Monday Morning Motivators – June 8, 2009
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at
“Clutter is postponed decisions. –Barbara K. Hemphill
Table of Contents
1. Time Management for Slackers VI - Linda Fayerweather
2. Stymied by Too Many Emails? - Rebecca Booth
3. The Inspired Entrepreneurs Attract From Who They Are - Pat Altvater
4. 29% Solution - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Time Management for Slackers VI
FIND AND USE HEALTHY DISTRACTIONS: The apple break has always been a favorite of mine. When you are feeling sluggish, can’t finish the task or just having really heavy eyelids, it is time for a break. Taking a walk in the summer sun or rain; crunching an apple or some carrots, even taking a lunch break away from your desk can be a wonderful time management tool. So often when we feel overworked or overwhelmed, our brains hear us and check out! Making a healthy choice to step back, relax and revive can mean a huge difference in meeting your deadline.
Week Five! SLOW DOWN
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Outsource your Weaknesses
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Stymied by Too Many Emails?
Were you crazed by the number of emails in your inbox this morning? Take control of your email by unsubscribing to those emails that you’re not interested in. Every legitimate email marketer gives you an “out” for getting off their email list. Many of them will ask you why you’re opting out. Leave them the feedback. For instance I started getting emails from a local restaurant on Friday. By this morning there were 2 more emails in my in box regarding their restaurant. While I love the restaurant this is too many touches in such a short time span. While you’re unsubscribing today take note of why you’re doing so and what marketing lesson can be learned here. Delete!
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. The Inspired Entrepreneurs Attract From Who They Are
In step 2 of the attraction process, you determine what energizes or excites your ideal client. Answer questions like:
• What’s important to them?
• What do they want to achieve?
• What can’t they live without?
Your ideal client is someone just like you; in fact, they are a version of you since we attract from who we are and how we feel about ourselves and our life. So think about what energizes you and why? What can’t you live without – is it passion, challenge, commitment, creativity, etc. Once you have identified this for yourself, it most likely applies as well to your perfect client too.
Finally, passionately think about what energizes you. Sometimes as entrepreneurs we get drawn out of our passion by the everyday activities we do, so focus on energizing yourself each day and you’ll find that the clients that are a match to your energy, will flock to you!
Copyright 2009 by Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
4. 29% Solution
Dear MMM Readers,
As someone that relies completely on word-of-mouth to build my businesses, I’ve found The 29% Solution, written by leading referral marketing expert Dr. Ivan Misner, to be instrumental in my success. He offers 52 weekly networking success strategies (one per week) and specific actions to take to experience success through focused, purposeful networking efforts. I look forward to sharing them with you in the coming weeks.
“Why give to others first? The reason is simple. In order for any relationship to develop and stand the test of time it must be beneficial to both parties…Think about it. What’s one of the most valued commodities in business? Time! No one can stand the thought of wasting time because there’s never enough of it. So if it turns out that a relationship is only one-sided what has been wasted? Valuable time.”
“(Furthermore) by giving to others first, you take the initial step in building two-way, win-win networking relationships. You’re being proactive and positive. You’re leading by example, modeling the behavior you hope others will adopt.”
How do you know what to give your referral partners? Ask them! One of the easiest ways to waste everyone’s precious time is to try and read each other’s mind. Consider scheduling regular monthly meetings to let each other know exactly what your current needs are and agree to specific actions to help and support one another.
1. Schedule a monthly meeting with each of your referral partners. End each meeting by identifying and agreeing to a specific “To Do” for each other.
2. Invest in 3 card carriers from the office supplier you’re in relationship with. Fill them full of your referral partner’s cards so that you’re ready to refer at a moment’s notice. Keep one on your desk, one in your briefcase and one in your car.
3. Read page 38 of The 29% Solution for a bonus idea!
I know that it’s tempting to net-TALK, net-EAT and net-DRINK when you get together with people you know. After all, you’ve agreed to become referral partners because you actually like and respect each other. You already have a strong personal and business relationship. Remember to stay focused during your monthly meetings and do what you agree to do or you will net-NOTHING when it comes to your referral relationship!
Copyright 2009 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles have been published internationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at