Monday, December 01, 2008

Count Down to 2009 - 1

Monday Morning Motivators – December 1, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

Table of Contents
1. Count Down to 2009 - Linda Fayerweather
2. 7-Question Marketing Plan – Question 3 - Rebecca Booth
3. Raise Your Personal Economy - Pat Altvater
4. Are You Networking or... - Paula Frazier
5. Workshops in Northwest Ohio
6. Fine Print

1. Count Down to 2009
Six Mondays from now will be January 5, 2009! What do you have planned to make 2009 be different than 2008? When you talk with successful CEOs, they will often tell you they are not any smarter than the people they have surrounding them. There are two basic characteristics these people share:
1. Execution or getting done what is important. Right now there are a myriad of books talking about execution and the simple truth to execution is knowing what is important and recognizing distractions before they capture your focus.
2. Understanding yourself. Know your personality styles and how they impact you in your business. Two places to check are: PAEI = or purchase Strengths Finder 2.0

This week, learn who you are to better approach 2009!

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Want to make 2009 great? Get a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
Changing Lanes LLC

2. 7-Question Marketing Plan – Question 3
Can you capitalize on a niche to bolster more business?
You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again – if you are marketing to “everybody” you’re really marketing to no body. What industry do you know that isn’t jammed with competition? There is none. You’ll have more success if you can specify a niche and dominate it. For instance you could be a “massage therapist that works on workers comp cases” or a “CPA for small retailers.” Think small. Think precise. Think niche. Once you zero in on your niche, evaluate your marketing opportunities then go out and conquer the marketplace. You can do it!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Raise Your Personal Economy
You are in control of your choices! That’s hard to remember sometimes especially with the current state of the economy. What follows are 5 steps you can take over the coming weeks to jump-start your personal economy - your health, happiness and success.
Step #1 Make healthy food choices at each meal.
Instead of cutting things out of your diet, try the flipside of the equation and add fruits and/or vegetables to every meal you eat.
Step #2 Exercise daily!
Take at least 30 minutes every day to get your heart rate up a little and get moving! You pick – it could be walking, riding a bike, roller blading, running, dancing or even playing with your wii.
Step #3 Minimize negativity in your life.
Quit watching the news or listening to idle gossip! Be observant during the day and find ways to reduce the negatives wherever you can.
Step #4 Do what makes your heart sing!
Find some time every day to do something that is the answer to this question – “In my picture perfect life, I am . . .”
Step #5 Be thankful all day long.
Three times a day, morning, noon and night, say out-loud and with feeling behind it. “I am so very thankful for . . . ” and then mention something very specific.

Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds

4. Are You Networking or...
Are you networking or are you working your Network. I asked this question of several of the students in our Referral Dynamics Class last week and I later asked the same question of several BNI members. In every case they said that they spent a great deal of time working their networks. They attended the regular meeting, connecting with their fellow members, and they indeed did work their network.

Unfortunately that is not the network I was speaking of. That is one of the places that you go to network, I was speaking to "Your" Network. Those people whom you have in your database, those people who have met when you have been out networking. How much time do you put into working your network, calling them up to reconnect, sending articles to them, meeting them for coffee, inviting them to events, or publishing them in your newsletter. Do you track your activities and whom you are spending your time on?

When you take the time to work your network you can focus on moving your contacts from visibility to credibility. More people you can trust, you can refer your clients to and people who can send you business. You can take a relationship from credibility to profitability, developing referral partners who can consistently refer business to you.

The Referral Institute has a very handy tool called the "Networking Scorecard". This tool allows you to track the activities that you are spending on your network. Creating a proactive process for nurturing your network, so when you have a need there is no problem picking up the phone and calling someone in your network and asking for help. After all, you have spent quality time working your network. Sometimes it is more important that you spend time developing what you have then adding more to the mix. Once you have developed your network, then you can spend time adding more to the mix.

Copyright 2008 by Hazel M. Walker, an expert at referral marketing and networking. To have Hazel speak at your upcoming event and to learn more about the programs she and her team offer, contact her at Read her blog at

Sponsored by: Paula Frazier
You can connect with Paula at or