Monday Morning Motivators – October 15, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and Unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“At college age, you can tell who is best at taking tests and going to school, but you can't tell who the best people are.”
--Barnaby C. Keeney
Table of Contents
1. Repeat the Example – Linda Fayerweather
2. Measures Your Selling Style - Rebecca Booth
3. Shake Your Salt Habit – Pat Altvater
4. Becoming a Master Networker – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print
1. Repeat the Example
============================================================ Last week I mentioned “not all people will follow your good example” and this is a problem that has perplexed me for a long time. Yesterday the book How Full is Your Bucket? literally jumped off my shelf and said “read me”. It is about Positive Strategies for Work and Life by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton. In the third chapter it discusses the magic ratio of positive to negative interactions as researched by John Gottman. The magic ratio is 5:1! FIVE positive reactions/interactions will counteract/repair ONE negative reaction. The research goes on to explain that this magic ratio holds true in mental health, physical health, family relations and business relations. No wonder people will easily follow the bad example because 5 good example are necessary causes impact. Curious about your positive impact in your own world, take the bucket quiz.
Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Free Test Online Measures Your Selling Style!
Building rapport has just gotten easier! For a limited time, HRDQ is offering an online assessment of your “selling style” for free. The test is based upon a series of 20 questions that determine if you’re a Direct, Spirited, Systematic or Considerate sales person. Once you know your style, you can learn how to use it to build better rapport with clients and prospects, regardless of their own personal communication style. To take the test, visit: http://www.hrdqonline.com.
What’s better yet: they also have tests on learning your style for communication, learning, and time. They are available for a nominal fee.
Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
3. Shake Your Salt Habit
Everywhere we turn, there’s conflicting evidence about what’s good or not good for us. However, when you look at all the evidence, the balance is still for the low-sodium diet. There's evidence that links salt to high blood pressure and also osteoporosis and kidney stones. The recommended daily allowance is 2300 milligrams of sodium (about 1 teaspoon of salt). Here are some tips for staying within that limit:
• Take the salt shaker off the table.
• Don't add salt to dishes as you're cooking. Instead, try herbs and sodium-free spices.
• Use fresh or frozen foods instead of canned foods.
• When you eat out, ask that your meal be prepared without sodium sources, such as salt, soy sauce, and monosodium glutamate.
It takes a while to get accustomed to new tastes so give yourself at least 3 weeks to get used to the taste of food without the salt.
Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program
4. Becoming a Master Networker
Networking is more than just shaking hands and passing out business cards. Based on a survey conducted of more than 2,000 people throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, it’s about building your “social capital.” The following traits were ranked in order of their perceived importance to networking. Adopt these 10 traits, and people will be knocking down your door trying to do business with you:
1. Follow up on referrals.
2. Have a positive attitude.
3. Be enthusiastic and motivational.
4. Be trustworthy.
5. Be a great listener.
6. Net-WORK…always!
7. Thank people appropriately.
8. Truly enjoy helping others.
9. Be sincere.
10. Work your networks! Proactively make connections.
Copyright 2007 Paula Frazier & Ivan Misner – Read More about Ivan and Masters of Sales.