Sunday, January 06, 2008

Being - Allow - Referral & Marketing Goals

Monday Morning Motivators – January 7, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

"I don't worry about the storms, I am learning to sail my own ship."
-- Louisa May Alcott

Table of Contents
1. Are You Being? – Linda Fayerweather
2. Putting Your 2008 Calendar into Action - Rebecca Booth
3. Law of Attraction – Step 4, Allow, Part II– Pat Altvater
4. What are your Referral Goals for 2008?– Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Are You a Human Being or a Human Doing?
If you're like me, you were raised on the Do-Have-Be process which simply means “If you DO study hard at school, you will HAVE a good job and then you will BE successful. When it comes to business, I often see businesses working very hard at doing all the things that need to be done to have payroll, have bills, keep having customers, and hopefully becoming profitable.

Fortunately, over the last several years, I’ve had the privilege of working with clients that demonstrate BE-DO-HAVE, a philosophy that I’ve traced back to Napoleon Hill and the French Philosopher Descartes and it is really very simple. The first step is to BE what you are pursuing. This means learning, practicing, absorbing everything you can about your business and internalizing the related core values. Eventually, you will be DOing what the business requires and finally you will HAVE the things needed to make the business succeed.

If you are looking to make 2008 the year of your dreams and your business the success you want, start this January with really knowing who you will be and then act the part. “To be or not to be, that is the question” William Shakespeare, Hamlet.

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Putting Your 2008 Calendar into Action
Last week, you made decisions on how you were going to market your business. You decided whom you were going to network with, where you were placing your ads and when you were sending out mailings. This week, it’s time to put your plans into action! Here’s what you’ll need to do it:
• 2008 calendar
• 4-5 colored pens/markers
• 4-5 colored highlighters
• Pencil.
First step: use your pens to color code the different networking events that you attend each month. Next: use the highlighters to mark impending deadlines or special events such as vacations, “dream big” days, and seminars you’re going to. Once again, color-code these by the different types of action. Last: pencil in your appointments.
By mapping out your entire year in color, you can actually “see” the marketing/networking that you’re doing! Isn’t that fantastic?!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Law of Attraction – Step 4, Allow, Part 2 - Detachment
Another part of the Allow step is to detach from the outcome. Detaching means to not focus on the HOW and WHEN of your dreams. Once you commit to your intentions, New Year’s resolutions, or goals and dreams, your subconscious mind and the Universe go to work on figuring out the HOW for you. Too many of us get caught up in thinking we can’t achieve something really, really big because we can’t see the HOW we are going to make it happen. Detach from that; don’t even think about it. Just commit to your dream, take inspired actions every day and your dream will unfold in the most amazing ways.

Copyright 2008 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. What are your Referral Goals for 2008?
It's a New Year, the time of year when everyone makes New Year’s resolutions. This year throw out the New Year’s resolutions and set your 2008 Goals. Don't let your referral business happen by accident; focus on your business referral goals. Here are some simple questions to help you get started.

How much money do you want to make by referral in 2008?
You are going to make money in many different ways. How much money do you want to make by referral.

How many referrals will you need to close, to make that much money?
You will need to know the average value of a sale as well as your closing ratio to determine how many referrals you will need. Visit to use their proven referral Pipeline calculation.

How many Referral Partners will you develop to help you this year?
Training Referral Partners is a true case of "Givers Gain". You cannot make withdrawals from an account if you have not made deposits.

How many hours will you spend networking?
Remember, time is money. Make sure that you are at the right networking events with the right people. Networking for the sake of networking is not a good use of your referral development time. Have a plan and work your plan.

Accountability is the key to staying on task and achieving your goals. Find someone or something that will help you be accountable to your goals!

Copyright 2008 Co-Written by Paula Frazier and Hazel Walker who are Master Trainers for Referral Institute and Executive Directors for BNI.
Paula Frazier, Executive Director
BNI – Southwestern Virginia
Referral Institute

5. To Do This Week

Each morning, list the three things you must get done that day.