Monday, November 02, 2009

Taxing Thoughts & Thankful Entrepreneurs

Taxing Traveling Thoughts

Years and years ago while sitting in a college economics class, the instructor said that TAXES should be designed to "tax what you don't want people to do". So that would mean if you want people to smoke, drink and drive less, we would see huge taxes on cigarettes, alcohol and gasoline. So, for me the entire tax structure of the US always causes my head to hurt . . . but I digress.

While checking in at the Detroit Airport, I was asked on the Kiosk if I wanted to check my bag, I thought "Sure, then I don't have to drag it around." The fee to check was $25 a bag - bummer, so I chose to carry-on. I was in the last zone to board and watched as many people had MORE than one carry-on and one personal bag. No surprise to me, the overhead bins were full so my bag was hauled away, stored in the cargo hold and the cost to me was $0. Maybe, if the airlines want people to check bags, they should TAX the carry-on bag beyond ONE or allow travelers to check a small carry-on for free.

The point of this conversation is to help business owners realize that when you change your prices, sometimes you cause people to respond in a way you didn't expect. When you make changes in your busienss you should track the results.

Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Are you Ready for 2010? Checkout Changing Lanes Workshops
Changing Lanes LLC

PS. American Airlines made $278 million in bag fees during 2008!

Awakened Entrepreneurs Are Thankful for Everything!
Thanksgiving is this month! It's easy to be thankful for the blessings in our life, but what if we also took the time to be thankful for the things that we perceive as problematic.

You see, it's all good! According to the Law of Polarity, everything contains its opposite. For example, black and white, good and bad, Yin/Yang, up and down. We can't define something without having its opposite also present. So for everything that you perceive as negative in your life, the positive side of that event is also available to you - if you take the time to perceive it.

For example, recently the "on" button on my laptop quit working and I couldn't access my Outlook or recently saved files. It took 10 days for the repair - bummer! BUT on the positive side, my son built me a wonderful inexpensive desktop computer from a combination of old and new parts! What was even better though is that since I couldn't work to full capacity without all my current files, I took the opportunity to purge unused books and file folders from my office. I felt like I was working in a whole new environment.

This Thanksgiving find something you aren't happy about and be grateful for the good that is going to come out of it, even if you don't understand what that is right now.

Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
Powerful You! Women's Network Facilitator, Toledo Area Chapter
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