Monday, January 29, 2007

Lean PowerPoint

Monday Morning Motivators – January 29, 2007
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“Don't find fault, find a remedy.”
-Henry Ford

Table of Contents
1. Lean PowerPoint – Linda Fayerweather
2. Creating Customer Loyalty - Rebecca Booth
3. Take Inventory of Your Contacts - John Meyer
4. Fine Print

1. Lean PowerPoint
Most businesses at some point are asked to do a presentation in front of investors, bankers or maybe potential partners. When you are ready to make that pitch and are possibly preparing a PowerPoint presentation, take a tip from Guy Kawaski formally of Apple. 10 slides – 20 minutes – 30pt font. By condensing your presentation to a very lean talk you will end up with time to answer questions and discuss your needs with the experts. By being efficient with others’ time and succinctly explaining your request even if you leave early, you will be remembered.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Creating Customer Loyalty
Frequent buyer cards, previews to moonlight madness sales, and senior discount programs are only a few marketing programs targeted to create customer loyalty. But did you know that customer loyalty actually begins with the people you hire? If your employees aren’t putting your customers’ needs front and center, you won’t foster loyalty. Here are a few tidbits on strengthening your relationships with your clients:
• Hire Smart – Set firm rules about the way you want your customers treated and what your idea salesperson “looks like on paper.” A pushy closer is very different than a sales person who’s personable and thoughtful.
• Train EVERYone – continuous training is critical in keeping your employees focused on your client.
• Follow Up – What are you doing to stay in touch with the client after the sale? Odds are: you’re not. Keeping in touch with a client after a big sale makes a huge impression – it shows that you do indeed care about them and their business.
• Save the Day - Solving a problem quickly can actually make clients more loyal to your company than they were before. People are used to getting caught in voicemail hell when seeking restitution so pick up the phone and negotiate a satisfactory resolution before you lose a client.
• Above and Beyond – Give your clients better service, more information or even a higher-quality product that they expected and you’ll find yourself serving them time and again.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Take Inventory of Your Contacts
Prepare your inventory of contacts by simply asking yourself "Whom do I know?" or "Who knows me?" Once you have your list compiled, analyze it and determine who you actively network with, who you passively network with, and who you have lost contact with entirely. This will help you understand your contacts and what type of expectations you should have of your relationship with them.

Copyright 2007 John R. Meyer
District Director, BNI Ohio