Monday Morning Motivators – October 20, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”
-- Colin Powell
Table of Contents
1. Planning to Grow - Linda Fayerweather
2. Eliminate Dead End Leads - Rebecca Booth
3. Gripped by Fear - Pat Altvater
4. Ask to Have Information Published about You - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Planning to Grow
Doom and Gloom – if you are tired of hearing about it, turn the TV or radio OFF. Do know that business opportunities always exist in chaos. I can guarantee you that in five years we will be reading about someone who will be worth millions because of the business opportunity she spotted AND capitalized on it in 2008.
Take a look at your business right now.
What is working?
What is making money?
What is your golden goose?
Dig hard because usually there is something that is functioning but the day to day gloom is a mist over your optimism. Now, take one hour each day for the rest of the year and spend time being PROACTIVE! You will be ahead of the game and ready for the next crisis.
Want to make 2009 great? Get a plan! Check out Workshop Coupon Below.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
A wish is just a dream until it gets a Plan!
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Eliminate Dead End Leads
A lot of salespeople confuse “suspects” with “prospects.” Here are things to consider:
• A suspect is an individual who MIGHT be a prospect.
• A prospect is a potential customer.
• A customer is a prospect who could buy another one of the things you sell.
• A suspect doesn’t have the need or want for your product.
• A prospect has the money and inclination to buy from you.
• A customer is a prospect who will buy again (did we already mention that?! Our bad…but too many times salespeople ignore their past clients as a prospect. If money is tight for marketing/selling, go back to your original source: past clients to build more sales for your company!)
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Un Stress
For the next three weeks I’ll be covering 12 ways to deal with problems without getting stressed over them. Here are the first four:
1. Allow yourself to feel your negative emotions. We all feel bad at times, accept that as normal. However, once you’ve allowed yourself to express the feeling then it’s important to get back into a positive emotion. Many times people ignore the negative feelings and then end up blocked because that feeling is stuck. You can use my emotional scale to work your way back up to a positive emotion. Click the link to receive your copy of the scale. http://www.transformationsinstitute.com/EPS.html.
2. Count your blessings. Gratitude is so important when you are facing problems. Just look around at everything that is good in your life and say thank you. Do this every day, at least once a day.
3. Take a nap. You’d be surprised by how often you can make yourself feel better simply by taking a 15-minute power nap. It gives your body and mind an opportunity to relax and frequently upon awakening you have the perfect solution to your issue.
4. Take a stress break. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to schedule at least two (and preferably three or four) stress breaks every working day.
A stress break is not a stress break unless:
• You get at least 10 feet away from your desk.
• You are completely distracted by it.
• It lasts at least five minutes.
• It relaxes you.
• It energizes you.
If you have good control over your daily schedule, you can plan stress breaks between tasks. Ideally, you’ll want a five-minute break every 90 to 120 minutes. If your schedule is too frenetic or unpredictable to do it that way, use an egg timer and simply break away from whatever you are doing when it rings. Getting outside for a walk is the perfect stress break for me; what could you do?
Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Ask to Have Information Published about You
Your network members may be able to get information about you and your business printed in publications to which they subscribe. For example, a source that belongs to an association that publishes a newsletter might help you get an article published about your expertise and how you could provide service to others in that industry. This gives you an excellent opportunity to meet with your partners and find out what they read and what is missing in their publications.
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at paula@referralinstitute-va.com or paula@bniswva.com
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Planning - Smarty - Fear - Net Worth
Monday Morning Motivators – October 13, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.” --Laurence J. Peter
Table of Contents
1. Question - Linda Fayerweather
2. Are You a Smarty Pants?! - Rebecca Booth
3. Gripped by Fear - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth III - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Question
Those of us that have had children or maybe a younger sibling are familiar with the “Why”. When a child asks “why” it is usually the beginning of a longer conversation. “Why” is a great way to start your business planning.
Look back over the last 12 months and ask “Why” about what went well and want didn’t. “Why did we get new customers in this zip code?” “Why did our expenses increase in our overhead?” “Why did we have less staff turnover than last year?”
Two things will become apparent
1. You will identify what desired outcomes you want in 2009; and
2. You will uncover some problems that need fixing.
When you discover a problem, using “Why” can help get to the root cause. Enlist the help of others and keep asking why and sometimes it will feel uncomfortable and that just means you are getting close to the problem.
What to make 2009 great, get a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Are You a Smarty Pants?!
I sure hope so! Knowledge is your friend. Many a salesperson will lose an account because they “don’t know” the real benefit of the product they’re selling. Here is how your knowledge can save the day:
• A knowledgeable salesperson inspires confidence.
• Customers translate your knowledge into an “added value” for them.
• Knowledge drives your customer’s decision-making process.
• Lack of knowledge may send your customers to your competition.
• A high level or knowledge impresses customers and bolsters referrals.
(source: Selling Power. Aug. 08)
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Gripped by Fear
The headlines this week read “Gripped By Fear”. It’s hard not to get caught up in the fear that is being promoted by media stories, pictures of Wall Street traders on the Internet, and talk on the street. Yes, this is a crisis; there is no denying that, but does it have to be a crisis for your business? NO!
Instead of getting caught up in fear, focus on the things you can control. You cannot control our national economy, but you can control how your business weathers this situation. How? By controlling your mindset.
For example, when you market from fear, you will not receive the results you desire. Let’s say you decide to do a direct mail campaign out of desperation for some new clients, but think to yourself, no one will be able to afford this now – you will be right, no one will respond to your marketing! Then you’ll think – I knew it, no one is buying now.
On the other hand, when you devise a marketing campaign (with the help of our Marketing Goddess) that you feel very positive about, the results will be very different. Especially if you add to the positive attitude your belief that your business provides a service or product that is needed and valued by your customers.
Now is the time for action that is based on your own beliefs about your product and the marketplace, not based on fear.
To find out how to adopt a success mindset, check out my book Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within at: http://www.ignitethepowerwithinbook.com
Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth! Part III
Here are my final thoughts on Queen Elizabeth I’s life lessons that you can apply to your referral marketing efforts to inspire the people in your networks to intentionally act on your behalf:
4. Giving the word and taking the lead, a leader leads. If you want to receive information, support and referrals from your network you must give information, support and referrals to your network. You want to inspire someone to refer you? Refer them! Then do it again. It is that simple.
5. Evaluate results, not promises. You may find that some of the people in your networks may not be as effective as you need them to be. It doesn’t mean they’re out of your life. It simply means that you’ll spend more time with them after general business hours. Quite frankly, there will never be anyone better than you to send your message and build your business; though your referral partners can become the next best thing.
I’d like to close with these words from the great cultural icon, Queen Elizabeth I – “When your need shall be the most you shall find my friendship greatest.” True leaders stand with their people through good and bad times, especially the bad.
If you don’t know what to do to continue building your business because of the current state of our economy - INVEST. Invest in your key relationships. The strength of your network will dramatically impact your net worth!
Special Note: This article was inspired by Alan Axelrod, author of Elizabeth I, CEO.
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at paula@referralinstitute-va.com or paula@bniswva.com .
Monday Morning Motivators – October 13, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.” --Laurence J. Peter
Table of Contents
1. Question - Linda Fayerweather
2. Are You a Smarty Pants?! - Rebecca Booth
3. Gripped by Fear - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth III - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Question
Those of us that have had children or maybe a younger sibling are familiar with the “Why”. When a child asks “why” it is usually the beginning of a longer conversation. “Why” is a great way to start your business planning.
Look back over the last 12 months and ask “Why” about what went well and want didn’t. “Why did we get new customers in this zip code?” “Why did our expenses increase in our overhead?” “Why did we have less staff turnover than last year?”
Two things will become apparent
1. You will identify what desired outcomes you want in 2009; and
2. You will uncover some problems that need fixing.
When you discover a problem, using “Why” can help get to the root cause. Enlist the help of others and keep asking why and sometimes it will feel uncomfortable and that just means you are getting close to the problem.
What to make 2009 great, get a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Are You a Smarty Pants?!
I sure hope so! Knowledge is your friend. Many a salesperson will lose an account because they “don’t know” the real benefit of the product they’re selling. Here is how your knowledge can save the day:
• A knowledgeable salesperson inspires confidence.
• Customers translate your knowledge into an “added value” for them.
• Knowledge drives your customer’s decision-making process.
• Lack of knowledge may send your customers to your competition.
• A high level or knowledge impresses customers and bolsters referrals.
(source: Selling Power. Aug. 08)
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Gripped by Fear
The headlines this week read “Gripped By Fear”. It’s hard not to get caught up in the fear that is being promoted by media stories, pictures of Wall Street traders on the Internet, and talk on the street. Yes, this is a crisis; there is no denying that, but does it have to be a crisis for your business? NO!
Instead of getting caught up in fear, focus on the things you can control. You cannot control our national economy, but you can control how your business weathers this situation. How? By controlling your mindset.
For example, when you market from fear, you will not receive the results you desire. Let’s say you decide to do a direct mail campaign out of desperation for some new clients, but think to yourself, no one will be able to afford this now – you will be right, no one will respond to your marketing! Then you’ll think – I knew it, no one is buying now.
On the other hand, when you devise a marketing campaign (with the help of our Marketing Goddess) that you feel very positive about, the results will be very different. Especially if you add to the positive attitude your belief that your business provides a service or product that is needed and valued by your customers.
Now is the time for action that is based on your own beliefs about your product and the marketplace, not based on fear.
To find out how to adopt a success mindset, check out my book Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within at: http://www.ignitethepowerwithinbook.com
Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth! Part III
Here are my final thoughts on Queen Elizabeth I’s life lessons that you can apply to your referral marketing efforts to inspire the people in your networks to intentionally act on your behalf:
4. Giving the word and taking the lead, a leader leads. If you want to receive information, support and referrals from your network you must give information, support and referrals to your network. You want to inspire someone to refer you? Refer them! Then do it again. It is that simple.
5. Evaluate results, not promises. You may find that some of the people in your networks may not be as effective as you need them to be. It doesn’t mean they’re out of your life. It simply means that you’ll spend more time with them after general business hours. Quite frankly, there will never be anyone better than you to send your message and build your business; though your referral partners can become the next best thing.
I’d like to close with these words from the great cultural icon, Queen Elizabeth I – “When your need shall be the most you shall find my friendship greatest.” True leaders stand with their people through good and bad times, especially the bad.
If you don’t know what to do to continue building your business because of the current state of our economy - INVEST. Invest in your key relationships. The strength of your network will dramatically impact your net worth!
Special Note: This article was inspired by Alan Axelrod, author of Elizabeth I, CEO.
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at paula@referralinstitute-va.com or paula@bniswva.com .
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Productively - Right Words - Calm - Net Worth
Monday Morning Motivators – October 6, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
–Vidal Sassoon
Table of Contents
1. Productively Speaking - Linda Fayerweather
2. Picking the Right Words - Rebecca Booth
3. Stay Calm Regardless - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Productively Speaking
LeadershipIQ.com reports that employees are 44% less productive this year than last year! This recession rumination shows employees are spending their time:
1. Surfing the Internet for career improvement (21%)
2. Surfing the Internet for personal finance (17%)
3. Daydreaming about negative topics (12%)
4. Chatting with co-workers (9%)
5. Surfing the Internet for entertainment (7%)
What of course is interesting to me is that the solution is the same whether we are in a recession or not.
Good managers are willing to set clear expectations by helping employees identify desired outcomes that benefit the firm and stimulate people to grow and stretch. Engagement in the job, recognition for accomplishments and pushing, yes, pushing are principles that great managers us to keep staff working at optimal levels for challenge and profit. When people have more than enough to do, they have less time to fret and worry.
Two questions?
1. If you are the owner, do you know what your own desired outcomes are for 2009?
2. If you are an employee, what do you plan to achieve in 2009 beyond showing up to work?
You might want a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Picking the Right Words
We’re taught to keep things simple in marketing. Choose small words, stick to one clear concise message and white space is your friend are some of the sage advice we live by. However, there are exceptions to every rule (except for the rule about white space)! In copywriting there are times when a bigger or fancier word can command a reader’s attention and persuade him more effectively than simple prose. Take for instance Montblanc pens. They choose to sell “writing instruments” instead of “pens.” Why does Montblanc do this? It’s simple: people will pay $150 for a writing instrument, because they know they can get any old pen for a buck almost anywhere else. According to Target Marketing, one direct marketer changed the name of its main product from “fruitcake” to “native Texas pecan cake” and mail-order sales zoomed 60 percent. Be picky about the words you use in your marketing efforts. Smaller isn’t necessarily better in all cases.
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Stay Calm Regardless of What the Media Wants You to Do!
Everyone is wondering what news will be next regarding the economy. It’s so easy to get caught up in worry and anxiety over whether our business will do well or not, given the current conditions.
Don’t go there.
It may only take the slightest hint of a suggestion to trigger an old belief in our subconscious, a belief that says for example, “money is tight – people won’t want to buy from me.” Often we don't even know the little seed of doubt has slipped in, but it gets in our mind and grows slowly, yet persistently. We actually give way to lack, limitation and failure a little at a time and before we know it, we’ve become one with the problem.
Instead, stay conscious to this by adopting a new belief that states “my business expands every year.” Succeed and grow, regardless of what "they say." Just keep moving forward, by putting yourself out there more and more each day and you’ll attract the customers you need to grow your business this year.
Set your intention, then put attention on it by taking the necessary actions and you will achieve the results you desire.
Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth! Part II
This week, I’d like to share some of Queen Elizabeth I’s life lessons that you can apply to your referral marketing efforts to inspire the people in your networks to intentionally act on your behalf:
1. Control the message, not the messenger. When you’re building your business by word of mouth you don’t have the luxury of allowing each person within your network to send YOUR message their way. You are responsible for educating them to consistently send one message that you’ve carefully crafted to strengthen your brand.
2. Knowledge really is power. Leaders are lifelong learners and your depth of knowledge will absolutely affect your ability to successfully educate your referral sources. Identify the places you can go to surround yourself with others who do what you do and teach/learn from one another.
3. When it comes to people, collect the best – “No one could escape her network”. Elizabeth was a lady after my own heart. To be effective in her role as the Queen it was critical to have all the right people in all the right places and be in the right place in each relationship to ask for their help. It is no less critical for you and your role within your business. She would have told you to get out among the people (your people) on a regular basis to make it happen.
Elizabeth was great at rewarding people for their confidence and loyalty. Be sure to properly thank the people that are contributing to your success. Get to know what your committed referral partners need and give it to them! In order for high level relationships like this to endure, they must be reciprocal.
Special Note: This article was inspired by Alan Axelrod, author of Elizabeth I, CEO.
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at paula@referralinstitute-va.com or paula@bniswva.com.
Monday Morning Motivators – October 6, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
–Vidal Sassoon
Table of Contents
1. Productively Speaking - Linda Fayerweather
2. Picking the Right Words - Rebecca Booth
3. Stay Calm Regardless - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Productively Speaking
LeadershipIQ.com reports that employees are 44% less productive this year than last year! This recession rumination shows employees are spending their time:
1. Surfing the Internet for career improvement (21%)
2. Surfing the Internet for personal finance (17%)
3. Daydreaming about negative topics (12%)
4. Chatting with co-workers (9%)
5. Surfing the Internet for entertainment (7%)
What of course is interesting to me is that the solution is the same whether we are in a recession or not.
Good managers are willing to set clear expectations by helping employees identify desired outcomes that benefit the firm and stimulate people to grow and stretch. Engagement in the job, recognition for accomplishments and pushing, yes, pushing are principles that great managers us to keep staff working at optimal levels for challenge and profit. When people have more than enough to do, they have less time to fret and worry.
Two questions?
1. If you are the owner, do you know what your own desired outcomes are for 2009?
2. If you are an employee, what do you plan to achieve in 2009 beyond showing up to work?
You might want a plan! See below for a coupon that will help you get one.
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Picking the Right Words
We’re taught to keep things simple in marketing. Choose small words, stick to one clear concise message and white space is your friend are some of the sage advice we live by. However, there are exceptions to every rule (except for the rule about white space)! In copywriting there are times when a bigger or fancier word can command a reader’s attention and persuade him more effectively than simple prose. Take for instance Montblanc pens. They choose to sell “writing instruments” instead of “pens.” Why does Montblanc do this? It’s simple: people will pay $150 for a writing instrument, because they know they can get any old pen for a buck almost anywhere else. According to Target Marketing, one direct marketer changed the name of its main product from “fruitcake” to “native Texas pecan cake” and mail-order sales zoomed 60 percent. Be picky about the words you use in your marketing efforts. Smaller isn’t necessarily better in all cases.
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Stay Calm Regardless of What the Media Wants You to Do!
Everyone is wondering what news will be next regarding the economy. It’s so easy to get caught up in worry and anxiety over whether our business will do well or not, given the current conditions.
Don’t go there.
It may only take the slightest hint of a suggestion to trigger an old belief in our subconscious, a belief that says for example, “money is tight – people won’t want to buy from me.” Often we don't even know the little seed of doubt has slipped in, but it gets in our mind and grows slowly, yet persistently. We actually give way to lack, limitation and failure a little at a time and before we know it, we’ve become one with the problem.
Instead, stay conscious to this by adopting a new belief that states “my business expands every year.” Succeed and grow, regardless of what "they say." Just keep moving forward, by putting yourself out there more and more each day and you’ll attract the customers you need to grow your business this year.
Set your intention, then put attention on it by taking the necessary actions and you will achieve the results you desire.
Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth! Part II
This week, I’d like to share some of Queen Elizabeth I’s life lessons that you can apply to your referral marketing efforts to inspire the people in your networks to intentionally act on your behalf:
1. Control the message, not the messenger. When you’re building your business by word of mouth you don’t have the luxury of allowing each person within your network to send YOUR message their way. You are responsible for educating them to consistently send one message that you’ve carefully crafted to strengthen your brand.
2. Knowledge really is power. Leaders are lifelong learners and your depth of knowledge will absolutely affect your ability to successfully educate your referral sources. Identify the places you can go to surround yourself with others who do what you do and teach/learn from one another.
3. When it comes to people, collect the best – “No one could escape her network”. Elizabeth was a lady after my own heart. To be effective in her role as the Queen it was critical to have all the right people in all the right places and be in the right place in each relationship to ask for their help. It is no less critical for you and your role within your business. She would have told you to get out among the people (your people) on a regular basis to make it happen.
Elizabeth was great at rewarding people for their confidence and loyalty. Be sure to properly thank the people that are contributing to your success. Get to know what your committed referral partners need and give it to them! In order for high level relationships like this to endure, they must be reciprocal.
Special Note: This article was inspired by Alan Axelrod, author of Elizabeth I, CEO.
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at paula@referralinstitute-va.com or paula@bniswva.com.
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