Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer IS Vacation Season

It is vacation season and I am ready. I've got my backyard in shape so that daily I can take a mini vacation watching the birds and feeding my koi. And my plans are set for the annual family trek "Up North."

Most businesses will have employees going on vacation or just taking time off between July 1st and Labor day weekend. Dealing with vacation on a regular basis requires everyone in your firm to think about more than jumping in the car and heading out to the woods.

Here are some vacation tips so that employees will return from vacation relaxed and rejuvenated and those holding down the fort will not feel burdened.
1. Have a policy on vacation which will include how to request, time frame for request and how much is available.
2. Create a vacation planner - A calendar that all have access to is best.
3. Prior to vacations, rearrange work so that no one returns to "too much" work.
4. Encourage vacation coordination between your employees.
5. Do ask for destination contact information for emergencies and only use it for that! Even with cell phones, sometimes people go places without coverage.
6. Schedule time after the vacation to "see the pictures".
7. Announce job or corporate changes after the vacation season, not before.

The purpose of a vacation is to de-stress, relax and get rejuvenated. Helping your employees achieve that will help your company achieve its annual goals with less stress.

Don't' forget to plan your own vacation and try to have a few days where you unplug!

Copyright 2011 Linda Lucas Fayerweather

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