Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Bowl - Easy? - Networking

Monday Morning Motivators – February 4, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means."
-- Oscar Wilde

Table of Contents
1. Is it Ground Hog Day, Again? – Linda Fayerweather
2. Super Bowl Ads - Rebecca Booth
3. If It Were Easy. . . – Pat Altvater
4. Are you Being Consistent – Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. Is it Ground Hog Day, Again?

Since last Monday the U.S. has been busy with the Dow Jones having its biggest one week gain in 5 years; Eli Payton following in his big brother's footsteps becoming the Super Bowl MVP and it WAS Ground Hog day which either means spring is a mere six weeks away or we have six weeks more of winter.

Last week was all about change and Change is Good. Even though most business owners know Albert Einstein's quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." is true, it is difficult to actually change. Start small by taking the short month of February to help your business have the "biggest gains in 5 years" or becoming the "MVP to your customers" with this Monday Morning process:

· List no more than 5 things that are undone, unacceptable or worrying you each Monday. I'm a fan of a 2"x5" index card as I can keep it handy.
· Give each a one word title.
· Beside each title, put a big world issue that might relate.

Here is an example:
1. Need a line of credit and overdraft protection --> Cash --> Economy
2. Drafty office needs plastic on windows --> Window --> Global warming

Now, with our list, notice how our solved problems my actually link to other problems and by changing ourselves we will cause change around us. This week when you find yourself worrying about something on your list, get busy and change just that worry. Repeat each Monday and you may be very surprised by the end of the month and spring will be even closer!

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather is Lean Certified
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Super Bowl Ads
So, what did you think about the Super Bowl Ads last night? Not as exciting as the game, hands down. Actually, I watch the Super Bowl for the ads only as I live in a "Sports-Free Zone," but I found myself wanting to hurry up and get back to the game because I thought the majority of the ads were duds. What were the winners? According to the pros the standout ads were those that focused on the positive: Two giant balloons (Stewie & Underdog) battling it out over a Coca Cola, with Charlie Brown finally getting the football; and the Budweiser Clydesdale who got cut from the Budweiser carriage team only to train for a year with a Dalmatian and be picked in the first round. One of the many losers was the GoDaddy ad with Danika Patrick, which drove 1.5 million to their website, but that was a far cry from the 94.08 million viewers who actually watched the game. With all this said, what ads do you remember: Bud Light's Breath of Fire? Audi's take off on the Godfather? The Victoria Secret ad? Or Bud Light's the Wheel? You can relive them all if you simply sign on to Spike TV's website: Better yet, take the time to review years past ads, since this year's were stinkers. Yet, I do think I'll cancel my brow waxing appointment this week and stocking up on Planters Nuts. Did that chick have confidence or what?!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. If It Were Easy. . .
T. Harv Eker, founder of Peak Potentials Training and author of The Millionaire Mind says “If you're only willing to do what's easy, life will be hard. But if you're willing to do what's hard, life will be easy."

This is so true! If you want something, like a healthy body or financial abundance, and commit to that goal, but then don’t take appropriate actions (do the hard things) to attain your goal, you create confusion and self-doubt in your unconscious mind. With the Law of Attraction, this confusion is projected outward and what you attract is obviously NOT what you want.

When you commit to a goal, take the daily actions, some of which may take you out of your comfort zone, necessary to achieve the goal. Then you’ll have congruence and your unconscious mind will go to work helping you to achieve your greatest desires!

Pat Altvater
Licensed and Certified Strategic Attraction Coach
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. Are you Being Consistent?
Are you being consistent with your network? Are you being consistent with your networking activities? The big question…are you consistently and purposefully GIVING to your three main networks – information, support and referral? If not, it will be impossible for you to keep your referral pipeline full.
Early last year I realized that my referral pipeline was nearly empty! Why wouldn't it be? I’d spent so much time speaking, training and investing in relationships outside of my region that I had neglected to nurture my local networks. No referral activities equals no referrals! Even scarier, no relationship building activities equals no relationships. I had to get back to practicing what I’d taught so many people to do – give proactively, purposefully, strategically and consistently to develop reciprocal referral relationships.
This week, take some time to plan your activities. Give some thought to the following:
• Who are you going to give a referral to this week?
• Who are you going to call this week?
• Who are you going to meet with face to face this week?
• Who are you going to connect with someone else in your network this week?
• Who are you going to send a note card this week?
• Who are you going to invite to an upcoming event?
With a little planning, you can consistently nurture your referral relationships. Don't get lazy with your network or you may find your pipeline has dried up at the time you need it most.

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier and Hazel M. Walker are Master Trainers for Referral Institute and Executive Directors for BNI. To learn more about building your business network visit or

5. To Do This Week
Declutter your entrance to your business or office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a quickie... It's Eli Manning. His brother is Payton Manning.