Monday, September 24, 2007

Wrenches - Sales - Time

Monday Morning Motivators – September 24, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and Unsubscribing at

“A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop.”
--Robert Hughes

Table of Contents
1. Where Are Your Allen Wrenches? – Linda Fayerweather
2. The Power is in Your Hands Rule Two - Rebecca Booth
3. Can’t Find 30 Minutes? – Pat Altvater
4. To Do This Week
5. Fine Print

1. Where Are Your Allen Wrenches?
This weekend my son moved to his new home and since it is just blocks away; my house was a great location for food, drinks, and tools. Several times during the weekend, I was asked for tools and in 5 seconds or less I was able locate them.

Now, I don’t have a large toolbox, in fact it is smaller than many women’s purses. My son gave it to me several years ago and it has a molded shape for each tool so you know visually what has been lost, stolen or strayed even if the name eludes you. At that time, he was with the Air National Guard (ANG) as an F16 avionics technician. He explained to me that all the ANG toolboxes are designed so the tech quickly sees that NO tools are left behind in the guts of a jet. That is LEAN.

Back to the move, finds my husband unable to locate his Allen wrenches; he asked if I had any. I looked puzzled and said “Are those the “L” shaped things?” Yes they are and I gave him two sets from their form fitted location – one set metric and one English.

Keeping track of anything requires a system so you don’t have to remember where each thing is but the place where like objects are kept. Saves brain time for more important tasks like playing with my grandson – that was my job this weekend. And the Allen wrenches were returned!

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. In Sales: The Power is in Your Hands – Rule 2 or 4
Last week we discussed finding an equal footing between our salespeople and potential prospects. This week we continue learning Bob Beck’s rules for sales success:

Rule #2
Emphasize the value you’re bringing to the table.
Many sales reps lose their credibility to apologizing for the interruption and even for their product and wind up begging for the business. The savviest of customers can smell this fear and will use it to their advantage. But salespeople beware! Rather than taking a back seat to this fear-sniffing prospect, be bold. That prospect has a problem to solve. And your product can do just that! Never before have decision makers been so under the gun to solve problems and create new growth. At the same time, they are stretched to their limits with time and money. While they don’t have time to visit with cookie-cutter, product-focused sales reports, they always have time for someone who has the answers to their problems!

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Can’t find 30 Minutes?
If you find it difficult to exercise for 30 minutes or more each day, instead try doing 10 minutes of brisk exercise three times a day. The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association updated their Physical Activity Guidelines in August 2007. One new guideline is that for moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, it is OK to break up your 30 minute workout into 10 minute segments. What a great break from your daily activities, morning, noon and night. It’s easy on the knees and could be considered the ultimate health enhancer.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. To Do This Week
Network with a banker!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Whining - Walking - Selling

Monday Morning Motivators – September 17, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and Unsubscribing at

“Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems.”
--Anthony J. D'Angelo

Table of Contents
1. Need Some Cheese & Crackers with that Whine? – Linda Fayerweather
2. The Power is in Your Hands Rule One - Rebecca Booth
3. Walking towards Health – Pat Altvater
4. To Do This Week
5. Fine Print

1. Need Some Cheese & Crackers with that Whine?
If you are not working ON your business at least 5 hours a week, then maybe on your way home tonight you will want to pick up some cheese and crackers so when you “whine” you won’t be doing it on an empty stomach. In Michael Gerber’s E-Myth Revisited as entrepreneurs, we are reminded to work ON our business and not IN our business. In reality, the business owner with less than 15 employees will often not have the luxury to spend all her time ON the business. Here are some questions to start your thinking beyond the day to day work:

1. When will you spend 3 hours planning weekly? Is it scheduled?
2. What can you do this week to create a better tomorrow?
3. What core competencies do your employees posses which can be leveraged to affect sales growth?
4. What is the number one bottleneck in your business that is holding back growth of sales, profit or both?
5. If you had to price everything your employees and you do on an invoice for your customer, how many of these items would your customer recognize as value-added?

Carving out some time each week to plan and reflect will lead to a better tomorrow and maybe a celebration with wine and not whine.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. In Sales: The Power is in Your Hands – Rule 1 or 4
Bob Beck, CEO of Sales Builders, Inc. believes the sales person and the customer are equals. In order to keep you on an equal level with the decision make, Beck offers four strategies for success.

Rule #1:
Reframe apparent weaknesses into real strengths. Many people think you need to acquiesce because the client hasn’t heard of your company before. Here are a few responses to gaining that equality:
“If nobody has ever heard of my firm, they can’t have negative preconceptions.”
“We may be new, but we have something different to offer.”
“Yes, we’re a small company, but the truth is we don’t have a bureaucracy to weigh us down.”

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Walking towards Health
Walking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Research shows that a regular walking regimen decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and even cognitive decline. In addition, may people who walk regularly report less stress, better sleep, more energy and a sense of empowerment from taking an active role in their health. If you want to walk for exercise but tend to procrastinate, start a walking club in your neighborhood; the rewards will pay off in more ways that you can imagine.

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater

Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. To Do This Week
Don’t confuse Memos with Reality.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Change - Sales - Creating

Monday Morning Motivators – September 10, 2007
Enjoy your java with an eclectic collection of tips and ideas to use today and to get energized for the week ahead. Subscribing and Unsubscribing at

"As far as I'm concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue.”
--Albert Einstein

Table of Contents
1. Change Happens – Linda Fayerweather
2. The Power is in Your Hands - Rebecca Booth
3. Creating a Life that Works – Pat Altvater
4. To Do This Week
5. Fine Print

1. Change Happens
After writing for Monday Morning Motivators for 8 years, John Meyer, our networking coach, will be taking a leave. He continues to take on more responsibilities with BNI in the USA. Thank you, John for all your great tips.

With that said, let me introduce, Pat Altvater. Pat has a remarkable career starting as a CPA, using that expertise to sell software, opening 10 Curves stores and now becoming a certified attraction coach concentrating on helping people attract their perfect body. Welcome, Pat.

Change is always happening and businesses have finite resources. Small companies may achieve competitive advantage by focusing on a few well-planned products or services. Specialization can help you create a business receptive to new opportunities and quick to respond when the economy shifts. Resource dilution is a sure prescription for mediocrity.

Copyright 2007 Linda Fayerweather
Changing Lanes LLC

2. In Sales: The Power is in Your Hands – Part 1 of 4
Many salespeople think that they’re not in the driver’s seat when it comes to closing a sale because the client has the economic power. So, they wrongly put themselves in a subservient position when calling on a client. Nothing could be further from the truth! Bob Beck, CEO of Sales Builders, Inc. believes the sales person and the customer are equals. In order to keep you on an equal level with the decision make, Beck offers four strategies for success.

Copyright 2007 Rebecca Booth
Marketing Goddess
Imagine That!

3. Creating a Life that Works
Successful weight reduction is not about finding a diet that works but about creating a life that works! That means addressing everything from time management to nutrition to exercise to body image and relationships. Sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it? It’s not if you just work on one simple change at a time. Try adding an additional 10 – 15 minutes of daily exercise into your routine this week. You could take a quick walk around the block, dance for 10 minutes to your favorite tunes, jump rope, ride a bike, roller blade; do something FUN, it won’t feel like exercise!

Copyright 2007 Patricia Altvater
Transformations Institute
Author, Journey to Health 12-Month Total Transformation Program

4. To Do This Week

Clean out your desk drawers.