but they’re not investing in learning the science of referrals! They’re literally waiting for referrals to magically materialize rather than proactively, purposefully making them happen.

What are you going to do to move your referral marketing efforts into the 21st century and to get out of your cave before your business becomes extinct?!?

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. To learn more about the science of referrals contact Paula at or .

5. To Do This Week
Practice retrieving a file from your computer system’s backup.