Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

Resolve those Resolutions
There is a great lean term "heijunka" which refers to level loading. Level loading implies that you will even out the simple cycles in your business so work flows smoothly. The opposite of heijunka is having everyone eat lunch at the same time, or having all the movies at the movie house start at the same time. Well, resolutions, too, need to be "heijunka".

Most of us make New Year's resolutions because we do strive to improve. If you are tempted to start the New Year with a list, be gentle and maybe use these guidelines:
Start small and add resolutions all year,
Leave resolutions that you have "tried" year after year off this year's list,
Visualize how your business will be upon achievement.
Have a start date and an end date for each resolution.
Having fewer resolutions that are achievable will help you level the load of your 2008 plan. Now, go out and have a great 2008.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather Changing Lanes

You HAVE to have a Marketing Budget
And then you have to have a Marketing Plan! Tis the time of year when we start planning our marketing efforts for 2008. Oh joy! The number one thing you need to remember is this: You have to have a marketing budget. Typical budgets are set at 2-6% of net sales. So if you're a financial planner who's making $50,000 a year, set aside $3,000 for marketing/advertising. If you're a bigger player, you know the drill - set aside 2-6% for marketing/advertising.

Did you know that when Coca-Cola launched its infamous product in 1886 that their marketing budget was $11,624? Amazing! Especially when fishermen were lucky to pull in $3/week, a ton of grapes would cost a vintner $5 and a loaf of bread cost a nickel.

Now your budget's set, it's time to start divvying up how you're going to spend the money. Don't forget to add your networking efforts to your marketing efforts. Lunches, direct mail campaigns, newspaper ads and any other marketing efforts need to be worked into your marketing plan for 2008.

If you'd like a free sample of what a marketing calendar should look like, simply send me an email at: Put "Marketing Calendar" in the subject line and I'll flip a copy to you.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

Law of Attraction - Step 4, Allow, Part 1
The final step in the Law of Attraction Conscious Transformation Process™ is ALLOW! One component of allowing is to believe that you will attract whatever it is you want; a new job, prosperity and abundance, fulfilling relationships etc. Believing is difficult for many people, because we're conditioned to block our positive intentions with negative limiting beliefs and thoughts. "That won't happen to me." "I am not worthy of that." "I'm not good enough to get that."

Have faith that if others have what you want, there's no reason why you can't have it too.

Don't let dream stealers take your belief away. Occasionally, those people are your family members that tell you your idea is crazy, you can't do that, just look at who you are, etc. So during this holiday season, keep your belief level up and protect your intentions from others that may be jealous of your dreams.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

Attention Networker Education Coordinators
BNI chapters have an Education Coordinator that weekly helps members identify and improve their networking skills. In the Monday Morning Readership, there are also Chamber members, other networking groups and informal business groups that could all benefit from learning new networking techniques. During 2008, look here for more tips on networking, but more importantly, tips you can share at your groups to help everyone have the best networking year ever.

Happy New Year! Paula Frazier
BNI & Master Trainers for Referral Institute
Executive Director
BNI - Southwestern Virginia

To Do This Week
Happy New Year to all our readers.
Thanks for reading.

Pat - Paula - Rebecca and Linda