Monday, March 19, 2007

What Do You Do for your Customers

Monday Morning Motivators – March 19, 2007
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"It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy."
--Hesiod (~700 BC)

Table of Contents
1. Are Customers Pulling You? – Linda Fayerweather
2. What Gen Yers Are Interested In - Rebecca Booth
3. Know What You Are Joining - John Meyer
4. Fine Print

1. What You Do for Your Customers
“Do or don’t do. There is no try.” said Yoda to the young Luke Skywalker and this is aptly appropriate to small businesses. When checking out my own competition’s website recently, the list of services they were providing was long and extensive. They are also, like me, a one person show. The pangs of “oh, no” hit me and then I realized, as businesses looking for raving fans will tell you; you can’t do everything and “trying to do” may lead to strained customer service. When deciding what you will provide your customers, the more you attempt to do the more likely you will be just trying. Being lean means following Yoda’s advice – “Do or don’t do”.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. What Gen Yers Are Interested In
Joining the Baby Boomer and the X Generation are the Gen Yer. These are kids born between 1982-1996. New research shows that members of Generation Y have a greater say in household purchases. Here are what children aged 13-21 are influencing purchases of:
Clothing/Apparel - 81%
Groceries - 77%
Movie Videos/DVD - 76%
Music CDs - 71%
Video Games/systems - 69%
Computer - 68%
Books/Magazines - 67%
Cellphones - 66%
Computer Software - 66%
Vacation - 59%
DVD Player - 58%
Sports Equipment - 55%
TV - 55%
Stereo Equipment - 54%
Vehicles - 52%
VCR - 49%
Furniture - 48%

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Know What You Are Joining
When joining any kind of organization, make sure you know what you are joining and why you are joining it. Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking at various organizations you can join and what you can expect out of each one. Keep in mind that there are time restraints that go along with each type of organization. If you are not willing to put forth the effort, don't expect much in return! There are six different types of organizations you can join to help you become a more effective networker. They are Strong Contact Networks, Casual Contact Networks, Community-Service Clubs, Professional Associations, Women's Business Organizations, and finally Social/Business Organizations. Next week we will discuss Casual Contact Networks.

Copyright 2007 John R. Meyer
District Director, BNI Ohio

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