Monday, September 29, 2008

Standards - Customers - Choice - Netoworth

Monday Morning Motivators – September 29, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Hope is not a strategy.” –Rick Page

Table of Contents
1. 5S Review – Standards & Self Discipline - Linda Fayerweather
2. Market to current customers – Part 4 of 4 - Rebecca Booth
3. The Power of Choice! - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth - Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 5S Review – Standards & Self Discipline
You may be looking around your office or business after applying the first 3 of the 5S and saying “Wow, this is great, I can find things and it is a place I want to be . . . I just hope I can keep it this way.” To achieve that success you need to make some standards. Maybe you take a picture of your clutter free environment and post it to remember what YOU want it to look like. Your standards are the bare minimum you want for your work environment.

The last 5S is Self Discipline and it is hard to separate standards from it. If you have a good description of what your work space needs to be, sustaining it is self discipline. What will it take? Maybe a weekly appointment in your calendar to do a standard inspection. When you feel you are back sliding, just start back at Sort and do the job again. Each time it will become faster and easier!

Need a quick tip reminder? You can have a FREE pocket guide to 5S. To receive yours, please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Emphasis Promotions – Part 4 of 4
Well the sun is starting to set on the old west. Here’s one last suggestion for marketing during an economic downturn.

4) Emphasize promotions versus price cuts. With the price of gas, food and, ok, everything going up, think about offering to coupons. Studies have shown that two thirds of all shoppers are more inclined to use coupons now, which is very interesting since coupon usage has been in a 10-year decline! Instead of doing full-scale price-cutting – which can put the brakes on your ability to survive and grow during a recession – look to short-term promotional offers. Not only will you stimulate sales from current customers you’ll also be able to draw in some new ones. What’s best yet, you can maintain your regular pricing and profitability on non-promotional items and services. Don’t think you have to just place coupon in a ValPak or newspaper ad. Eighty percent of people aged 18-34 say they’re more likely to use coupons if they can be downloaded. Use the web to your advantage, but offering coupons online! Hasta la vista!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Learn Acceptance
The Power of Choice!

Gregg Braden in his wonderful book The Divine Matrix says this about our ability to choose: “We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose.” So why do we sometimes choose so unwisely?

I know people that drink 10-12 diet sodas a day; why choose that? Or eat an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting, date the person that everyone knows is a liar, or run up credit cards to their max – WHY CHOOSE THAT?

Why? Because we make many of our decisions unconsciously. Our mind is a pleasure seeking mechanism, so we unconsciously choose to do things that might possibly bring happiness to us. We subconsciously avoid anything that could bring pain, even if it’s just a moment of feeling deprived because we don’t get to drink another diet soda! Furthermore, the pain we’re trying to avoid is based on things that happened in the past and not relevant at all to today.

You can release yourself from this subconscious conditioning by becoming present in the moment. When you are at a decision point, even if it’s just making a decision about whether to have that second helping at dinner, say to yourself “I’m in control of my choices. Is this what I choose?” Doing this gives you the opportunity to make the decision based on what you want today and not based on past conditioning.

Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. The Strength of Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth!
Elizabeth I endured house arrest for most of her childhood, survived being locked in the Tower of London as an adult, and went on to become the Queen of England at the youthful age of twenty-five. She was a phenomenal leader in business (the business of being Queen) because she developed her life lessons into effective leadership skills and transformed a country near ruin into one of the greatest empires ever to exist!

Okay, our businesses are not royal kingdoms, we are not kings and queens, and our referral partners are not royal subjects but being a leader is BEING A LEADER!

I recently spoke with one of the best of the best in referral marketing, the industry leader, Dr. Ivan Misner. While he ABSOLUTELY refuses to participate in a recession, one thing he said we must do to build our businesses in this economic climate is to build strong networks – groups of people that offer us information, support and referrals.

Sounds easy enough! Over the next few weeks we will start by:
1. Identifying the people that trust us and want to see us succeed.
2. We’ll assign them to the network that best suits them (information, support or referral).
3. Then comes the time to motivate and inspire the people in our networks to take action and THAT takes leadership.

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at or

5. To Do This Week
Meet with one referral partner this week to see what you can do to help grow their business.