Shaping the Path is the third and final step to SWITCH by Dan and Chip Heath.
Think about all the ways your path is shaped each day. Traffic is a great example of shaping the path especially during the summer construction months. Now, when shaping a path, remember we humans are like water - looking for the path of least resistance. Too often when shaping the path we use the carrot or stick response instead of asking "why" the process is not being followed. Sometimes the process is just too time consuming with no obvious rewards or savings while other times it lacks understanding. Next time you have resistance from staff or yourself for a new process, use the SWITCH three point shaping methods.
1. Tweak the Environment. Change the situation to change behavior. If you know you won't back up your QuickBooks daily, maybe it is time to check out Online QuickBooks and let Intuit be your backup. Find a way to get things done without you in the way!
2. Build Habits. Habitual behavior is "free". Habits can be instilled with simple checklists and putting new behavior on our schedules. Visual triggers are also helpful. A department manager at GM to get everyone to wear safety glasses in a manufacturing building had a blue line painted all around the building and blue silhouettes at the door sporting safety glasses. Injuries at the plant dropped 21 percent from this one change.
3. Rally the Herd. Behavior is contagious. Just look at what is happening in the UK and Middle East. Seeding the tip jar is an obvious example of rallying the herd. We are more likely to tip at a coffee shop or bar if the jar is there waiting AND already has money in it.
This book is worth the read to learn all the tips and tricks that Dan and Chip Heath included in Switch. Check it out their free podcasts for managers. You will have to set up a login.
Enjoy your week!
Linda Fayerweather
Quick review:
Direct the Rider
Motivate the Elephant
Shape the Path