Monday Morning Motivators – April 22, 2009
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
‘As a small businessperson, you have no greater leverage than the truth.’ --John Greenleaf Whittier
Table of Contents
1. Discipline - Linda Fayerweather
2. Twitter is as Twitter Does - Rebecca Booth
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Defines Success Differently - Pat Altvater
4. Make it Easy for Your Referral Sources - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Discipline
The word discipline has been popping up in the world of business with two books in the last 12 months.
Michael Gerber’s Latest book: E-Myth Mastery: The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World Class Company
Gary Harpst’s: Six Disciplines® Execution Revolution
Discipline in its purest form is “instruction to a pupil”. Most of us think of discipline as something we don’t want to remember from our youth to something we have to do even when we’d rather be doing something else.
As Pat has been educating us on what defines an awakened entrepreneur, we may want to embrace these thoughts and take the disciple to follow through. As small business owners and entrepreneurs if we just DAILY took the time to:
1. Identify at the beginning of the day what you will accomplish;
2. At the end of the day, review what you wanted to do;
3. Make corrections and plan the next day.
That is a nut shell is the discipline needed to having a business of your dreams.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Outsource your Weaknesses
Changing Lanes LLC
Twitter is as Twitter does.
Twitter is another social networking site gaining popularity across the nation. As a matter of fact, Ashton Kutcher took on CNN in a contest on who could reach 1 million followers first. The actor won the 3-day contest by 29 minutes. So, what’s the benefit of Twitter? Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected with family, friends, co-workers and other followers in real-time. While other social media outlets allow you to achieve the real-time comments, there is one major restriction to Twitter. Twitter is considered a micro-blogging site because you are limited to 140 characters to get your message across. The question most asked is: “What are you doing.”
Aside from Kutcher, Oprah and P. Diddy are using Twitter to create awareness for their charities and causes. Kutcher appeared on Larry King Live on April 17 in celebration of his success. The following quote by Kutcher sums up Twitter, and social networking in general, quite nicely: “We now live in an age in media that a single voice can have as much power and relevance on the Web, that is, as an entire media network. And I think that to me was shocking.”
The past two week’s examples – Susan Boyle, the Scottish church mouse gone TV show-stopper, and this little Twitter contest - show the power that one individual can have in the world.
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Defines Success Differently
An awakened entrepreneur defines success by what is important to them, not by standards set up by the outside world.
For many, the definition is based on being able to live the life they desire and experience joy in the process. This definition is unconditional — meaning that it doesn’t change if they make a lot of money or a little money. It is a standard to live by that is internal, not external. Maybe it’s time for you to look at your definition of success.
During this process of redefining what success means to you personally, you will discover what is important in your life. If money is not flowing completely in your business right now, it won’t create doubt because through your definition of success, you will start to trust the process and feel successful based on your definition. You will trust that the money will flow rather than question when it will flow. When you get to this place, it will flow!
Copyright 2009 by Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
4. Leads vs. Referrals
Just a reminder on the difference between a lead and a referral. One of the main concepts we try to convey to our BNI members is the difference between Leads and Referrals. Leads are more like tips. A lead is passing along information to someone in your networking group for someone you may be doing business with, but you never pass your fellow networkers the name to that person. You just say "use my name when you call". A lead tends to be more like a cold call for both parties.
A referral is when you make the initial contact and then you tell your fellow networker that your customer is expecting their call. Referrals are a win/win/win situation. You win for referring business and helping your customer as well. Your customer wins because you personally recommended someone to help with their problem. Your fellow networker wins because you have opened the door for them to your customer. It's not a guaranteed sale, but at least they are in the door. What would you rather receive?
Copyright 2009 by John Meyer and brought to you by Paula Frazier who is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles have been published internationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at paula@referralinstitute-va.com
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Cause and Effect
Monday Morning Motivators – April 20, 2009
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“All lasting business is built on friendship.” --Alfred A. Montapert
Table of Contents
1. Cause and Effect - Linda Fayerweather
2. The Power of Social Media in Action - Rebecca Booth
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Manage Their Mind - Pat Altvater
4. Make it Easy for Your Referral Sources - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Cause and Effect
Being totally annoyed with a financial institution that had the nerve to change my password because they were “bought-up” by a rival, I was just a tad surly on the phone with the service rep after several levels of auto-answer. She was excellent at her work because in short order, she had me laughing and we figured out the problem, got a new password and I was on my way to finishing my financial work. The cause of my frustration could have attracted a different effect if the service rep had not been trained so well.
Cause and effect are choices we all make. If I’m insulted, I can allow the effect to hurt my feelings or choose to ignore the insult. I like to think of “cause and effect” a domino – each of us has both a cause and an effect. When businesses owners or managers complain about angry customers they might want to consider the cause and effect. Some industries truly do have angry customers, but sometimes the angry customer (cause) may have a different outcome when someone changes the expected “effect”.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Outsource your Weaknesses
Changing Lanes LLC
The Power of Social Media in Action
By now, you’re probably familiar with Susan Boyle, that amazing singer who competed last week on Britains Got Talent 2009. If you are unfamiliar with her, she’s a Scottish spinster who hardly fits the “Got Talent” formula for success: 20something, size 0, and pretty. Susan Boyle tamed celebrity judge Simon Cowell and brought the house down with her singing of “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables.
So, what the heck does this have to do with Social Media?! Well, let’s take a look at the track record of this video. Susan initially competed on Britain’s Got Talent on Saturday, April 11. It wound up on You Tube the next day and became such a raving sensation that the story hit US airwaves mid-week and by Friday she was interviewed live on The Today Show. As of Sunday afternoon April 18, the initial You Tube video had netted 30.2 million views. She’s become a media darling on two continents in just 1 week. How amazing is this?! An obscure happening on a TV show in Great Britain is inspiring Americans nationwide. Now, that’s the power of social media.
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Manage Their Mind
Scientists have identified the “negativity bias” – our tendency to focus on negative things or critical comments. If you get 5 compliments in a day and 1 criticism, which do you remember? Probably the 1 criticism fills your thoughts will defensiveness and you waste time replaying the unproductive conversation or comment.
We all do that at times! What a waste of our mental energy!
To avoid the negativity bias, stay mindful of your thoughts – learn to manage your mind. Effective entrepreneurs know that if they receive a criticism they need to look for the validity in the comment. Is there something to learn from it? If so, be grateful to the person who brought it to your attention. If not, realize that the person who conveyed something inappropriate to you did so from their own need to get something for themselves. Send them love and pay no further attention to their comment.
If you find yourself replaying the comment again in your mind, just say “NO – I already dealt with that!” By keeping your mind focused and thinking of all the positive things about your business, you will be more successful and happy on a daily basis.
Copyright 2009 by Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
4. Make it Easy for Your Referral Sources
If you want to get more referrals from people in your network, you have to be able to make it easy for them to find and give those referrals to you. They want to help you, but most will not step out of their comfort zone to make it happen,
Here are 5 things to help you start the process of making it easy;
1. What should I listen for? I am with people all of the time, and many of them are complaining about something, or sharing great news, or contemplating a decision. Each of these conversations present opportunities to develop referrals for you.
2. What visual clue might I see that would lead me to recommend or refer you? Are there things that are common to signals that a person might need you? Such as someone who's car has a dent in it and you are an auto body shop owner.
3. Are there things that I might see that would help me recognize someone as your target market? Like a motor cycle or boat in a drive way for the insurance agent.
4. What kind of things might be happening that would lead me to believe that someone is in the market for your services? A child being born, and child going to college, or a new business that just opened?
5. Is there an activity that you clients often engage in? Such as running in mini-marathons, jogging, bike riding, working out, skiing, or any number of activities that would help me identify our clients?
The more you can paint a picture for your network members the easier it is going to be for them to help you. Unfortunately, this means that you have to give some thought to what and who you are looking for as clients. Anybody or everybody will not be as effective. Profile you clients and teach your network members how to spot the clues.
Hazel Walker has spent the last 15 years networking and teaching others to network. She started out owning her own Insurance Agency that she built using her networking skills. Today Hazel is the Executive Director for BNI of Indiana, a Referral Institute Trainer, as well as a professional speaker and writer. You can email her at Hazel@referralinstitute.com or Tweet Hazel at http://www.twitter.com/hazewalker.
Copyright 2009 by Paula Frazier who is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles have been published internationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at paula@referralinstitute-va.com
Monday Morning Motivators – April 20, 2009
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“All lasting business is built on friendship.” --Alfred A. Montapert
Table of Contents
1. Cause and Effect - Linda Fayerweather
2. The Power of Social Media in Action - Rebecca Booth
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Manage Their Mind - Pat Altvater
4. Make it Easy for Your Referral Sources - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. Cause and Effect
Being totally annoyed with a financial institution that had the nerve to change my password because they were “bought-up” by a rival, I was just a tad surly on the phone with the service rep after several levels of auto-answer. She was excellent at her work because in short order, she had me laughing and we figured out the problem, got a new password and I was on my way to finishing my financial work. The cause of my frustration could have attracted a different effect if the service rep had not been trained so well.
Cause and effect are choices we all make. If I’m insulted, I can allow the effect to hurt my feelings or choose to ignore the insult. I like to think of “cause and effect” a domino – each of us has both a cause and an effect. When businesses owners or managers complain about angry customers they might want to consider the cause and effect. Some industries truly do have angry customers, but sometimes the angry customer (cause) may have a different outcome when someone changes the expected “effect”.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Outsource your Weaknesses
Changing Lanes LLC
The Power of Social Media in Action
By now, you’re probably familiar with Susan Boyle, that amazing singer who competed last week on Britains Got Talent 2009. If you are unfamiliar with her, she’s a Scottish spinster who hardly fits the “Got Talent” formula for success: 20something, size 0, and pretty. Susan Boyle tamed celebrity judge Simon Cowell and brought the house down with her singing of “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables.
So, what the heck does this have to do with Social Media?! Well, let’s take a look at the track record of this video. Susan initially competed on Britain’s Got Talent on Saturday, April 11. It wound up on You Tube the next day and became such a raving sensation that the story hit US airwaves mid-week and by Friday she was interviewed live on The Today Show. As of Sunday afternoon April 18, the initial You Tube video had netted 30.2 million views. She’s become a media darling on two continents in just 1 week. How amazing is this?! An obscure happening on a TV show in Great Britain is inspiring Americans nationwide. Now, that’s the power of social media.
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Manage Their Mind
Scientists have identified the “negativity bias” – our tendency to focus on negative things or critical comments. If you get 5 compliments in a day and 1 criticism, which do you remember? Probably the 1 criticism fills your thoughts will defensiveness and you waste time replaying the unproductive conversation or comment.
We all do that at times! What a waste of our mental energy!
To avoid the negativity bias, stay mindful of your thoughts – learn to manage your mind. Effective entrepreneurs know that if they receive a criticism they need to look for the validity in the comment. Is there something to learn from it? If so, be grateful to the person who brought it to your attention. If not, realize that the person who conveyed something inappropriate to you did so from their own need to get something for themselves. Send them love and pay no further attention to their comment.
If you find yourself replaying the comment again in your mind, just say “NO – I already dealt with that!” By keeping your mind focused and thinking of all the positive things about your business, you will be more successful and happy on a daily basis.
Copyright 2009 by Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
4. Make it Easy for Your Referral Sources
If you want to get more referrals from people in your network, you have to be able to make it easy for them to find and give those referrals to you. They want to help you, but most will not step out of their comfort zone to make it happen,
Here are 5 things to help you start the process of making it easy;
1. What should I listen for? I am with people all of the time, and many of them are complaining about something, or sharing great news, or contemplating a decision. Each of these conversations present opportunities to develop referrals for you.
2. What visual clue might I see that would lead me to recommend or refer you? Are there things that are common to signals that a person might need you? Such as someone who's car has a dent in it and you are an auto body shop owner.
3. Are there things that I might see that would help me recognize someone as your target market? Like a motor cycle or boat in a drive way for the insurance agent.
4. What kind of things might be happening that would lead me to believe that someone is in the market for your services? A child being born, and child going to college, or a new business that just opened?
5. Is there an activity that you clients often engage in? Such as running in mini-marathons, jogging, bike riding, working out, skiing, or any number of activities that would help me identify our clients?
The more you can paint a picture for your network members the easier it is going to be for them to help you. Unfortunately, this means that you have to give some thought to what and who you are looking for as clients. Anybody or everybody will not be as effective. Profile you clients and teach your network members how to spot the clues.
Hazel Walker has spent the last 15 years networking and teaching others to network. She started out owning her own Insurance Agency that she built using her networking skills. Today Hazel is the Executive Director for BNI of Indiana, a Referral Institute Trainer, as well as a professional speaker and writer. You can email her at Hazel@referralinstitute.com or Tweet Hazel at http://www.twitter.com/hazewalker.
Copyright 2009 by Paula Frazier who is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles have been published internationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at paula@referralinstitute-va.com
Monday, April 13, 2009
System Solutions
Monday Morning Motivators – April 13, 2009
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.” --Warren Buffett
Table of Contents
1. System Solutions 4 - Linda Fayerweather
2. Creating a Profile on LinkedIn - Rebecca Booth
3. An Awakened Entrepreneur Takes Congruent Actions - Pat Altvater
4. Every Day Can be the First day of Spring! - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. System Solutions 4
If your business is on fire, you would likely do two things.
1. Get the fire extinguished
2. Find the cause and make sure it is corrected so it isn’t repeated.
Take the time to look at all our systems the same way. The evaluation and checking of a system is critical to staying competitive and customer centric. Evaluating and re-planning will keep your systems running smoothly.
System to staying on top evaluation:
1. Review a list of your systems and procedures you have been developing;
2. Schedule the date you will be doing an honest assessment of each systems.
3. Delegate at least half of your projects to staff, employees or partners.
4. Put the date on your reminder list so you will be expecting these evaluations.
Keeping your business on target means constant evaluation and correction. Think of these like you do an oil change or tune-up for your car. Always necessary and worth the time.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Outsource your Weaknesses
Changing Lanes LLC
Reviewing LinkedIn
Now that you are getting your feet wet on www.Linkedin.com, here are some recommendations for Linkedin from www.SocialMediaDefined.com:
1. Create a LinkedIn profile,
2. Import your address book,
3. Include a personal note with every invitation you send,
4. If you’d like to be recommended for your work by others, it helps to recommend their work first.
The majority of the site is completely free to use, with varying monthly plans for additional features and options. Www.SocialMediaDefined.com http://www.socialmediadefined.com/2009/01/30/linkedin-defined/ has other tips like using the “answer” section or announcements of events.
One last thought – master this site before you start another. We all know that spreading ourselves too thin and be disastrous.
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Takes Congruent Actions
If you want something, like a successful business, financial abundance, or even a healthy body, and commit to that goal, but then don’t take appropriate actions to attain your goal, you create confusion and self-doubt in your unconscious mind.
With the Law of Attraction, this confusion is projected outward and what you attract is obviously NOT what you want. In addition, every time you break a commitment that you made to yourself (i.e. make 5 sales calls a day, exercise every morning, keep your financial records up-to-date) you subconsciously disappoint yourself and your self-esteem erodes.
When you commit to a goal, take the daily actions necessary to achieve the goal, even though that action may take you out of your comfort zone. Then you’ll have congruence and your unconscious mind will go to work helping you to achieve your greatest desires!
Copyright 2009 by Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
4. Everyday Can Be the First Day of Spring!
Many families have been celebrating the Easter holiday in their own way these past couple of days. When I was little it meant a new Easter dress, shiny white shoes and gloves, an Easter egg hunt and all of my favorite things on the dinner table. Almost every kid I knew got a basket of goodies full of their favorite confectionary treats thanks to the Easter Bunny.
While I offer a combination of faith and fun these days, I grew up in a big town and learned early on that not everyone celebrates or recognizes Easter but almost everyone could count on a one-eyed, hollow chocolate bunny and some Brach’s jelly beans. Easter was also the universal indication that spring had officially sprung.
All winter long Mother Nature puts scores of her most precious plants, trees and animals to sleep. They rest and remain dormant for an entire season needing very little food, water and sunlight to survive. The change of climate and colder temperatures offers much less of these necessities so the land instinctively requires less of them.
Wintry weather also brings a multitude of significant holidays for may of us. I’ve noticed that traditional business owners, versus seasonal business owners, tend to slow down for these festivities. They actually begin to hibernate!
Take a look at the number of full weeks you got out and actively marketed your business during the spring and summer season in 2008. Compare them to your networking activities from the recent fall/winter period where we definitely become more social. Tis the season! Is there a significant difference in the number of qualified prospects you met (and followed up with) and business produced?
If you’re like many small business owners, you may allow yourself to become dormant. We’re not meant to hole up just because the temperature drops; we’re instinctively wired to prepare for the winter months. You can still take the down time if you account for it through increased prospecting/sales activities during your active work weeks.
Those who don’t plan may survive; those that properly plan will more certainly flourish and THRIVE!!!
1. Make a list of 10 specific things you’ve stopped doing that are profitable marketing activities for you and your business.
2. Research current networking opportunities and schedule time to do these activities on a consistent basis throughout 2009.
3. Decide how many weeks you’d like to work this year and plan appropriately.
Wake up! Everyday can be the first day of spring for you and your business. Get out there and plant healthy seeds with like-minded, successful people connected to your target market, consistently nurture those relationships according to their individual needs and watch your respective businesses grow.
Copyright 2009 by Paula Frazier who is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles have been published internationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at paula@referralinstitute-va.com
Monday Morning Motivators – April 13, 2009
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at www.mondaymorningmotivators.com
“A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.” --Warren Buffett
Table of Contents
1. System Solutions 4 - Linda Fayerweather
2. Creating a Profile on LinkedIn - Rebecca Booth
3. An Awakened Entrepreneur Takes Congruent Actions - Pat Altvater
4. Every Day Can be the First day of Spring! - Paula Frazier
5. Fine Print
1. System Solutions 4
If your business is on fire, you would likely do two things.
1. Get the fire extinguished
2. Find the cause and make sure it is corrected so it isn’t repeated.
Take the time to look at all our systems the same way. The evaluation and checking of a system is critical to staying competitive and customer centric. Evaluating and re-planning will keep your systems running smoothly.
System to staying on top evaluation:
1. Review a list of your systems and procedures you have been developing;
2. Schedule the date you will be doing an honest assessment of each systems.
3. Delegate at least half of your projects to staff, employees or partners.
4. Put the date on your reminder list so you will be expecting these evaluations.
Keeping your business on target means constant evaluation and correction. Think of these like you do an oil change or tune-up for your car. Always necessary and worth the time.
Copyright 2009 Linda Fayerweather
Outsource your Weaknesses
Changing Lanes LLC
Reviewing LinkedIn
Now that you are getting your feet wet on www.Linkedin.com, here are some recommendations for Linkedin from www.SocialMediaDefined.com:
1. Create a LinkedIn profile,
2. Import your address book,
3. Include a personal note with every invitation you send,
4. If you’d like to be recommended for your work by others, it helps to recommend their work first.
The majority of the site is completely free to use, with varying monthly plans for additional features and options. Www.SocialMediaDefined.com http://www.socialmediadefined.com/2009/01/30/linkedin-defined/ has other tips like using the “answer” section or announcements of events.
One last thought – master this site before you start another. We all know that spreading ourselves too thin and be disastrous.
Copyright 2009 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.
3. Awakened Entrepreneurs Takes Congruent Actions
If you want something, like a successful business, financial abundance, or even a healthy body, and commit to that goal, but then don’t take appropriate actions to attain your goal, you create confusion and self-doubt in your unconscious mind.
With the Law of Attraction, this confusion is projected outward and what you attract is obviously NOT what you want. In addition, every time you break a commitment that you made to yourself (i.e. make 5 sales calls a day, exercise every morning, keep your financial records up-to-date) you subconsciously disappoint yourself and your self-esteem erodes.
When you commit to a goal, take the daily actions necessary to achieve the goal, even though that action may take you out of your comfort zone. Then you’ll have congruence and your unconscious mind will go to work helping you to achieve your greatest desires!
Copyright 2009 by Pat Altvater
Transforming Bodies and Minds
4. Everyday Can Be the First Day of Spring!
Many families have been celebrating the Easter holiday in their own way these past couple of days. When I was little it meant a new Easter dress, shiny white shoes and gloves, an Easter egg hunt and all of my favorite things on the dinner table. Almost every kid I knew got a basket of goodies full of their favorite confectionary treats thanks to the Easter Bunny.
While I offer a combination of faith and fun these days, I grew up in a big town and learned early on that not everyone celebrates or recognizes Easter but almost everyone could count on a one-eyed, hollow chocolate bunny and some Brach’s jelly beans. Easter was also the universal indication that spring had officially sprung.
All winter long Mother Nature puts scores of her most precious plants, trees and animals to sleep. They rest and remain dormant for an entire season needing very little food, water and sunlight to survive. The change of climate and colder temperatures offers much less of these necessities so the land instinctively requires less of them.
Wintry weather also brings a multitude of significant holidays for may of us. I’ve noticed that traditional business owners, versus seasonal business owners, tend to slow down for these festivities. They actually begin to hibernate!
Take a look at the number of full weeks you got out and actively marketed your business during the spring and summer season in 2008. Compare them to your networking activities from the recent fall/winter period where we definitely become more social. Tis the season! Is there a significant difference in the number of qualified prospects you met (and followed up with) and business produced?
If you’re like many small business owners, you may allow yourself to become dormant. We’re not meant to hole up just because the temperature drops; we’re instinctively wired to prepare for the winter months. You can still take the down time if you account for it through increased prospecting/sales activities during your active work weeks.
Those who don’t plan may survive; those that properly plan will more certainly flourish and THRIVE!!!
1. Make a list of 10 specific things you’ve stopped doing that are profitable marketing activities for you and your business.
2. Research current networking opportunities and schedule time to do these activities on a consistent basis throughout 2009.
3. Decide how many weeks you’d like to work this year and plan appropriately.
Wake up! Everyday can be the first day of spring for you and your business. Get out there and plant healthy seeds with like-minded, successful people connected to your target market, consistently nurture those relationships according to their individual needs and watch your respective businesses grow.
Copyright 2009 by Paula Frazier who is a referral marketing trainer, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. Paula’s business networking articles have been published internationally. She is also acknowledged in the New York Times best seller, Truth or Delusion – Busting Networkings Biggest Myths. Check out #33, Delusion with a twist! Paula can be contacted at paula@referralinstitute-va.com
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