Monday, February 25, 2008

Why - 7 Sentences - Intentions - Helping Referrals

Monday Morning Motivators – February 25, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read
and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
--Alvin Toffler

Table of Contents
1. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? – Linda Fayerweather
2. 7-Sentence Marketing Plan - Rebecca Booth
3. You Deserve to Achieve your Intentions – Pat Altvater
4. Helping Your Referral Partners – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Lyrics
1. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Think back to being a child and asking your Mom or Dad “why the sky is blue” and no matter what the answer, your follow up question was “why?” If you are a parent you know that this leads to one of the inevitable answers “because” or “go ask your Mom or Dad” or “that is just the way things are”.

Trying to find the root cause of any problem or dilemma requires digging and “Why” is a great tool. In fact, if managers used this more with their employees and peers, problems would get solved faster. True, when first using this process of asking “Why” 5 times, frustration may be present. The technique was originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was later by Toyota during the evolution of their manufacturing techniques. Sometimes, we don’t want to find the root cause as often it means someone or something failed. If we strive to solve and not blame, we will all be open to “WHY”.

Now, if you need some help remembering how persistent children can be, check out the lyrics to Woody Guthrie’s song “Why oh Why”, one my Mom would sing to me when my “whys” got excessive.

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
“Why change?”, well “Why not?”
Changing Lanes LLC

2. 7-Sentence Marketing Plan
One of the nation’s greatest marketing guru’s is Jay Conrad Levinson – the creator of the highly successful “Guerilla” books - Guerilla Marketing; Guerilla Advertising; Guerilla Public Relations. In a recent article for Entrepreneur Levinson outlined his approach to building a top-notch marketing plan in order to get your business ready for success. Not only was the idea solid, it was simple too. The marketing plan consists only of 7 sentences:
1) The first sentence states the purpose of your marketing.
2) The second sentence explains your competitive advantage.
3) The third sentence describes your target market(s).
4) The fourth sentence details what marketing weapons you’ll use.
5) The fifth sentence documents your niche in the marketplace.
6) The sixth sentence explains your identity.
7) And the last sentence sets your marketing budget as a percentage of your projected gross sales.

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. You Deserve to Achieve your Intentions
Attention, energy and focus on your intentions, such as deciding you desire something and thinking about it, always sets energy in motion. For example, last week you converted goals to intentions, so that put energy in motion and activated the Law of Attraction.
However, you can stop the Law of Attraction in its tracks by failing to believe you deserve to receive your intention. So cultivate belief in yourself; anytime you hear negative self-talk, such as “that only happens to other people, not to me” stop that thought and replace it with “I deserve to receive this.”
Once you conceive of a goal or intention, then you deserve to achieve it. Ideas for intentions come from your consciousness, so if you couldn’t achieve it, you wouldn’t be even thinking about it. So believe and achieve!

Copyright 2008 Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. Helping Your Referral Partners

Written by Hazel Walker & Paula Frazier
Have you updated your referral partners GAINS Profile for 2008? You may want to set that as a top priority for the first quarter. The G in GAINS stands for Goals. By now most people have established their sales goals for the year. At the first of the year, I discussed setting goals for your own referral marketing plan. Now it's time to share those goals with your referral partners and make a plan to help each other.

Action steps:
1. Set up face to face meeting with each of your referral partners.
2. You and your partner should bring your goals and calendars to the meeting.
3. Share those goals.
4. Identify the strategic introductions you can make for one another.
5. Commit to a strategy and schedule appointments to make it happen.
6. As appropriate, communicate after each step to evaluate your progress.
7. Repeat process…
Really commit! Communicate! Follow up . . . follow up . . . follow up! The more you focus on helping others get what they want, the more likely you are to get what you want. It’s the current philosophy of BNI that’s based on an age old adage ~ Givers Gain.

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier and Hazel M. Walker
Master Trainers for Referral Institute and Executive Directors for BNI. To learn more about the GAINS profile and how to educate your referral sources visit or

5. To Do This Week
Take inventory of your personal strengths.

7. Why, Oh Why Lyrics
Why, Oh Why by Woody Guthrie
Why, Oh Why
by Woody Guthrie

Why can't a dish break a hammer?
Why oh why oh why?!
'Cause a hammer's a hard head.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why, oh why, oh why oh, why?
Why, oh why, oh why?
Because because because because
Goodbye goodbye goodbye

Why can't a bird eat an elephant?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause an elephant's got a pretty hard skin.
Goodby goodbye goodbye.

Why can't a mouse eat a streetcar?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause a mouse's stomach could never get big enough to hold a streetcar.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why does a horn make music?
Why, oh why, oh why?
Because the horn-blower blows it.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye

Why does a cow drink water?
Tell me why n why?
Because the cow gets thirsty just like you or me or anybody else.
Goodye goodbye goodbye.

Why don't you answer my questions?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause I don't know the answers.
Goodby goodbye goodbye.

What make the landlord take money?
Why, oh why, oh why?
I don't know that one myself.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why's there no pennies for ice cream
Why, oh why, oh why?
You put all the pennies in the telephone.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why can't a rabbit chase an eagle?
Tell me why, oh why?
'Cause the last rabbit that took out and chased after an eagle didn't come
out so good and that's why rabbits don't chase after eagles that's all I
know about rabbits and eagles?
Because because because.

Why ain't my grandpa my grandma?
Why, oh why, oh why?
Same reason your dad's not your mommy.
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Why couldn't the wind blow backwards?
Why, oh why, oh why?
'Cause it might backfire and hurt somebody and if it
hurt somebody it'd keep on hurting them
Goodbye goodbye goodbye.

Available on: This Land Is Your Land: Asch Recordings Volume 1
Woody Guthrie
Songs To Grow On For Mother & Child
Woody Guthrie

Words and Music by Woody Guthrie
© Copyright 1960 (renewed), 1963 (renewed) and 1972 by TRO-Ludlow Music, Inc.