Monday, September 29, 2008

Standards - Customers - Choice - Netoworth

Monday Morning Motivators – September 29, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“Hope is not a strategy.” –Rick Page

Table of Contents
1. 5S Review – Standards & Self Discipline - Linda Fayerweather
2. Market to current customers – Part 4 of 4 - Rebecca Booth
3. The Power of Choice! - Pat Altvater
4. Network Strength = Net Worth - Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 5S Review – Standards & Self Discipline
You may be looking around your office or business after applying the first 3 of the 5S and saying “Wow, this is great, I can find things and it is a place I want to be . . . I just hope I can keep it this way.” To achieve that success you need to make some standards. Maybe you take a picture of your clutter free environment and post it to remember what YOU want it to look like. Your standards are the bare minimum you want for your work environment.

The last 5S is Self Discipline and it is hard to separate standards from it. If you have a good description of what your work space needs to be, sustaining it is self discipline. What will it take? Maybe a weekly appointment in your calendar to do a standard inspection. When you feel you are back sliding, just start back at Sort and do the job again. Each time it will become faster and easier!

Need a quick tip reminder? You can have a FREE pocket guide to 5S. To receive yours, please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Emphasis Promotions – Part 4 of 4
Well the sun is starting to set on the old west. Here’s one last suggestion for marketing during an economic downturn.

4) Emphasize promotions versus price cuts. With the price of gas, food and, ok, everything going up, think about offering to coupons. Studies have shown that two thirds of all shoppers are more inclined to use coupons now, which is very interesting since coupon usage has been in a 10-year decline! Instead of doing full-scale price-cutting – which can put the brakes on your ability to survive and grow during a recession – look to short-term promotional offers. Not only will you stimulate sales from current customers you’ll also be able to draw in some new ones. What’s best yet, you can maintain your regular pricing and profitability on non-promotional items and services. Don’t think you have to just place coupon in a ValPak or newspaper ad. Eighty percent of people aged 18-34 say they’re more likely to use coupons if they can be downloaded. Use the web to your advantage, but offering coupons online! Hasta la vista!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Learn Acceptance
The Power of Choice!

Gregg Braden in his wonderful book The Divine Matrix says this about our ability to choose: “We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose.” So why do we sometimes choose so unwisely?

I know people that drink 10-12 diet sodas a day; why choose that? Or eat an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting, date the person that everyone knows is a liar, or run up credit cards to their max – WHY CHOOSE THAT?

Why? Because we make many of our decisions unconsciously. Our mind is a pleasure seeking mechanism, so we unconsciously choose to do things that might possibly bring happiness to us. We subconsciously avoid anything that could bring pain, even if it’s just a moment of feeling deprived because we don’t get to drink another diet soda! Furthermore, the pain we’re trying to avoid is based on things that happened in the past and not relevant at all to today.

You can release yourself from this subconscious conditioning by becoming present in the moment. When you are at a decision point, even if it’s just making a decision about whether to have that second helping at dinner, say to yourself “I’m in control of my choices. Is this what I choose?” Doing this gives you the opportunity to make the decision based on what you want today and not based on past conditioning.

Pat Altvater
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

4. The Strength of Your Network Will Impact Your Net Worth!
Elizabeth I endured house arrest for most of her childhood, survived being locked in the Tower of London as an adult, and went on to become the Queen of England at the youthful age of twenty-five. She was a phenomenal leader in business (the business of being Queen) because she developed her life lessons into effective leadership skills and transformed a country near ruin into one of the greatest empires ever to exist!

Okay, our businesses are not royal kingdoms, we are not kings and queens, and our referral partners are not royal subjects but being a leader is BEING A LEADER!

I recently spoke with one of the best of the best in referral marketing, the industry leader, Dr. Ivan Misner. While he ABSOLUTELY refuses to participate in a recession, one thing he said we must do to build our businesses in this economic climate is to build strong networks – groups of people that offer us information, support and referrals.

Sounds easy enough! Over the next few weeks we will start by:
1. Identifying the people that trust us and want to see us succeed.
2. We’ll assign them to the network that best suits them (information, support or referral).
3. Then comes the time to motivate and inspire the people in our networks to take action and THAT takes leadership.

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at or

5. To Do This Week
Meet with one referral partner this week to see what you can do to help grow their business.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sweep - Customers - Acceptance - Strength of Character

Monday Morning Motivators – September 29, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

Table of Contents
1. 5S Review – Sweep & Shine - Linda Fayerweather
2. Market to current customers – Part 3 of 4 - Rebecca Booth
3. Learn Acceptance - Pat Altvater
4. Extraordinary Strength of Character - Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 5S Review – Sweep & Shine
As a kid, I remember waiting in the car to go camping, singing some crazy song about waiting and waiting with my siblings. And what were we waiting for? We were waiting for Mom to scrub the kitchen sink and mop the floor so that “in case she died on vacation” her mother wouldn’t think she was a slob. Mom understood the 3rd S – Sweep & Shine.

Keeping everything clean is important to profit, waste identification and most of all, customers. Every now and then, I’ll hear someone say “but my customers never see my workspace”. It doesn’t matter!
--If you work in a messy environment, it will slip into messy work.
--If you are not maintaining equipment and machines, you may come up short when an unmaintained machine fails at a critical moment.
--If your drive-by appearance still has last season’s decorations, potential customers may think you are out of business!

As you travel this week, take a look and see what attracts you to other businesses – I’m guessing a ship-shape place always has an impact! There is a reason that McDonald’s is the number one place for moms with kids – clean bathrooms.

Need a quick tip reminder? You can have a FREE pocket guide to 5S. To receive yours, please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Market to current customers – Part 3 of 4
Marketing? We don’t need no stinking marketing?! Do you seriously think that Clint Eastwood, aka the Outlaw Josie Wales, would cut his marketing budget if he were an entrepreneur? You’re absolutely right; the answer would be “Naw!” Instead our smart outlaw/cowboy would:

3) Market to current customers. Take a look at what you’re buying or not buying this year. Are you working with people you’ve worked with before or are you giving your business to someone who’s untried? If you’re like most people, you are making safe choices with your limited funds. Make a concerted effort to stay in touch with your existing customers. Reach out to them using a variety of tactics: from e-mail to snail mail to sales calls to lunches. By varying your tactics, you’ll stay top-of-mind without wearing out your welcome. Go ahead . . . Make their day!

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Learn Acceptance
Many of us operate from an attitude of “I have to make life happen. If I don’t, it won’t be the way I want it to be.”

According to Zen teachings, we’re better off to just accept everything as it is. That sounds like a do nothing approach to life but that’s only because we confuse giving up with acceptance. However, they are very different. Giving up is an ego experience of defeat and resignation.

Acceptance is more about being in the moment and seeing what is happening and then acting out of choice. According to Cheri Huber, author of That Which You Are Seeking Is Causing You to Seek, suggests that we can plan, decide, and choose how we want things to turn out, but then we must let go and accept that if it turns out the way we wanted, great, and if it doesn’t, great. That’s acceptance!

An elementary school friend of mine died of cancer last week. She battled for 15 years, with 4 different incidences during that period. At her funeral, we heard about her acceptance over those 15 years and how she lived those years JOYFULLY, even the last few months when it was apparent that another miracle was not at hand. The lesson for us: the outcome does not matter, what matters is how you are spending this very minute.

Are you spending your moments in acceptance?

Pat Altvater
Author, Journey to WOW, Ignite the Power Within

4. Extraordinary Strength of Character
Central Washington and Western Oregon colleges had ladies softball teams playing for the league championship. Sarah was a senior with Western Oregon. It was her last game and she had a goal . . . to hit a homerun.

It was the day of the big game. Both teams were neck and neck. Sarah stepped up to her LAST at bat with two team members on base and hit the ball over the fence!

Both teammates made it “home” safely. In her excitement, Sarah overran first base which meant she had to go back. When Sarah turned, her cleated shoes didn’t allow her foot to turn with her. The tendons in her knee were torn and she fell to the ground but managed to crawl back to first base.

The coach for Western Oregon asked the umpire about their options. The bottom line was that NO ONE on Sarah’s team could touch her or it wouldn’t statistically be a “home run”.

Melony Holtman played for Central Washington. She actually held the record for the most home runs in the league. Melony asked the umpire if her team could help Sarah. They could. . . AND THEY DID!!! Melony and another player from Central Washington cradled Sarah in their arms and carried her from base to base carefully stopping to bend just enough to touch Sarah’s toe on each one.

Each week, in life and in business, you have the chance to STEP UP TO THE PLATE and become part of a greater victory by selflessly contributing to someone else’s success . . . sometimes at your own expense.

Western Oregon experienced their first championship because everyone around them demonstrated extraordinary strength of character! Melony Holtman told Sarah that she’d earned it, she “deserved” it.

When someone in your life, in your business, on your team, on another team falls short – pick them up and (if necessary) carry them!!!

--YOU WILL strengthen your relationships
--YOU WILL strengthen your business
--YOU WILL strengthen your networks…when you choose to demonstrate extraordinary strength of character!

Take a few minutes to think about some of the opportunities you may have missed to demonstrate extraordinary strength of character in the last few weeks. What action(s) can you take to make a difference for someone else? The good news is that it will make a difference for you too!

Visit to experience this phenomenal story firsthand.

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at or .

5. To Do This Week
Enjoy this equinox day. Happy Autumn (or Spring if you are downunder)

Monday, September 15, 2008

5S - Simplify

Monday Morning Motivators – September 15, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“You achieve customer satisfaction when you sell merchandise that doesn’t come back to a customer who does.”-- Stanley Marcus

Table of Contents
1. 5S Review – Simplify - Linda Fayerweather
2. We Don’t Need No Stinking Marketing! – Part 2 of 4 - Rebecca Booth
3. Achievement - Pat Altvater
4. 5 Tips When Selling to a Referred Prospect - Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 5S Review - Simplify
Did you know that the average person spends 2 weeks each year looking for misplaced items? Having spent last week sorting the messes we’ve created, this week we will concentrate on simplifying our systems so that we can find things when we need them and easily put them away.

“A Place for everything and everything in its place.” is an old adage from 1827 attributed to Reverend C. A. Goodrich. It is also the start of simplifying or setting order to your office life and here are some simple tips:
1. Begin with a plan for how you access your information and files before you start putting things away. Time spent thinking here will help you have a plan that works.
2. Create a map of where things belong or just a written legend.
3. Mirror your physical filing system with the same names and folders as your computer filing system or vice versa.
4. Monitor yourself. When a pile of stuff accumulates, ask yourself “why”. It may be that you need a new category or something got missed at the beginning. Don’t be afraid to call in an expert. Sometimes outside eyes will see a problem you continue to miss.

Creating a space that saves time in both starting work and finishing work is a work place where you will want to be.

If you would like a pocket guide to 5S, Please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Marketing? We Don’t Need No Stinking Marketing! – Part 2 of 4
Last week, Cowboy Bob was thinking about axing his marketing budget. This is another excellent reason for him to keep it intact.

Retool your strategy. Make sure that your marketing systems are supporting one another. For instance, if you’re sending out a postcard and can only afford to send a small one – don’t jam it up with too much information. Instead, direct people to your website to find out more about you or give them a reason to call. Next monitor the web’s use as well as your incoming calls. Don’t be afraid to do the same with your advertising and your web copy. The goal always is to start a dialogue. Make it easy for people to get more information about you/your product or service. Then make it really easy for them to contact you. Once they’ve expressed interest, forget the email – pick up the phone and start getting to know that person! Relationships are built upon communication.

Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Achievement
Did you watch the Olympics? How terrific to see the great stories of achievement and hear things like Michael Phelps comment about nothing being impossible. The Olympians are wonderful role models for us.

However, there are lessons in the stories of athletes that weren’t successful too. Did you see the relay race where the team was disqualified when the baton was dropped? Did the team fall down in defeat? NO! Even though they knew they had failed to win the race, the runner turned around, picked up the baton, and carried it across the finish line.

How many times in your business or career, have you failed to pick up the baton when you knew you were facing failure? I’ve seen so many people, quit, give up completely, sulk back to their comfort zone, when if they just picked the baton back up, they could have progressed themselves or at least learned something about persistence and their own character.

When you notice you’ve dropped the baton, carry on as if failure weren’t an option and you never know, it just might not be. “Nothing is impossible!”

Click the link below to watch a short one minute video based on the poem The Comfort Zone.

Pat Altvater
Author, Trainer, Coach

4. 5 Tips When Selling to a Referred Prospect
If you are going to get good referrals, you must be able to close the referrals that you are given. Unfortunately most people believe that if they are networking and getting referrals they really do not have to sale. Nothing could be further from the truth. Part of making your referral partner look good is your ability to close a sale in the proper way.

Following are 5 Tips sent to me by Aaron Prickle of Lushin and Associates. Aaron is a Sandler Sales Trainer and a graduate of the Referral Dynamics Program.

1. Figure out why you were referred to them.
There were reasons why you were asked to call them, what were they? Ask the referee for this information before your call to help you understand their specific issues.

2. Strategize with your referral source.
Have the referral source give you as much information about the referral as possible. Like what is the decision making process, and the needs of the referral? Ask your referral source what information they may have conveyed to the referral.

3. Run your normal sales call.
Don't skip steps in your sales process since you think they are a "warm" lead. Most salespeople fail to realize positive prospects can be the most difficult prospects.

4. Discover their pain, budget and decision making process by setting clear expectations of the meeting. Now the meeting is set, make the most of it and make it a win-win for both parties.

5. Call your referral source to debrief and thank them for the opportunity. Not all referrals will be ready to purchase your product or service. Even if they don't purchase from you taking care of the post-sale activity will help ensure your chances for future referrals. Don't be embarrassed if it ended in a "no." Both parties should learn from it and move on!

Remember, it does not matter how much of your business come to you via referral, having a good sales system is vital to continuing to get referrals.

Copyright 2008 by Hazel M. Walker is an expert at referral marketing and networking. She is the owner of the Referral Insititute of Indiana as well as the Central and Southern Indiana BNI Franchises. Read her blog at .

Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at or .

5. To Do This Week
Learn from Ike – Be Prepared, Have a Plan, Know your Limits.

Monday, September 08, 2008

5S - Sort

September 15, 2008

5S - Sort
Getting started with 5S for your office does mean that Sort will be done first. Sorting takes time and recognize that you may need to stop everything for a day to truly get control of your office. To get started, you are going to create new piles and sometimes labeled boxes will work best. Start with these subjects.
1. Trash - broken, defective, non-recyclable, junk;
2. Doesn't belong here;
3. Return to sender/owner;
4. Recyclable - anything that can be recycled, sold, given away;
5. Used once per day;
6. Used about once a week;
7. Used about once a month;
8. Seldom used;
9. Don't know what it is, why it is, unknown.

When everything on your desk, in your desk, under your desk and hidden around your office has been sorted, you are now ready for the next S - Set the order. Now, don't forget to take out the trash and recyclables.

Copyright 2008 Linda Lucas Fayerweather
The Profitable Route to Success

Last week's pocket 5S guides are in the mail. If you would like a pocket guide to 5S, Please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Marketing? We don't need no Stinking Marketing.
Part 1 of 4
When the economy starts to falter, most entrepreneurs become cowboys by aggressively cutting their costs. Typically the first to go is marketing. Bad move dude. Here are four vital steps you should take to keep your marketing going during any economic downturn:

I. Assess what's working and what's not. Take a close look at how you spent your money last year. Determine where your new clients came from. Assess how much money was garnered by new clients. How much by current clients? Where did they hear about you? And what was the cost for getting that client? Once you know, you can make a decision as to reinvesting in the marketing method or not. Keep in mind that it costs seven times as much money to get a new client than it does to get business out of a current client. Make sure you can afford to chase after the newbies.

Copyright 2008 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

Abundance is everywhere!
"Abundance will never be a factor of how much money one has. Rather it is always a factor of how one feels about what money one does have."

This quote from Stuart Wilde's book, The Trick to Money is Having Some, gives us something to consider. His premise is that abundance is a feeling. I've found that to be true - people who have limiting core beliefs, such as "you have to work hard for money", "money doesn't grow on trees", or "easy come, easy go", create negative emotions surrounding abundance and thus find it difficult to create sustainable businesses.

Spend some time this week listening to your thoughts and emotions to see what type of energy you are creating regarding abundance and money. If you find yourself worried over money, bills, or the economy, then you will push away what you desire. Instead of worrying, spend some time each day, visualizing your life as wonderful and abundant, even if it is not so, and as you see your world this way, it becomes so. In fact, once you get your mind to agree that abundance is natural and that there will always be enough, you'll begin to see your finances shifting.

Copyright 2008 Pat Altvater
To find out more about releasing limiting beliefs, read Journey to WOW - Ignite the Power Within,

Have You Evaluated Your Referral Relationships Lately?

Hello Monday Morning Motivator Readers,

This week's referral marketing scenario was written by one of my colleagues at Referral Institute, Glenna Smith. It's about two long term referral partners that aren't willing to have a difficult conversation to overcome obstacles and move forward in their relationship. Is this you?

Recently, I was working with a business owner, Rob, who had a referral relationship that had gone sour. Rob and Phillip had been active referral partners for the past couple of years. They were more than business associates; they were friends.

When I asked him, "What happened?" Rob shared that he and Phillip had a client in common. Rob had advised the client against refinancing a home in order to buy a new car. Phillip ended up doing the refinance anyway. Rob felt that the client's best interests had not been served and decided that he was no longer going to refer any more business to Phillip. He didn't feel Phillip could be trusted.

Then I asked Rob, "What did Phillip say when you spoke to him about your concerns?" Rob told me and that he'd never discussed the issue with Phillip and that six months had passed since the transaction!

This was surprising to me because they still work in the same business circles and see each other almost weekly. Phillip had no idea about Rob's feelings or his decision to no longer refer business to him.

I have learned that the phenomenon of "avoiding" an uncomfortable discussion with a referral partner is very common.

I know Rob wants to have strong business relationships in which quality referrals are continually given and received. The problem is that if he is not able to have those (sometimes) tough conversations with any of his referral partners, he will never see those important business relationships deepen.

Here are some tips to help you evaluate your business relationships:

1. Meet regularly (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly). These meetings should have purpose and focus but that does not mean that you cannot enjoy yourselves.

2. Set the ground rules at the beginning of the relationship. How will problems be handled? If ground rules were never established, set them now.

3. Discuss Business Expectations. Periodically ask each other if expectations of the business relationship are being met and how those expectations can be exceeded.

4. Be Diplomatic when you do have those uncomfortable conversations. Stay focused on resolving the issue.

5. Remember to Thank your Referral Partner either with a call, a card, or even a thoughtful gift.

In order to "Avoid Avoiding" those sometimes tough situations with your referral partners, remember the importance of evaluating your business relationships and facing those difficult conversations. Show them that you care enough to work through the issues to make the relationship more meaningful and more profitable!

Have you evaluated your referral relationships lately?

Glenna E. Smith is the owner of the Referral Institute of Nevada and works strictly by referral. She is a passionate writer, speaker, and facilitator that specializes in referral marketing. Glenna can be reached at .

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. You can connect with Paula at or .

To Do This Week
Start small - sort a closet.
Enjoy a wonderful week.

Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sort - Market - Workaholic - Referrals

Monday Morning Motivators – September 1, 2008
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and unsubscribing at

“God give me work, till my life shall end and life, till my work is done.”
--Epitaph of Winifred Holtby

Table of Contents
1. 5S Review - Linda Fayerweather
2. Professional Develop will keep you FRESH - Rebecca Booth
3. Workaholic? - Pat Altvater
4. Referrals shouldn’t be Lonely - Paula Frazier
5. To Do This Week
6. Fine Print

1. 5S Review
Today is a three marker day! It marks the beginning of September; in many minds it is the last day of summer; and it is Labor Day in the United States. At the end of a season, process or event many of us like to start with a fresh slate. I usually look to Lean and the 5S as a way to clear out the old and get the new going. Use these five simple steps as a method to tackle that messy desk.
1. Sort out what is needed and what is not. When in doubt –throw it out
2. Simplify – keep everything that is needed in an orderly easily accessible fashion
3. Sweep and clean everything focusing on sources of disarray
4. Make Standards so that “stuff” out of place is obvious
5. Sustain the process with Self-discipline

If you would like a pocket guide to 5S, Please email your Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code to

Copyright 2008 Linda Fayerweather
Storm the Barn with New Ideas
Changing Lanes LLC

2. Professional Development Key to Keeping Your Attitude FRESH!
There’s probably no better way to ignite your business than by attending a workshop, convention or seminar. Not only does it give you an excuse to get out of the office, but if you’re open it you’ll learn something new and make valuable contacts with others. You can take classes on time management, lean manufacturing and marketing among other things. Each with the simple goal of helping you build a stronger business.

One of the best opportunities for taking your business to the next level is the WEN Peak Performance Clinic which is happening in NW Ohio on September 26. This clinic is different than a “talking head” type seminar or workshop. It’s an event where you’re expected to roll up your shirtsleeves and get some major planning done. E-Myth Certified Instructor, Jeffery Lawrence is the clinic leader and seating is limited to only 100 business owners.

When you’re assessing professional development opportunities for yourself or others, look at what you expect to gain from the event. Is it motivational in nature or is it more of a clinic where you’re actually receiving face-to-face time with a professional business consultant who teaches you new things and expects you to apply it to your business.

Whatever your needs, here are some websites you can use to “shop” for the perfect seminar for you:

The key is to take action. Sign up for a class today!

Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!
Celebrating 10 years of delivering results for our clients.

3. Workaholic?
Do you work too many hours and sometimes resent it?
Is your spiritual, social, and marital life suffering?
If you answered YES, it could be that your life is out of balance.

Labor Day is a perfect day to examine where you spend your time and how you feel about it. There's that old saying that no one ever said on his or her deathbed, "Gee, I wish I'd put more time in at the office." However, for many of us building a sustainable business, the office has a tendency to take over our lives, leaving us out of focus and out of balance.

Here are a few things you can do to feel more balanced:
1. Get perspective. Putting your life, family and career, into perspective will give you more focus and assist you in making choices for how to spend your time.

2. Visualize your perfectly balanced day. Find a quiet place and ask yourself what your perfect day would look like? Be very specific. What are you doing, feeling, experiencing. Then each day, intend that your day will be exactly as you visualized it would be.

3. Maintain an appreciation of yourself and your life. Appreciating and savoring the good events in your life can build reserves that you can draw upon during stressful times. Instead of moving on automatically to the next thing on your list, savor the moments of completion and accomplishment.

These three strategies will help you feel more in control of your life, which always leads to more balance.

Pat Altvater
Author, Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within

4. Referrals shouldn’t be Lonely
In referral marketing you are never alone - there’s you, your referral partner and the person they’re referring you to. I find a lot of comfort in that. I also know that it takes all three components working in harmony to make it happen.

You know that there are folks out there that would benefit from your products and services. That’s where referral partners enter the equation. Your referral network must be an active community of committed connectors; people willing to genuinely listen to the people they’re in relationship with and take action on your behalf.

So let’s build a referral network! It’s a matter of getting out, meeting new people (admittedly the right new people), strategically building credible relationships over time and then educating and developing them as referral sources. It’s not quite as easy as it sounds!

I used to say that building your business by referral isn’t rocket science. Okay – it’s not “rocket science” but I’ve come to believe that it is a science. Hazel Walker is a leader in the referral marketing industry. She taught me that “networking is an art and referral marketing IS a science”. Now that makes complete sense.

That being said, I have a huge concern regarding business owners and their marketing endeavors! When I ask them how much they’re investing in traditional advertising and public relations activities, they often tell me “not much” or “none”. Those that are making concerted cold calling efforts admit that they’re experiencing about a 1% return. What’s left? Referrals. Something to keep in mind as you build your referral network is that it should not involve an investment of large sums of money from you or your referral partners. It will however require that you share (with one another) one of your most precious, limited resources – TIME.

What does that mean? The majority of small business owners seem to be relying heavily on referrals but they’re not investing in learning the science of referrals! They’re literally waiting for referrals to magically materialize rather than proactively, purposefully making them happen.

What are you going to do to move your referral marketing efforts into the 21st century and to get out of your cave before your business becomes extinct?!?

Copyright 2008 Paula Frazier is a referral marketing trainer, coach, consultant and keynote speaker. She is an Executive Director for BNI and part of a select team of Master Trainers for Referral Institute. To learn more about the science of referrals contact Paula at or .

5. To Do This Week
Practice retrieving a file from your computer system’s backup.