Monday, July 14, 2008

1% - Forecasting - Your Desire - Communities

Monday Morning Motivators – July 14, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Pain is temporary, Failure lasts forever.”
-- Lance Armstrong

Table of Contents
1. 1% Per Month - Linda Fayerweather
2. Sales Forecasting - Rebecca Booth
3. Attract What You Desire - Pat Altvater
4. Part 2: Adventures in On-Line Communities – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 1% Per Month
Building a lean culture in a small business can be as entertaining as playing Whac-a-Mole®. Impact on the business may be fast and dramatic but just like the arcade game, eventually new problems show up and old solutions get forgotten. The internal challenge for change is to create a culture that strives to apply improvement – even if change is small and incremental.

In society, we view culture as the systems that give lasting definition to a group, tribe or family. If your business tribe is embracing change, you have begun a never-ending journey that can best be sustained by small improvements. Targeting 1% change a month means those moles won’t have a chance to rear their furry heads in your business.

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Planning IS Change
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Sales Forecasting
There are no tried and true methods for predicting how much you will sell of a new product. Development costs are easy to measure, but the gap between known costs and unknown revenue makes deciding how much to invest in a new or improved product/service is difficult. Here is a step-by-step system for minimizing your risks, thanks to Doug Hall, Business Week Small Business (Feb/Mar 08):
1. Share your idea with 50 potential customers – this can easily be done via email at a trade show or simply by calling them.
2. Ask them on a scale of 0-10 how likely would they purchase this product/service?
3. And on a scale of 0-10, how new and different do they believe the concept is.
4. Next, calculate the simple average for each question and add the two numbers.
5. Multiply the answer by .007. This result is an estimate of what percentage of your prospects will become buyers.
6. To calculate potential sales, multiply this percentage by the number of prospects to whom your company will make at least three sales contacts, and then multiply by the amount an average customer would purchase in a year.

Happy calculating!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Attract What You Desire
In the Fourth Principle, Wayne Dyer says we can attract anything we want when we know and accept that it already exists in the consciousness of our mind (through our visualizations). This principle reminds us that there is intelligence in the universe that is creative and responsive to suggestions from us. We are part of this through our thoughts which are creative; what we think about, we become.

To manifest what you want:
Use visualization on a daily basis. Picture what you want without knowing HOW it will happen. Then remain in faith and trust.
Stay consistent with your visualization; don’t keep changing your mind. Picture yourself experiencing what you want to manifest as if it was already happening.
Stay alert for clues and act accordingly.
Act as if what you want is already in your life. If you want health, act in a new healthy way. If you want wealth, start thinking abundantly and acting that way also by giving thanks for everything that has manifested in your life.

If you find your conditioned way of thinking, which might be pessimistic or negative, crops up, eradicate those thoughts immediately and return to your new beliefs. When you follow these suggestions, you’ll notice a shift in your life and you’ll begin attracting everything you desire.

Pat Altvater
Chief Wizard of WOW!
Author, Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within

4. Adventures in On-Line Communities – Part 2
I recently took on the on-line business community for a second time. Notifications, announcements and invitations ensued. It wasn’t overwhelming this time; though it felt a bit transactional for a referral marketer like me. Part of increasing your “ranking” in an on-line network has to do with increasing the number of people you are “connected” to. Many of the requests to connect made no sense and the information we’d shared on our profiles didn’t indicate that we had anything in common.

And then…I received a notification and message from a leader in the community, the Chairman of Ecademy Morocco. If anyone is trustworthy it should be him! Right? Right! So I replied and visited his profile. I found that many of our beliefs and practices are in alignment:

1. He is a professional coach.
Me too!
2. He is a speaker and a trainer in his industry.
3. He offers networking workshops. So do I!
4. His business requires extensive travel! Mine too!
5. He is a leader in his industry. So am I!

There was one comment in his message that sealed the deal. He generously wrote - “I am sure there are plenty of things you can do…that I can’t…that I can…learn from you”! As we learn more about each other and our businesses, he will come to know that my day everyday is committed to helping people create referrals for life through developing RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIPS. That’s exactly what he’d just described!!! Connecting made sense for both of us. So we did!

Lesson Learned: When it comes to establishing on line (and offline) relationships, you’re in control. It’s a matter of identifying criteria for connecting that makes sense for you!

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at

5. To Do This Week
Visit a past customer this week – or just invite them to lunch.

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