What You Want Part 2
Last week we did a quick exercise to get to the root of what we really want, this week, take a short period of time to think about your business quagmires - those sticky, icky places where things went wrong. Who was always around? What brought out the best whine? Who approached it as a challenge with solutions? Make a list and burn it.
Now, make a plan for what you want to do, focus on the positive behaviors and activities that are producing results, people that do well and the successes they bring, and which customers do you really, really want to hug when you hear their voice. When animal trainers want to produce a new behavior, they focus on WHAT they want, not what they DON'T want. Learning from your business quagmires for the solutions may be the perfect start to the New Year in a new way.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Party Plans
The holiday party is a great time to meet people but . . . you should have a plan!
Everybody goes to parties, and the holiday season is full of them. It’s also a business slowdown season for many of us who are not in retail. The holiday parties are NOT just a place for free food and drinks.
Holiday parties and other social mixers bring new opportunities to network, even more than the rest of the year. The holidays are times when we are more likely to see people in a social setting, and this setting definitely lends itself to building relationships.
Most people think of networking only in traditional networking venues, such as the chamber, strong-contact referral groups like BNI, and other business-oriented gatherings. But that’s not using the power of networking to its fullest.
It can be the best time to introduce yourself or have a friendly conversation with one of your superiors. Making an impact on someone important can be a real career booster; it could open the door for new job opportunities, promotions and/or new business.
In order to make the most of “holiday party networking,” here are a few things to keep in mind:
• Be prepared! If you’re going to hobnob, try to know whom you are talking to, what their job and role in the company are and what they’ve done this year for the organization. Use this info as a way to start a conversation. If you know some of the people who will be in attendance, do a Google search on them. Do some homework.
• Ask questions. Some suggestions: How did you start the business? How did you take the business international? How did you start franchising? What were some of the challenges with . . . ? Have you read any good books lately? (My favorite is: How can I help you?)
• Have a “teaser” topic ready. Approaching the end of the year, every business wants to increase profits and performance in the New Year. Have an idea ready that describes how you can improve your sector in the coming year. (Word to the wise: Don’t give away the goose; set up a meeting to discuss the details.)
• Use this introduction as a segue for a future meeting. As mentioned above, you don’t want to “end” the conversation at the party. The end game here is to open the door for follow-up. You want to be able to connect with the person after the party, one-to-one.
• Don’t have more than a couple drinks. It’s a party, but it’s not YOUR party. You don’t want to be stinking of liquor when you approach the people you want to connect with. Impressions count. Make the right one.
• Be confident of your value. Introducing yourself to an executive can be an intimidating experience, so give yourself an informed pep talk. Before the event, make a list of the things you’ve done over the past year and understand how what you do may integrate into discussions. Once you’ve got this down, there’s no reason you shouldn’t feel good about yourself. Consider how what you’ve done can integrate with the executive’s interests.
• Honor the event. Make sure when networking at a holiday party–or any non-traditional networking event–that networking is supplementary to the reason people are there, so don’t treat it like a chamber mixer. Be sincere.
Don’t act as if you’re in the boardroom giving a presentation; keep it natural and leave them intrigued. The real emphasis must be on “finesse” at a company holiday party. Yes, it is a great networking opportunity–but if you overtly “sell,” you may turn people off! After all, it is a holiday.
You can network anywhere, including events where it might not at first occur to you to try it–and, paradoxically, it’s at these non-traditional networking settings where you’ll often get the most bang for your buck.
Copyright 2009 Ivan Misner, PhD, Founder BNI International
Paula Frazier
Referral Marketing Expert & Master Trainer
Referral Institute
"Helping people create Referrals For Life®"
Santa Came to Town
When you think of Santa, you probably focus on what he gave. But have you ever thought about what he pays? You can be sure the IRS does!
Santa is most famous for his holiday gift-giving. His North Pole organization is set up as a not-for-profit corporation under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). But Santa also operates a second, highly profitable business focused on licensing and endorsements. So how can Santa shelter some of those presents? Fortunately, Santa can take advantage of many of the same deductions as any other business owner. Those include:
• Mileage. Santa can choose to deduct "actual expenses" (maintenance, upkeep and depreciation on the sleigh, reindeer chow, etc.) or the standard allowance (currently 55 cents per mile). In Santa's case, his trip around the globe to deliver toys to all the good little girls and boys makes the allowance his best bet. (His sleigh also qualifies as "energy efficient" - it's 100% "green," running entirely on reindeer power, and even Rudolph's nose is low-wattage.)
• Uniforms and work clothes Santa provides for himself and his elves are deductible so long as they're not "suitable for ordinary street wear." This time of year it seems like everyone enjoys a red coat and hat. Still, we feel confident Santa's classic look is distinctive enough to pass the test.
• Home office. Home offices are deductible so long as they're used "regularly and exclusively" for work and constitute the "principal place of business." Santa's North Pole workshop certainly qualifies, which means he can write off depreciation, utilities, cleaning and maintenance, and holiday decorations. Code Section 132(j)(4) even lets him write off "on-premises employee athletic facilities" for holding reindeer games.
• Retirement. Santa seems to love his job now. But how will he feel about his long night's work as he ages? He'll probably want to stuff some cheer in his own stocking. The problem is those naughty nondiscrimination rules that force him to contribute on behalf of his elves. We recommend a "safe harbor" 401(k) to maximize his own contributions without worrying that the plan may become "top-heavy."
• Family employment. It's not clear if Mrs. Claus holds a formal position in Santa's organization. However, putting her "on the books" would let Santa boost the couple's qualified plan contributions and perhaps establish a Section 105 medical expense reimbursement plan to write off his medical bills as a business expense.
And remember - if you have any last-minute holiday finance questions, don't hesitate to call us!
Tim Pinkelman, CPA
Accounting Center & Tax Services, Inc.
419-882-9255 or 734-847-0400
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
What you Want and Personal Economy
"Look for ways to continually improve. If you’re not getting better, you’re probably getting worse.” --Karen Kerrigan
What do you Really Want?
This Saturday my Husband and I ventured into the shopping fray. We stopped and enjoyed a cup of strong coffee and talked about what we wanted to get others for gifts. We both agreed that giving required really thinking about the person and what they may or may not want or appreciate. From this conversation it is easy to start thinking about the things we want in our own lives.
Often we want something ABOUT what we want, rather than the object itself. For example, we can't all be ballet dancers, yet we could bring more beauty and grace into our life. Try this exercise from Dr. Phil McGraw:
1. What do you want in life?
2. What must you do to get it?
3. How will you feel when you get what you want?
Use the answer to 3. to start over, putting it as the next number 1.
1. I want a red sports car.
2. I must save a lot of money to get one.
3. I will feel special when I’m driving in it. So, this answer becomes your new #
3 --> 1. I want to feel special.
2. I must set myself apart to get it.
3. I will feel exceptional. - What you want is
3 --> 1. I want to be exceptional.
2. I must be a master at what I do.
3. I will feel like I made a difference.
What you really want is not the car, but to make a difference. You can keep this up until real clarity
unfolds, or stop here and seek “What you must do” to make a difference. As you wind down 2009, think about what you want for your business in 2010. . . what you really want!
As you wind down 2009, think about what you want for your business in 2010. . . what you really want!
With a short work week ahead, feeling complete by Thrusday may require a plan. Try this Weekly Plan to get your thoughts together to acheive a restful holiday.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Focus On Your Personal Economy (Energy)
You are in control of your choices! That’s hard to remember sometimes especially with the current state of the economy. What follows are 5 steps you can take over the coming weeks to jump-start your personal economy - your health, happiness and success and start the New Year with a bang!
Step #1
Make healthy food choices at each meal.
Instead of cutting things out of your diet, try the flipside of the equation and add fruits and/or vegetables to every meal you eat.
Step #2
Exercise daily!
Take at least 30 minutes every day to get your heart rate up a little and get moving! You pick – it could be walking, riding a bike, roller blading, running, dancing or even playing with your wii (they are cheaper than ever this year).
Step #3
Minimize negativity in your life.
Quit watching the news or listening to idle gossip! Be observant during the day and find ways to reduce the negatives wherever you can.
Step #4
Do what makes your heart sing!
Find some time every day to do something that is the answer to this question – “In my picture perfect life, I am …”
Step #5
Be thankful all day long.
Three times a day, morning, noon and night, say out-loud and with feeling behind it. “I am so very thankful for…” and then mention something very specific.
Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
A Free Copy of Think And Grow Rich! The Best-Selling Success Book of All Time http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes Vic Johnson, wants to give you a free copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill! It is one of my personal favorites and one I give to college granulates. It is one of the few books I reread on a regular basis and still find new thoughts. Think and Grow Rich has been responsible for more self- made success stories than any book I know.
What do you Really Want?
This Saturday my Husband and I ventured into the shopping fray. We stopped and enjoyed a cup of strong coffee and talked about what we wanted to get others for gifts. We both agreed that giving required really thinking about the person and what they may or may not want or appreciate. From this conversation it is easy to start thinking about the things we want in our own lives.
Often we want something ABOUT what we want, rather than the object itself. For example, we can't all be ballet dancers, yet we could bring more beauty and grace into our life. Try this exercise from Dr. Phil McGraw:
1. What do you want in life?
2. What must you do to get it?
3. How will you feel when you get what you want?
Use the answer to 3. to start over, putting it as the next number 1.
1. I want a red sports car.
2. I must save a lot of money to get one.
3. I will feel special when I’m driving in it. So, this answer becomes your new #
3 --> 1. I want to feel special.
2. I must set myself apart to get it.
3. I will feel exceptional. - What you want is
3 --> 1. I want to be exceptional.
2. I must be a master at what I do.
3. I will feel like I made a difference.
What you really want is not the car, but to make a difference. You can keep this up until real clarity
unfolds, or stop here and seek “What you must do” to make a difference. As you wind down 2009, think about what you want for your business in 2010. . . what you really want!
As you wind down 2009, think about what you want for your business in 2010. . . what you really want!
With a short work week ahead, feeling complete by Thrusday may require a plan. Try this Weekly Plan to get your thoughts together to acheive a restful holiday.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Focus On Your Personal Economy (Energy)
You are in control of your choices! That’s hard to remember sometimes especially with the current state of the economy. What follows are 5 steps you can take over the coming weeks to jump-start your personal economy - your health, happiness and success and start the New Year with a bang!
Step #1
Make healthy food choices at each meal.
Instead of cutting things out of your diet, try the flipside of the equation and add fruits and/or vegetables to every meal you eat.
Step #2
Exercise daily!
Take at least 30 minutes every day to get your heart rate up a little and get moving! You pick – it could be walking, riding a bike, roller blading, running, dancing or even playing with your wii (they are cheaper than ever this year).
Step #3
Minimize negativity in your life.
Quit watching the news or listening to idle gossip! Be observant during the day and find ways to reduce the negatives wherever you can.
Step #4
Do what makes your heart sing!
Find some time every day to do something that is the answer to this question – “In my picture perfect life, I am …”
Step #5
Be thankful all day long.
Three times a day, morning, noon and night, say out-loud and with feeling behind it. “I am so very thankful for…” and then mention something very specific.
Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
A Free Copy of Think And Grow Rich! The Best-Selling Success Book of All Time http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes Vic Johnson, wants to give you a free copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill! It is one of my personal favorites and one I give to college granulates. It is one of the few books I reread on a regular basis and still find new thoughts. Think and Grow Rich has been responsible for more self- made success stories than any book I know.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Re-Charge and Lessons Learned
Three times in the last 24 hours, I got the message on my cell phone "Alert! Battery is low" and I dutifully plugged it in to the charging cord, 45 minutes later retrieved it and placed it in my pocket never verifying the charge was complete. This morning, when I saw that after charging, it still was giving me the "low-life" message, I investigated and discovered I'd not plugged charger into the outlet. Oops!
This reminds me of how as business owners, we tend to treat the holiday season as a time to do everything to perfection while saying we are "doing" the things that will recharge us. . . well sort of, but not really.
This holiday season, make it a habit to confirm you are getting recharged. Maybe that means, sleeping an extra hour, or minding your nutrition, or just catching some down-time alone or with people you choose. Be proactive and schedule your recharges and verity they worked!
Plugging in to what recharges you will not only lead to a happier holiday now but in January, you won't need a vacation from the holiday.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Lesson Learned
I hosted one of my jewelry open houses this week and while I’m grateful for the sales I did make, I made an error in judgment when it comes to marketing. (Tsk! Tsk!) I mailed my mailers out with a week’s advance notice and relied too heavily on email marketing to drum up interest in the open house. While I believe that email marketing works, I didn’t have a relationship built with my clientele through that medium. So here’s the take away for you:
1) mail early! Give people at least two week’s notice for an event (Emily Post would suggest four weeks) and
2) make sure your clients are used to receiving email messages from you because you don’t want your invitation to get eaten by the dog named “spam.” Enjoy your week!
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
A Free Copy of Think And Grow Rich! The Best-Selling Success Book of All Time http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes Vic Johnson, wants to give you a free copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill! It is one of my personal favorites and one I give to college granulates. It is one of the few books I reread on a regular basis and still find new thoughts. Think and Grow Rich has been responsible for more self- made success stories than any book I know.
Three times in the last 24 hours, I got the message on my cell phone "Alert! Battery is low" and I dutifully plugged it in to the charging cord, 45 minutes later retrieved it and placed it in my pocket never verifying the charge was complete. This morning, when I saw that after charging, it still was giving me the "low-life" message, I investigated and discovered I'd not plugged charger into the outlet. Oops!
This reminds me of how as business owners, we tend to treat the holiday season as a time to do everything to perfection while saying we are "doing" the things that will recharge us. . . well sort of, but not really.
This holiday season, make it a habit to confirm you are getting recharged. Maybe that means, sleeping an extra hour, or minding your nutrition, or just catching some down-time alone or with people you choose. Be proactive and schedule your recharges and verity they worked!
Plugging in to what recharges you will not only lead to a happier holiday now but in January, you won't need a vacation from the holiday.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Lesson Learned
I hosted one of my jewelry open houses this week and while I’m grateful for the sales I did make, I made an error in judgment when it comes to marketing. (Tsk! Tsk!) I mailed my mailers out with a week’s advance notice and relied too heavily on email marketing to drum up interest in the open house. While I believe that email marketing works, I didn’t have a relationship built with my clientele through that medium. So here’s the take away for you:
1) mail early! Give people at least two week’s notice for an event (Emily Post would suggest four weeks) and
2) make sure your clients are used to receiving email messages from you because you don’t want your invitation to get eaten by the dog named “spam.” Enjoy your week!
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
A Free Copy of Think And Grow Rich! The Best-Selling Success Book of All Time http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes Vic Johnson, wants to give you a free copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill! It is one of my personal favorites and one I give to college granulates. It is one of the few books I reread on a regular basis and still find new thoughts. Think and Grow Rich has been responsible for more self- made success stories than any book I know.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Listening and Giving
Listening to Your Customers
Even in slow economic times, a business can grow by paying attention to the customers. Listening to your profitable customers and adapting your business to them now, may do more to sustain a business than any mass market appeal. Besides, the masses are not all your ideal customers anyway.
Some people right now need or want your business's product or service, so tell the truth, explain what you will and won't do and realize that some will go away.
This week, ask your customers how you can better serve them. What makes them smile?, What will make their buiness life easier?
Time spent now, will be remembered in the future when customers have more to spend!
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Giving to Give
A novel idea for the commercialized world we live in and do business, when every Season's Greetings or Birthday card contains a coupon for a percentage off an order of $20, 50, 100 or more. (It seems we increasingly have to spend just to qualify for discounts that make the deal a perceived value.) So what does Giving to Give mean?
It means get rid of your agenda. Send a Birthday card to your best customer - without your logo on the card - and say . . . wait for it . . . "Happy Birthday! We're glad that we have had the opportunity to be of service to you in the past year and we sure hope it's been a good year for you!"
It means saying what you think you can't. Send your biggest client a Season's Greeting card and tell them "We respect you and value your input over the last year". I guarantee it will go miles beyond the smarmy "Wishing you and yours a . . . fill in the blank".
It's easy if you turn the tables on yourself. You probably have received a card or a gift from a supplier, or maybe your dentist, or even your mechanic, and it was probably branded with their logo and how much they can save you on your next purchase or service, etc. If you can relate to this then I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that you said something like "Yeesh. Why can't they treat me like person instead of a dollar sign!"
When we treat our customers, clients, family and friends like we'd like to be treated, we get amazing results. Practice the Golden Rule in your appreciation and it will show through. If you Give to Get, or give to get something in return, then that will show through too! If you'd rather have your card or gift recipients say "Wow! That was special!" and go on to tell all their friends and family, then let go of the outcome and send them something from the heart.
"For it is in giving that we receive." - St. Francis of Assisi
Copyright 2009 Todd Pillars is an Appreciation Marketer with Send Out Cards.
Contact him today at 419-855-2273, tpillars@gmail.com or visit his website at http://www.sendoutcards.com/tpillars
Links of Interest
A Free Copy of Think And Grow Rich! The Best-Selling Success Book of All Time by Napoleon Hill. http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes Vic Johnson, wants to give you a free copy. It is one of my personal favorites and one I give to college graduates. Take the opportunity to get one for free!
Even in slow economic times, a business can grow by paying attention to the customers. Listening to your profitable customers and adapting your business to them now, may do more to sustain a business than any mass market appeal. Besides, the masses are not all your ideal customers anyway.
Some people right now need or want your business's product or service, so tell the truth, explain what you will and won't do and realize that some will go away.
This week, ask your customers how you can better serve them. What makes them smile?, What will make their buiness life easier?
Time spent now, will be remembered in the future when customers have more to spend!
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
What's working in your Business?
Changing Lanes LLC
Giving to Give
A novel idea for the commercialized world we live in and do business, when every Season's Greetings or Birthday card contains a coupon for a percentage off an order of $20, 50, 100 or more. (It seems we increasingly have to spend just to qualify for discounts that make the deal a perceived value.) So what does Giving to Give mean?
It means get rid of your agenda. Send a Birthday card to your best customer - without your logo on the card - and say . . . wait for it . . . "Happy Birthday! We're glad that we have had the opportunity to be of service to you in the past year and we sure hope it's been a good year for you!"
It means saying what you think you can't. Send your biggest client a Season's Greeting card and tell them "We respect you and value your input over the last year". I guarantee it will go miles beyond the smarmy "Wishing you and yours a . . . fill in the blank".
It's easy if you turn the tables on yourself. You probably have received a card or a gift from a supplier, or maybe your dentist, or even your mechanic, and it was probably branded with their logo and how much they can save you on your next purchase or service, etc. If you can relate to this then I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that you said something like "Yeesh. Why can't they treat me like person instead of a dollar sign!"
When we treat our customers, clients, family and friends like we'd like to be treated, we get amazing results. Practice the Golden Rule in your appreciation and it will show through. If you Give to Get, or give to get something in return, then that will show through too! If you'd rather have your card or gift recipients say "Wow! That was special!" and go on to tell all their friends and family, then let go of the outcome and send them something from the heart.
"For it is in giving that we receive." - St. Francis of Assisi
Copyright 2009 Todd Pillars is an Appreciation Marketer with Send Out Cards.
Contact him today at 419-855-2273, tpillars@gmail.com or visit his website at http://www.sendoutcards.com/tpillars
Links of Interest
A Free Copy of Think And Grow Rich! The Best-Selling Success Book of All Time by Napoleon Hill. http://www.FreeTGRbook.com/ChangingLanes Vic Johnson, wants to give you a free copy. It is one of my personal favorites and one I give to college graduates. Take the opportunity to get one for free!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
If you haven't read "Think and Grow Rich", check it out for free - no overdue library fees! Just pay shipping. http://ping.fm/tyau4
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