Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kaizen - Blooming Real Estate - Service Clubs

Monday Morning Motivators – April 1, 2007
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“To GET you must ASK.”
--John Gray

Table of Contents
1. Kaizen! – Linda Fayerweather
2. Blooming Real Estate in a Buyers’ Market - Rebecca Booth
3. Community-Service Clubs - John Meyer
4. To Do this Week
5. Fine Print

1. Kaizen!
“Holy Kaizen, Batman” said Robin to the Cap Crusader who was practicing his Spanish. Yes, Batman was learning a new language as part of his Kaizen.

Kaizen is the Japanese word for “change for the better” and the English equivalent is “continuous improvement”. Lean companies will sometimes have a Kaizen Event or Kaizen Day where everyone will focus on a pressing problem needing solutions or learning a new standard work process. To embrace Kaizen, one must operate with three key principles in mind:
-Process and Results – not results only;
-Systemic Thinking – the big picture, not the narrow view;
-Non-judgmental – judging and blaming are wasteful – muda*.

Continuous improvement is challenging to achieve but a key element to creating your own personal paradise. As your business creates its own lean oasis, individuals often realize that they are responsible for their own satisfaction and stumble out of their “bat cave” to emulate Kaizen in their own lives.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

*Muda = Waste

2. Blooming Real Estate in a Buyers’ Market
‘Tis the season to sell that house! Follow these tips to attract more buyers:
• Get the House on the Net – Over 80% of homebuyers will check out home listing sites online before they buy. Have at least six good pictures of your home and a video tour online. Research shows that listings with six photos get almost 300% more viewers than those with single shots.
• Dress Up the House – Hire a designer to “stage” your home for showing. They will help you clear the clutter and dress the house up so that it looks more spacious and inviting.
• Price It Right to Begin With – Gone are the days of massive profits in real estate. If you want to sell your house fast, price it right the first time. Too many houses are on the market place today; don’t be surprised if you have to slash your price by 10% to get it to sell.
• Forget the “As Is” Listing – fix up that fixer-upper yourself before you sell it. Maybe replace that faux wood paneling with a nice coat of taupe paint.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Community-Service Clubs
When joining a Service organization such as Kiwanis or Rotary, make sure you have realistic expectations about the possibility of receiving business. These types of organization are to give back to the community, not for you to promote your business. You will be able to get business, but that is not the reason for their existence. Service clubs meet regularly so they provide an opportunity to develop relationships. Talking openly about you or your business at a Service Club meeting will usually cost you some money, which is the opposite of Strong-Contact Networks or Casual-Contact Networks. Membership of Service Clubs is historically made up of CEO's, Management from large companies and local dignitaries, not a bad group of people to have lunch with every week!

Copyright 2007 John R. Meyer
District Director, BNI Ohio

4. To Do This Week
Multiple Choice Personal Kaizen – Pick One
A. Extend your exercise time
B. Shine your shoes
C. Change your diet
D. Participate in a community service project
E. Listen to advice
F. Learn a foreign language

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