Monday, May 26, 2008

Knowing - Buying - Routines - Who You Know

Monday Morning Motivators – May 26, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.”
--Walter Lippmann

Table of Contents
1. Knowing Doing Gap – Linda Fayerweather
2. Why People Buy - Rebecca Booth
3. Routines – Pat Altvater
4. It’s NOT Who You Know; It’s How Well You Know Them – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Knowing-Doing Gap
Smart companies, big or small, all struggle with taking knowledge and applying it to every day work. One of my first consulting gigs was a landscape company in 1993 that had paid $20,000 for a marketing plan. Three things shocked me then about the marketing report.
1. It was only one page long;
2. It was on target and good;
3. It was never implemented.
Taking the plan’s cost and the “projected lost revenue” the unimplemented plan actually cost over $100,000. When I came along, we implemented the plan and managed to turn a struggling business into a strong viable one. The owner of the firm KNEW what needed to be done; she just didn’t know HOW to start DOING it. This Knowing-Doing Gap, popularized by Jeffry Pffeffer of Harvard, is a documented growth factor for successful businesses. Statistically, businesses that DO will surpass those that KNOW but fail to implement. In Lean Culture, we often say DO SOMETHING because you can always do something else if the first DOING doesn’t get the results you want. What do you know about your business that you are not doing?

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Do – Doing - Done! It really is that simple
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Why People Buy
Don’t you love it when you make a sale? If you’re like most, you’re heady with success and joy. But, amid all the glee you are missing a critical opportunity: assessing the reason “why the client bought”.

Knowing what motivated the client to buy and what was the tipping point between your product and your competitor’s product is crucial to continued success. You want to know these things for two reasons:
1. It enhances your chances to sell your product/service to someone else
2. It’ll also help you make a repeat sale to that same client in the future.

Most significant purchases involve the saving of either time or money. Why did this client sign up with you? Was it time or money? Are you promoting this reason in your marketing materials? If not, think again. Saving time and money is like a one-two punch in boxing. It gets your prospects’ attention and gets them to question if they could do better.

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Routines
There’s something that feels really good about routines. We know what to expect because we do it over and over. Some of our daily habits help us and some are just big time wasters. One of my worst routines is that every time I sit down at my computer, after having been gone for even as little as 20 minutes, I check 5 email accounts! I might miss something really important if I don’t continuously check, right? WRONG!

I’m now replacing that procrastination technique with a new routine. Every evening before I leave my office I write down 6 action steps that need to be completed the next day. Then, first thing in the morning, I write out (by hand) 6 major intentions I have for my life and take a moment to visualize each of those intentions as complete. It feels great to do this; I accomplish much more and feel good about myself for incorporating a new positive routine into my life.

So now, every time I log back on to my computer, I review my list of important actions for the day. This really helps me stay on track and not waste time. And oh, if I don’t respond to your email within 10 seconds of receiving it, just know I will get to it before the day is over!

Pat Altvater
Chief “Wizard of WOW”

4. It’s NOT Who You Know; It’s How Well You Know Them
Most business professionals rely on referrals to generate revenue, but they don’t make much effort to strategically build their network (a system of people who serve as resources for you and your business). They leave it up to chance and circumstance. Consistently receiving quality referrals depends on your ability to develop quality relationships with quality people.

First you need to identify prospective members for your three main networks. Every network has a different function. While there may be some overlap, the goal is to select 24 different people for each group:

1. Information Network
a. People who are in the business or profession you are in
b. People who train others in your profession
c. People who regulate, audit or monitor others in your field

2. Support Network
a. Your co-workers, colleagues, associates or classmates
b. Your mentors (current or past)
c. People you have helped

3. Referral Network
a. People who get more business when you get business
b. People you do business with (other than your suppliers or vendors)
c. People you have given information, support and referrals to

Now that you’ve begun to develop the breadth of your network it’s time to focus on its depth. When it comes to building your business by referral, it’s not who you know; it’s how well you know them. Referral Institute’s VCP™ model facilitates the evolution of a referral relationship:

1. Visibility – First people must know who you are and what you do.
2. Credibility – With time and effort they will consider you to be reliable and worthy of their confidence.
3. Profitability – This is when you’ve established a mature referral relationship that is mutually rewarding.

As you begin building and strengthening your network remember that trust takes time. Neal Frazier, a local BNI Executive Director, says it well – “You can’t expect to plant a seed today and pick fruit tomorrow.” Over the next week, take a look at who’s in your network, where you are in the relationship and what you’re doing to purposefully and strategically develop them.

Paula Frazier bases her businesses in Roanoke, Virginia. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Over the last year, Paula’s business networking articles have been published nationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networking’s Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist!

5. To Do This Week
Commit to an exercise routine that may be as simple as walking 30 minutes per day.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Customer Care - Success Coach - Dharma - Do It

Monday Morning Motivators – May 19, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

Will you look back on life and say, 'I wish I had,' or 'I'm glad I did'? ~
--Zig Ziglar

Table of Contents
1. Customer Care – Linda Fayerweather
2. Take it from a Success Coach - Rebecca Booth
3. The Law of Dharma – Pat Altvater
4. Do It, Try It, Fix It – Referral Incentives – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Customer Care
At some point in our businesses we will have a dissatisfied customer. Solving their problem over the phone can be done and here are some tips to help:
1. Don’t wait – the sooner the better.
2. Know how much you can spend on solving the average problem.
3. Know that you will lose some customers and some you want to lose.
4. Get and use the customer’s name when talking.
5. Allow the customer time to explain the situation. This may require calmly listening to anger.
6. Ask the customer how they would like the problem resolved.
7. Own the blame if your company is at fault. Don’t be afraid to say “we are sorry. . .”
8. When you come to an agreement, follow-up with the details.

Share with your staff and peers the problem, how it was resolved and how to prevent a reoccurrence. Often an unhappy customer whose problem is solved will tell people how great you really are!

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
“Believe You Can Survive.”
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Take it from a Success Coach
The most powerful business tool is the ability to learn from your mistakes. Entrepreneurs are sponges when it comes to knowledge. We are constantly on the outlook for innovative ways to improve our business practices. We attend workshops, talk with our peers, garner feedback from our clients and devour magazines and books in hopes of taking our businesses to the next level.

Success Coach Romanus Wolter, says that all of this information is meaningless without our own unique interpretation of it. Things move so fast that we often forget to apply what we’ve just learned to our businesses. With this said, we can – and do – falter. While we can’t reverse or change that history, Wolter says can change four very small habits and improve our businesses:

1. Make Hindsight Your Mentor – document your lessons – those you’ve learned the hard way by a mistake or those that you’ve learned from that workshop you just took. Keep a notebook with you at all times and take note of the what you’re doing right, wrong and what you can implement.
2. Trust Your “Sixth Sense” – your natural instinct is a powerful one. Fine-tuning your instincts will show you how seemingly random events fit together in your business. When you get that tingle in your gut, don’t ignore it. Stop and evaluate the information and explore how you might use it.
3. Integrate Hindsight with Foresight – History is a great teacher. Let past experiences provide you with helpful advice for the future. Weave what you’ve learned into future projects. Chronicle your lessons and update your business practices accordingly. By disciplining yourself to look at the past and future simultaneously it helps you make significant breakthroughs.
4. Let Yourself Make Mistakes – Making mistakes is a natural part of the process. Be open to tweaking your hindsight lessons to fit the particular needs of a new project. Open your mind to new strategies and recognize that errors may occur. Be truthful with yourself even it if hurts. By drawing on lessons you’ve learned as you engage in everyday actions, you’ll achieve even more with less effort. Hindsight is an effective tool in propelling your business forward and an important reminder that you have the ability to attain any goal.

Go for it!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. The Law of Dharma
This is the seventh in a 7 part series based on Deepak Chopra’s book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

The Law of Dharma is about living a life of purpose. It means finding what you do better than anyone else and using that talent to provide a service to others. So the focus is on what you are here to give.

There are three components to the Law of Dharma:
1. To become aware that we are spiritual beings living a human experience and to nurture the spiritual part of us
2. To discover and learn to express our unique talents
3. To be of service to others. The question is not “What’s in it for me?” but instead “How can I be of service?”

To incorporate this law into your life:
• Make a list of your unique talents.
• Ask yourself these questions:
o “If money were no object, what would you do?”
o “Do I have passion for what I currently do?”
o “How am I best suited to serve humanity?”

According to Chopra, when you become aware of your divinity, find and express your unique talents, and serve humanity, you can generate all the abundance you want.

Pat Altvater
Chief Wizard of WOW!
Journey to WOW – Choose Success NOW™ coach
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. Do It, Try It, Fix It – Referral Incentives
Your word-of-mouth-based business can be greatly enhanced if you design some creative incentives for people to give you referrals. Although finder's fees could be appropriate, they are not the best ploy to use in most situations. Remember, money is not always the best motivator. Try different types of incentives, track the results, stick with the one that works best.

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier bases her businesses in Roanoke, Virginia. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Over the last year, Paula’s business networking articles have been published nationally.

5. To Do This Week
Spring clean the entrance to your business – it is the first thing your customer will see.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Leadership - Soft Sale - Intention - Selling

Monday Morning Motivators – May 5, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“You can’t lead with memos”

Table of Contents
1. Leadership – Leading the Troops – Linda Fayerweather
2. One Smart Cookie - Rebecca Booth
3. The Law of Intention and Desire – Pat Altvater
4. People Don’t Like to Be Sold – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Leadership – Leading the Troops ============================================================
Over the last few weeks we’ve been talking about leadership knowing most small business owners need to be both a leader and a manager. A manager will often be great at following procedures but a leader will know when to get people excited and focused to help reach the business’s promised land or vision. How a leader looks and sounds actually does more to establish trust and believability in staff than the words used. That means the leader needs to believe the business’s mission or vision is a cause! Using clarity of vision while leading from shared values will help staff join the cause and feel they are in a caring workplace. Leadership is about evoking passion and enthusiasm for a common cause.

Listen up leaders – when you are excited about your business’ direction, let your face and eyes know. That is where your staff will be looking and if they don’t see it, they won’t play your game!

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
“Helping Businesses get everyone rowing in the Same Direction”
Changing Lanes LLC

2. One Smart Cookie
I had to take my mom to the hospital for some tests a few weeks ago. I had 2 hours to wait, so I sifted through all of the stale 2006 magazines. But I did find a "vein" of upscale catalogs and more interesting reading that I quickly latched on to. After savoring a Norm Thompson catalog, I noticed a label on the back covering up the person's snail mail address. The label read:
Recycled by Judy! Caring for the earth and all your
real estate needs. Looking to buy or sell?
Judy Kasper, Realtor.

Not only was Judy one smart cookie for recycling, but she had done some impromptu advertising to boot.
She impressed me in several ways:
1) the hospital was in her target market;
2) she saw a captive audience and catered to it;
3) she showed me that she and I had quite a few tastes in common which gave her instant credibility with me, and
4) her sales message wasn't aggressive (like too many realtors fall prey to).

So, what can you do to become one smart cookie today?
PS My mom's fine, thanks for asking!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. The Law of Intention and Desire
This is the fifth in a 7 part series based on Deepak Chopra’s book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

According to Chopra, “Attention energizes and intention transforms.” Intention is powerful because it’s desire without attachment to outcome. Desire alone is very weak because it’s typically attention with attachment.

To release attachment to the outcome, create an intention for the future, but put your attention on the present. Be in the NOW! If you give up worrying about the future and how things are going to turn out, you’ll be much more effective in the present moment!

To incorporate this law into your life:
• Make a list of your desires; carry it with you, review it day and night and think of it during your meditation time
• Release the list and trust that if things don’t go the way you believe they should, there’s probably something even better coming for you.
• Accept the present as it is and don’t let it or what anyone else says, deter you from your desires and intentions.

This week, practice enjoying every moment in your life’s journey, even if you don’t know how any of your intentions will come about.

Pat Altvater
Chief Wizard of WOW!
Journey to WOW – Choose Success NOW™ coach
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. People Don’t Like to Be Sold To But They Do Love to Buy
Question: How much time could we save and how much more successful could we be if we spent time in front of people who have already decided to do business with us?

Answer: LOT$$$

Therefore, it’s important to be aware that your referral marketing success is directly related to your network’s referral marketing competency. This is what makes building your business by word-of-mouth so challenging. The people that help spread the word about you and your business will not generally be experts in your industry; therefore they are probably not going to “sell” anyone. They can however learn how to:

1. Actively listen on your behalf
2. Identify the potential need for your product or service
3. Inform the prospect that you may be able to help them
4. Offer a brief testimonial about how you’ve helped someone with a similar need
5. Connect them to you in a way that they (the prospect) are most comfortable with

As a rule, people don’t like to be “sold to” but they do love to buy. Working with educated referral partners brings you in as close to the sale as possible. They’ve already invested their time, effort, energy and possibly money to help establish their own relationship with the person they’re referring to you. They can literally lend you their credibility. You ride in on their coattail and go forward from there.

Over the next 12 weeks, we’ll take a look at some critical components of your referral marketing efforts. We’ll begin with – “Finding Your Starting Point”. Stay tuned…

If you’d like help developing your referral marketing plan visit

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Over the last year, Paula’s business networking articles have been published nationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist!

5. To Do This Week
Plan ahead to the Vacation Season – Schedule yours and your staffs before June.