Get in the driver's seat with your goals and pick what you will achieve by year end. Usually distraction is not one of the "must do" goals listed, but it certainly appears like the new fangled digital billboards where brightness and movement distract our eyes from the road.
The distraction of a new task surfacing during the day just needs to be "checked-in" with these questions:
- Does it help you achieved your goals?
- Will it keep you aligned with your vision and mission?
- Does it represent a survival, safety or health issue?
If you answer "yes" to all of the above - get busy, make a plan, or maybe delegate the plan, then target to celebrate when it is completed.
If you only said "yes" to the survival, safety or health issue, this is critical and needs immediate attention. Remember, the vast majority of disasters are controllable and preventable. Think of this plan as purchasing "insurance".
Acknowledging distractions sometimes leads to better plans and more powerful commitments to achieve them.
Copyright 2010 Linda Lucas Fayerweather MBA EA
What are you doing right now to reach your goals?
Call Linda for getting your plan aligned with your dreams. 419-897-0528
Focus Creates Consciousness in Business
Pay attention! How many times did you hear that when you were growing up? As adults, we still hear it as we are bombarded throughout our day with many messages, projects, people and frankly, our own mind and emotions that are vying for our attention. Instead of being overwhelmed by these distractions, we can use them to help develop and focus our power of attention.
To be successful in our lives and businesses, we need to become conscious in order to embrace our unconscious and focus our mind. That means we choose to be mindful of what we are doing and consciously notice when our mind is drifting off from the present moment. When we do this, everything will be done better, more efficiently and even faster. As our power of focus gets stronger, thoughts begin to lose their ability to distract and we find that we can experience more joy in the moment.
Here are some things we can do daily to develop our skills:
1.While working, focus your mind on what you are doing and if something else enters your mind, just acknowledge it and then bring yourself immediately back to the task.
2.If you notice that you are having a difficult time focusing, just spend a few moments doing deep breathing.3.When eating, focus your mind on your food, savor it, chew it slowly and enjoy the experience.
Enjoy practicing, even a few minutes throughout the day, will do wonders for your power of attention.
Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
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