Monday, April 14, 2008

Leadership - Surveys - Giving - Systems

Monday Morning Motivators – April 14, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.”
-- Adlai Stevenson

Table of Contents
1. Leadership – Know Where We are Going – Linda Fayerweather
2. Deploying Satisfaction Surveys - Rebecca Booth
3. The Law of Giving – Pat Altvater
4. Marketing Plans and Referral Systems – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Leadership – Know Where We are Going ============================================================
As a leader, we usually know where we are going and the sharing of the vision is what moves a company from just another small business to awesome. A great vision will do the basics:
Grab attention
Focuses energy
Arouses passion
Transforms purpose into action
Pulls people to it
Commits people to action
Is the rallying point, and
It is short, to the point, memorable, repeatable.

To best explain how important a vision is, let me take you to a small business that builds very tiny computer chips. Two workers side by side in their “clean room” garb are asked by a visiting consultant “what are you doing?”
Worker one: “I’m turning these plastic and metals into a computer chip.”
Worker two: “I’m making an integral part for a computer that will be used by NASA to reach the space station.”

A true leader designs the vision and inspires others to build it!

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
“Where are you heading?”
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Deploying Satisfaction Surveys
Surveys are a terrific way to receive feedback. Whether the survey is targeting employees, clients, past clients, patients, or attendees of a recent special event, having their input can make/break your next big idea. is an online survey system that can help you design and deploy your survey in just minutes. Here are a few suggestions they say will to help you garner the best results:
* Ask overall satisfaction at the start of the survey
* Use a 5 point satisfaction scale
* Be consistent with your question wording
* Keep the survey short and focused
* Ask demographic or “firmographic” questions
One mistake that many marketers make is asking too many questions. Not only do the lengthy surveys increase your costs and decrease the same sizes, your customers are left feeling pestered and put upon. Remember if you ask worthless questions you will yield worthless answers. Don’t be greedy when it comes to querying. After all, if you don’t respect the customer’s time, how can you ask him to respect yours?

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. The Law of Giving
This is the second in a 7 part series based on Deepak Chopra’s book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

Chopra reminds us that giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe and our willingness to give what we seek, keeps the abundance of the universe flowing in our lives. However, it is the intention behind your giving and receiving that is most important. If you give grudgingly, there is no energy behind that giving and so the flow of receiving will not be activated. The intention instead should always be to create happiness for both the giver and the receiver.

Practicing this law is simple:
• If you want joy, give joy to others
• If you want love, give love away
• If you want to be successful, help others become successful

You name it, whatever you desire, just find a way to joyfully give it away.

Also, anytime you come in contact with someone, give something to them. It could be a hug, a flower, a smile, a compliment, eye contact, or just a silent wish for their happiness. Practice doing that with everyone you encounter today!

To find out more about this classic book, visit

Copyright 2008 Pat Altvater
Chief Wizard of WOW
Creator, Journey to WOW - Choose Health NOW

4. Marketing Plans and Referral Systems
Recently I had a conversation with a client about their business, their marketing plan and their referral system. Their question was, "Should we be working by referral only, or should we consider other aspects of marketing?" My feedback was simple; you should not be doing either without a plan.

How does your marketing plan relate to your business plan, your mission statement or your vision statement? Your company's business plan provides the environment in which your marketing plan must flourish. The two documents must have continuity between them according the American Marketing Association.

Inside your marketing plan, you look at all aspects of how you get your message to prospects that might be in need to your product or service. For instance, you may have Advertising as one of your marketing activities. Under advertising you may have, TV, Billboard, Coupons, Radio, Google Ads, and so forth. For each of those you need a budget, a timetable to implement, a system to measure results, and a target market.

Your Referral System should be part of your overall Marketing Plan. Unfortunately, most people do not have a plan for referrals. They might implement a reward system for people or customers who send them referrals and they stop there.

A good referral system should have a target market, a timetable for implementation, a budget, a training system for your referral partners, and a system for tracking your results. Your referral-marketing plan should be part of your over all marketing plan.

Should you be "By Referral Only" that is really a question that you must ask yourself. There are many business professionals who are by referral only, because they know they have plenty of work, many good clients and they know that referred clients have a longer shelf life, spend more money and are more likely to refer others to them.
• Building your business by referral takes more time than money. (remember time is money)
• Relationships and trust take time and cannot be rushed or bought.
• Advertising, PR, and many other forms of marketing take more money than time.
• Both must have a plan.
• Building your brand and your business takes a combination of both.

Copyright 2008 by Hazel M Walker & Paula Frazier, Executive Directors for BNI and Master Trainers for Referral Institute. They help business people create referrals for life. To learn more about the art of networking and the science of referrals visit or

5. To Do This Week
Review your marketing plan for effectiveness in 2008.

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