Monday Morning Motivators – April 28, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at
“Reach for the Stars and you won’t come up with a handful of mud!”
--Leo Burnett
Table of Contents
1. Leadership – Falling in Love with Risk – Linda Fayerweather
2. Sales Tactics 101 – Part 2 - Rebecca Booth
3. The Law of Least Effort – Pat Altvater
4. Calendaring Creates Time – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print
1. Leadership – Falling in Love with Risk ============================================================
All business is Risky and being committed to your business’s vision is a great multiplier of success. Your commitment to your vision, mission and strategies will make it much easier to find others to work with as their excitement and commitment will be obvious. Risk is the zest that keeps entrepreneurs up at night and/or they wake up wired to go! Accepting risk means you are willing to change and think outside the normal solutions. We often hear “think outside the box” and that saying is often related to this puzzle.
Connect all nine dots with four straight lines while never taking your pencil off the paper. Once you solve this, you will always want to see what is outside the box.
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Remember, leadership is going outside the box. Need a hint to solve this problem – go to: Nine dot solution
Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
“Hey, I know that fishermen are women, too!”
Changing Lanes LLC
2. Sales Tactics 101 – Part 2
What happens after the sale? A lot of times nothing. Herbert True, a marketing specialist at Notre Dame University found that:
--44% of all sales people quit trying after the first call
--24% quite after the second call
--14% quit after the third call
--12% quit trying to sell their prospect after the 4th call.
That's right 94% of all salespeople quit after the 4th call. But 60% of all sales are made after the fourth call. This revealing statistic shows that 94% of all salespeople don't give themselves a chance at 60% of the prospective buyers. Turn that number upside down by staying in touch with the prospect and keep asking! Source: Jack Canfield's The Success Principles.
Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
3. The Law of Least Effort
This is the fourth in a 7 part series based on Deepak Chopras book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
This law is about letting go of ego and going with the flow. When you come from ego, you seek power and control over other people or you spend your energy trying to get approval from others. Both of those activities are counterproductive. So re-channel this energy become immune to criticism, unfearful of challenges and focus on harmony instead.
Practice this law by committing to:
--Embrace the NOW moment. Accept situations, circumstances and events as they occur, not as you wish them to be. Do not struggle against the NOW moment, instead embrace it.
--Assume responsibility. View challenges as opportunities to change and never blame anyone else for your circumstances.
--Practice defenselessness. Give up the need to be right; stop yourself from attempting to convince or persuade others to accept your point of view.
Pat Altvater
Journey to WOW – Choose Success NOW™ coach
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
4. Calendaring Creates Time
Referral marketing doesn’t require a large investment of money. It’s become known as one of the least expensive most effective methods of marketing. The largest expenditure is typically - TIME:
--It takes time to identify referral partners.
--It takes time to build trust with your referral partners.
--It takes time to educate and engage your referral partners.
--It takes time to provide support and referrals for your referral partners.
What is one of our most limited resources? TIME!
Last week I had this same conversation with a group of my clients. We’re working on our 12 month Referral Marketing Plans. When it comes to budgeting time to carry out their plans they whole-heartedly agree that they barely have enough time to take care of themselves, much less their referral partners. We did a little calendaring to identify some areas of opportunity. I encourage you to do the same. Take out a blank monthly calendar template:
1. List all scheduled church activities.
2. List all scheduled family activities.
3. List all scheduled business activities.
4. List all scheduled networking activities.
5. List all personal/business development activities.
Honor your commitments! Resist the temptation to cancel one appointment to schedule another. Everything that you choose to put on your calendar should be equally important for different reasons. If not, don’t agree to devote any time to it!
To learn more about strategically investing in others to leverage your time and increase your referral marketing efforts, visit or
Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Over the last year, Paula’s business networking articles have been published nationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist!
5. To Do This Week
Plan ahead to the Vacation Season – Schedule your's and your staff's before June.