Monday Morning Motivators – October 13, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.” --Laurence J. Peter
Table of Contents
1. Question - Linda Fayerweather
2. Are You a Smarty Pants?! - Rebecca Booth
3. Gripped by Fear - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth III - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Question
Those of us that have had children or maybe a younger sibling are familiar with the “Why”. When a child asks “why” it is usually the beginning of a longer conversation. “Why” is a great way to start your business planning.
Look back over the last 12 months and ask “Why” about what went well and want didn’t. “Why did we get new customers in this zip code?” “Why did our expenses increase in our overhead?” “Why did we have less staff turnover than last year?”
Two things will become apparent
1. You will identify what desired outcomes you want in 2009; and
2. You will uncover some problems that need fixing.
When you discover a problem, using “Why” can help get to the root cause. Enlist the help of others and keep asking why and sometimes it will feel uncomfortable and that just means you are getting close to the problem.
What to make 2009 great, get a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Are You a Smarty Pants?!
I sure hope so! Knowledge is your friend. Many a salesperson will lose an account because they “don’t know” the real benefit of the product they’re selling. Here is how your knowledge can save the day:
• A knowledgeable salesperson inspires confidence.
• Customers translate your knowledge into an “added value” for them.
• Knowledge drives your customer’s decision-making process.
• Lack of knowledge may send your customers to your competition.
• A high level or knowledge impresses customers and bolsters referrals.
(source: Selling Power. Aug. 08)
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Gripped by Fear
The headlines this week read “Gripped By Fear”. It’s hard not to get caught up in the fear that is being promoted by media stories, pictures of Wall Street traders on the Internet, and talk on the street. Yes, this is a crisis; there is no denying that, but does it have to be a crisis for your business? NO!
Instead of getting caught up in fear, focus on the things you can control. You cannot control our national economy, but you can control how your business weathers this situation. How? By controlling your mindset.
For example, when you market from fear, you will not receive the results you desire. Let’s say you decide to do a direct mail campaign out of desperation for some new clients, but think to yourself, no one will be able to afford this now – you will be right, no one will respond to your marketing! Then you’ll think – I knew it, no one is buying now.
On the other hand, when you devise a marketing campaign (with the help of our Marketing Goddess) that you feel very positive about, the results will be very different. Especially if you add to the positive attitude your belief that your business provides a service or product that is needed and valued by your customers.
Now is the time for action that is based on your own beliefs about your product and the marketplace, not based on fear.
To find out how to adopt a success mindset, check out my book Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within at: http://www.ignitethepowerwithinbook.com
Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth! Part III
Here are my final thoughts on Queen Elizabeth I’s life lessons that you can apply to your referral marketing efforts to inspire the people in your networks to intentionally act on your behalf:
4. Giving the word and taking the lead, a leader leads. If you want to receive information, support and referrals from your network you must give information, support and referrals to your network. You want to inspire someone to refer you? Refer them! Then do it again. It is that simple.
5. Evaluate results, not promises. You may find that some of the people in your networks may not be as effective as you need them to be. It doesn’t mean they’re out of your life. It simply means that you’ll spend more time with them after general business hours. Quite frankly, there will never be anyone better than you to send your message and build your business; though your referral partners can become the next best thing.
I’d like to close with these words from the great cultural icon, Queen Elizabeth I – “When your need shall be the most you shall find my friendship greatest.” True leaders stand with their people through good and bad times, especially the bad.
If you don’t know what to do to continue building your business because of the current state of our economy - INVEST. Invest in your key relationships. The strength of your network will dramatically impact your net worth!
Special Note: This article was inspired by Alan Axelrod, author of Elizabeth I, CEO.
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at paula@referralinstitute-va.com or paula@bniswva.com .
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